Blood On My Hands.

Still in my teen years and I already got blood on my hands. I tried not to think about it so much but every time I let my mind wander, the thoughts crept into my mind. I started seeing faces, at first, I recognized these faces. I recognized their last stares, how scared they were. They were the faces of men I had shot dead, I started having nightmares, once the nightmares started they never stopped, not even now. Then the faces got so much I stopped recognizing them. If salvation was a thing I knew I was well past it, so I stopped hoping for it and started doing everything and anything it takes for me to survive and keep my family safe as possible. In this life, in Harmony city, you are never really safe.

The following weeks after Fani and his crew was found dead in the desert, the war got tenser. Fakunle went on a rampage, taking a shot at everything and everyone affiliated with the Sarumky family while looking for me and Chuks.

Killing Fani earned us more respect, so we had family protection. Not that we really needed it, Kaz and Amin already had their people guarding us. We got so much recognition that Bammy Sarumky even came to check on us at the hospital. A section of Dr. Frank's hospital was sealed off, crawling with gang members armed to the teeth. Fakunle was crazy, and I couldn't blame him. He only had two children, Fani, and his sister Faozy. Faaozy died a year before, and Fani... Well, we know what happened to Fani. I would not have changed what we did to the man's son if given another chance, it was either him or us, but I could understand his rage. He lost his two children, that would make me bad shit crazy and out for blood too.

Chuks was out for days, and it felt like the first time I saw him sleeping. He looked at peace in that hospital bed, not struggling or staring into space, his eyes catching everything that goes on around him like always.

"You might have saved your brother's life when you pressed that shirt onto his wound, kid. He is one hell of a fighter too. He lost a lot of blood, he lost so much blood I think he must have an angel on his side or a second life to have survived," Dr. Frank smiled.

Kaz never left the hospital, he never left to do anything. He just sat there with his hand on his pistol.

"Man you like dwellers from those old wild west movies," I whispered.

"I should beat your ass you know that?" he replied.

"Gave you a good scare, didn't we? Got Fani Fakunle and his crew while at it."

"Yeah, poor kid," Kaz suddenly looked unhappy.

"If I didn't know better, I would say you pity the guy, Kaz."

"Yeah, he was a good kid, he didn't even want anything to do with his father's business until that fool, Bammy raped and killed his sister!"

"Bammy did what?"

"Yeah, that's what started this war in the first place. Fakunle wanted revenge, he asked the council to intervene but Sarumky has the whole council under his fingers. Fakunle only wanted justice, and now his son is dead too."

"Why didn't you tell me all this before, Kaz? Would it have changed anything? We're just in this, kid. We don't call the shots. The war ends when either of the family dies, we fight for the Sarumky's and that's it."

The guilt of killing Fani hits me for the first time, and Kaz could see it written all over my face.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, kid. It was either going to be you or him," he placed his hand on my leg.

The door swung open and Billy walked in looking nervous. I knew something was wrong right away and Kaz could see it too.

"This location has been compromised, Kaz. We have to get them out of here, I got tipped off that this we're about to be hit hard," he explained.

He had already sent one of his guys to go get doctor Frank. The doctor was brought into the room, sweating profusely.

"What is the matter, gentlemen?" he asked.

"You need to prepare these two for transport, doctor. Some really bad guys are about to come looking for them here," Billy replied.

"I wouldn't advise you to move Chuks in this state, it could kill him," the doctor argued.

"You're going to make sure that doesn't happen, Frank! You're coming too. Now unhook them from those fucking machines, we haven't got much time."

Kaz kept staring at his boss and didn't utter a word while all these went on. They had been together for a long while, he must have figured him out too, something was wrong, something really had him scared, and men like Billy don't scare easily until you really got your hands on their throats.

One of the men came in to whisper in Billy's ears and he headed for the door. Kaz quickly stood up from his seat and came closer to me, he bent over, his mouth touching my ear, then he whispered very gently and quietly.

"Something is wrong, kid. Billy is not here to take us to safety. Act normal, brother. I have a plan," he narrated his plan to me as quietly as possible.

"What the hell are you guys doing," Samson's voice interrupted us.

Kaz stood up and grabbed Samson's hand then repeated what he had done before, whispering something in his ear too. Samson turned and left the room immediately.

Billy rushed back into the room, looking more worried than before. He went directly to the doctor who was still prepping Chuks ready to be moved.

"What the hell are you still doing, Frank? We haven't got all day!" he shouted at the doctor.

"I am going as fast as I could, sir."

"Come on, Billy. Calm down a bit," Kaz cuts in.

"Shut the fuck up, Kaz! Don't tell me what to do, we wouldn't be in this mess if not for your fucking brothers killing Fakunle's son!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Billy? What the hell are you really trying to do here?"

"I am handing your fucking brothers to Mr. Fakunle, Kaz. I have to," he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Kaz.

"What are you doing, boss?" Kaz asked.

"They got my kid, Kaz. They're going to kill her if I don't deliver these two to them."

"Come on, man! They are going to kill us all anyway!" Kaz screeched.

"Don't try to stop me, Kid. I will kill you."

"You know me, boss. That is my family you're messing with, and I can't let you do that," Kaz turned to me, stared for a moment, and then winked.

I suddenly pulled out the pistol he had earlier slipped under my cover cloth and fired the gun. I continued pulling the trigger until there were no more bullets left and I could hear the clicking sound of the empty gun. Billy fell violently, knocking everything beside him over.

I was afraid that his men would come in and see what had happened, but then I heard gunshots outside. The door then flung open and Samson came in.

"It's done, boss, he said and walked out of the room."

"How the hell are we going to explain this to the family, Kaz?"I asked.

"He turned on us, we did what had to be done. Don't worry about all that now, I've arranged with a friend of mine in Zarratown, you're going to stay with them till you get better."

"What are you talking about, Kaz? I don't know anybody in Zarratown!"

"Don't worry, they'll take care of you," Kaz said as he opened the door and turbaned men brandishing Ak 47 assault rifles walked into the room. The whole of their faces was covered except for their eyes. They had large sheathed machetes dangling from their waists.

"These men are the Alsaebun, A man known as the Alhaj is their leader and he owes me. He runs Zarratown, and you're going to be safe with them until I work things out over here," Kaz explained.

I had heard about the Alsaebun before then but I never really thought I would have anything to do with them. The stories portrayed them as crazy savages and that was no fucking lie.