“You seem to be in a good mood.” Beth examines my face in a very curious way. I smiled at her widely, wide enough to show my small white teeth.
“Can’t I be happy?” I questioned as I slam the door of my locker after taking my history book.
She pats my shoulder, “Of course you should be happy. It’s just that, the way you look right now is very unlikely and I wanted to know what’s the meaning behind it.”
I grinned, “Let’s just attend our history class and the thing about me later.”
She eyed at me weirdly, “Can you just say it now as we walk to our next class?”
I stick my tongue out and pretended that I didn’t heard what she had asked me.
“That was easy.” Ryan sits down at the chair in front of me. We’re in the cafeteria, taking our lunch break. It was only I and Beth that is seated on the table that we usually share until Ryan comes along with an expression that I couldn’t even depicter.