.8.A Hard Man's Tears.

"She didn't tell me she had a brother, and he wasn't at the party," I thought.

Rahma's was the biggest hotel in Taiwo's drive There had always been stories and rumors about the owner and meeting her was a revelation that most of them were true.

"Hey, Kid," Sanusi's voice broke my line of thought.

"I didn't thank you and your crazy brother for saving my life, so thanks, I owe you one. Welcome to the family," he patted me on the shoulder as we got into the car.

There were three cars, Bammy, Sanusi, Chuks, Kaz and I were in the same car, and the rest of the men were in two other cars. Kazeem seemed lost in his own thoughts, he said nothing to nobody, not even me.

The cars pulled up in front of Rahma's and everybody got out. The hotel was massive, one of the biggest even back then.

"Let's get you boys brought into the family properly! The old guys have all that voodoo, juju shit, but we got our own thing too," Bammy explained as we made our way through the hotel.

"A man in a suit rushed down to meet us. He bowed his head in greeting when he saw Bammy. Welcome to Rahma's Mr. Sarumky. The normal place has already been prepared for you and the gentlemen,"

"Hello, manager. It's been a while huhn? Is Shadae still here?" Bammy asked with a smile.

"Of course, sir. Madame Shadae is still with us. I'll have her meet you shortly. And please whatever you or any of the men needs, just ask and it shall be provided."

We took the elevator to the topmost part of the hotel. The whole first floor of the hotel was vacated, and the guests were relocated to lower floors to accommodate us.

"Welcome to a life of prosperity, boys. You stick with the family, do whatever you're told to do, and most importantly...be fucking loyal. Do that and you'll get everything you've ever dreamed of. You mess up on the other hand and you end up dead," Bammy blurted.

He unbuttoned his jacket, removed his wristwatch, started rolling the sleeves of his shirt, and all the other guys did the same and form into two lines, each containing at least six men. They stood facing one another and the space between them formed a kind of tunnel.

"Now you boys have to get from one end of the tunnel to the other. On the side, you stand now is your old life all your troubles, families, friends, and other bullshit.

"On the other side, that's your new life, your new family, which is us, and all the good things you can ever imagine, but in between these some obstacles would fuck you up!

"Now begin your journey, boys!" Sammy blurted, pointing his hand at the tunnel.

The task was to get through the tunnel made by the men while they landed blows on us and we did, Chuks was in fact enjoying himself but I, on the other hand, did not at all like getting punched in the face but I managed to he through the tunnel right behind him.

Bammy grabbed the two of us, and hugged us tightly, soaking his expensive shirt with blood from both our faces. "Welcome, brothers. Welcome, men. Now you are no longer outsiders, nor are you boys. You are men. Our men."

All the men who had earlier treated our faces like punching bags embraced us one after the other, smiling widely and occasionally murmured "welcome, brothers."

Sanusi stood from where he sat with Kaz, showing no interest in all the activities. He picked up two bottles of beer and gave one to me and the other to Chuks. Chuks instantly opened the beer and started gulping it like someone who had been thirsty for weeks.

"I've never taken beer before," I murmured.

"Well, this is an opportunity for you to start, because you are surely gonna need it."

Kazeem kept staring from where he sat and I joined him where he sat. He grabbed my shoulder and ruffled my hair with his hands, finally forcing a smile.

"You're a man now, little brother."

The shouting and drinking were interrupted when Madame Shadae and her girls entered the room. She was a tall and very beautiful woman, oh she was. Every step she took was followed by bouncing and jiggling of her large breasts and this caused all the men in the room to stare with wild excitement in their eyes.

"Hello, Bammy. Long time no see," she said, smiling like an angel.

"Hello, Shadae, I know. I only just got back from overseas, thought I needed a break from it all, but there is no place like home as the saying goes," he hugged her tightly, and their body remained touching for what seemed like a long while.

"Well, we're glad to have you back, Mr. Sarumki," she chuckled.

"I am glad to be back, baby. Now, what do you have for my men?"

"See for yourselves," she stretched her hands and all the girls started forming a line. This was followed by screaming and excitement from the men and just like in a market, they started making their choices.

Chuks wanted to stand up but a stare from Kaz made him slowly sink back into his seat. We sat there, the three of us as the men chose their girls and disappeared into their rooms. It wasn't long before it remained the three of us, Bammy, Shadae, and Sanusi. "You are a guy with a code and I respect that, Kazeem, but boys grow very fast in this our world. Your brothers are now men. I sense you do not approve but you have no choice, all you can do now is to help them grow so that they can survive," Bammy said.

"Oh and I plan to do just that, Bammy," Kaz replied.

"I expect nothing less from the butcher," Bammy murmured as he turned to leave, Shadae in his arms. Sanusi followed behind him.

The whole room was silent for a moment. The two of us sat staring into space, avoiding Kaz's piercing gaze.

"Well, I never wanted this life for you but you found a way to get yourself into it anyway," Kaz finally spoke.

"What the hell? That is some bullshit right there Kaz! You had me doing collections with Chuks and you never wanted..." I snapped.

Yeah, I only did that just to throw my boss off your ass! After the issue with those kids from your school, he wanted you to join the gang."

"Well, then you are a fucking hypocrite! You have Chuks doing all that crazy shit but you were keeping me out? He is our brother too, isn't he?"

"Chuks was already in the street before I found him, the only thing he knows is how to steal, and how to kill. You on the other hand you are smart, you're fucking brilliant! I wanted you to be more! Senator Badur, Governor Badur, maybe an accountant or something. I wanted you to be something respectable and honest, not this, not me!"

Chuks sat there smoking cigarettes, paying no attention to the whole scene. We both got quiet for a moment. He walked to the large glass windows and opened them, letting in the cold night breeze. He stared into the street.

"These streets ain't for you, little brother. You are a kind-hearted person and these people you're about to start dealing with only understand violence, they'll see your kindness as weakness. I thought I did all the unspeakable things I did to shield you and the twins from this life but I failed," Kaz said as tears stream from his eyes.

I walked up to him and grabbed him, he quickly hugged me tightly. "I love you too, Kaz. I'm going to be fine, and if these people fuck with me, then I'll let them know what a crazy bastard my brother is," I whispered into his ears.

We were interrupted by the flash of a phone camera and we both turned our faces towards Chuks who held his phone taking our pictures as he smiled from ear to ear like a child.

"Chuks, you better delete that fucking picture right now!" Kaz roared.

"You are crazy, Chuks," I mumbled, laughing loudly.

"Well, welcome to the family, boys. Tomorrow...your training days start, Kaz, said as he left for his room.