An Agreement Made In The Dessert.

On the way back to the mansion the Alhaj explained how he had been trying to expand his cocaine business into Harmony City because of the seaport which would make his business easier and more profitable.

"The council continues to block my expansion even though I had toasted them for years. Your brother was going to open the gate for me but he cannot do that right now, and I am out of patience," he explained.

"An expansion now would put me and my brother in more trouble, Alhaj. The council would see it as another betrayal. I don't think I understand what you're asking me to do here."

"I am asking you to wake up, kid. Your brother saw your bosses for what they really are, and he was ready to finally do something for himself. You have two choices in this life, kid. You can either be the grunt or be the fucking general!