1: Missing


I was walking out of Campus to supposedly buy a cigarette when I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I stopped for a moment to check it and realized, it's my Mom calling.

“Hello? Mom?”

“Where are you?”


“At school,” I replied, confuse.

She knows it so why is she asking? And her tone? Something is odd.

“Come back home. Now.”

“Is there any problem, Mom?”

What’s with the rush? Something must be going on and I hate the fuck that it’s already making me nervous for some reason. Come on. I donʼt even know whatʼs happening yet. Calm your ass, Aze.

“Just go home immediately.”

I can even clearly heard the slight shivering in her voice which is very new to me. I never heard this kind of tone from Mom.

“Be fast, okay?”

“O-Okay.” Unconsciously, I started running. “But are you okay, Mom?” I asked as I am waiting for a taxi.

I just become more nervous when Mom fell silent. I even thought the call has already ended but when I checked it, it's still going, making me paranoid.

“Hello? M-Ma? Ma?!” Shit!

I was almost run over by a taxi when I blocked it myself just so I could quickly get into the car. I didn’t mind the Driver nagging at all and just quickly told him our address.

“Hello, M-Mom? Donʼt scare me like this! Answer me. P–Please! M-Mom..”

I no longer knew how fast my heart was beating when I heard a deep sigh from the other line.

“I'm fine, Son. Just go home. I have something to tell you.”

It was only then that I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that sheʼs are at least fine.

“Why do you have to be silent? Y-You made me nervous!!”

“I-Im sorry..”

I just sighed out of it. “I'm already in the car. I'm close to home.”

“Okay. Take care, I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

The Campus is not that far from home so it only took me about 20 minutes before I finally got home.

“What are we going to do now? What if they tracked us down?”

I was stunned to walk when I heard Momʼs nervous voice. I just entered the house, Dad and Mom are in the living room. They didn’t seem to notice me yet because they were so serious and busy with whatever theyʼre talking about.

“Calm down, Hon. I know someone will protect us. They wonʼt just let them hurt him—”

“Dad..” They seem so shocked in my presence as if I am a ghost. “Whatʼs the problem? Who is looking for us?” Not minding their reactions, I asked.

“H-How long have you been there, Son?” Instead of answering, Dad gave me another question. Although I am just as confused as them because of the situation, I immediately shook my head as an answer.

“I just arrived. What exactly is happening?”

My eyes immediately focused on my Mom as I noticed her wet eyes and quickly run towards her. “Who made you cry?” I asked with my jaw clenched, tryin’ to avoid the anger that slowly creeping in me. There are only two things I hate the most. Being betrayed and seeing my loved ones crying. These two things really never fail to anger the shit out of me.

Mom didn’t even say a word. She just gently caresses my cheek with her eyes full of indescribable emotions. Seriously? What the heck on earth is happening? It sucks to be as clueless as I am right now. I donʼt like this kind of feeling.

“Mom.. Answer me. What’s really happening? I donʼt understand a thing. I'm so confused and I hate it.”

I felt that I can’t get an answer from Mom so I look at Dad, instead. “Dad?”

Although he seems to have a hard time, he just sighed it off and spoke. “We always remind you about our lives being in danger at any moment, right?”

“Yes. What about it?” I frown. “Are we in danger right now?”

Mom looks away, while Dad nodded. I swallowed as my throat suddenly felt dry, anxious about what I just heard.

“These past few days, we often received threats and it's becoming more and more serious as the day goes by, Ijho.”

“Have you reported this to the Police, Dad?”

“Yes. But I think police can no longer protect us. Our enemies are not ordinary people, Azex. They are also powerful and worst some are even stronger than us.”

“S-So what should we do?” Mom and Dad stared at each other and through the way they look like, I already know I wouldn’t like what I'll hear from them.

“We are thinking of sending you to America. In your grandmaʼs house.”

“What?!” I knew it. I couldn’t believe this. “No way. Thereʼs no freakin’ way Iʼll go to America!!”

Mom glared at me but I couldn’t care anymore

“Don’t be stubborn and listen to us, Azex. You are not safe here, can’t you understand?”

I chuckled, full of bitterness as I can no longer believe what I am hearing. This is really unbelievable. “I understand that you’re worried about me but the thing that I have to migrate just because of those fucking enemies that I don’t even know is what I can’t understand. And I will never understand!!” I burst as I could no longer control myself. “You taught me tons of defense ways, even on using lots of deadly weapons just so I could protect myself because you said, I will need it when the time comes. But what are you guys saying today? Sending me to America? Really?” I laughed in disbelief. “Don’t you trust me at all? Do you think Iʼll be a burden to both of you? Can’t I protect myself? Is that it?” I asked full of bitterness.

Momʼs face softened. “That’s not what we mean, we’re just really worried about you. Please understand, Ijho..” Her voice is very heartwarming but I'm not her son for nothing. I know her very well. Sheʼs just trying to coax me into listening to them. And it's a NO for me!! Hell, freaking no!!

“No!!” I said with finalization in my tone. I left them and went straight to my room. Dad is still shouting my name as I am walking away but I am so annoyed that I didn’t even bother to look at them again. I know threats isnʼt a fucking joke but they canʼt force me to migrate to America just because of that. Thatʼs absurd! They taught me how to protect myself yet they wouldn’t let me use it when needed? Am I a joke to them? Tsk. I really canʼt believe this. Also, I never think running can solve anything not to mention a situation like this. We must face it.

The next day when I woke up, I didn’t see Mom and Dad at home, anymore. They probably at work already so I just shrugged it off and go to school. As soon as I parked my car in the school parking lot, I went straight to our usual spot. I transfer Jerard’s bag from the chair to the table so I could sit in the seat.

“You seem not in the mood. What happened?” Johnmer asked as I sat down.

I took out my vape from my bag and took suction from it before answering. “Mom and Dad want to send mo to America.” I easily caught everyone’s attention. They frowned at what they heard.

“Why, Dude? Did something happened?” Jeff asked as he sat down next to me.

“I donʼt want to talk about it.”

Everyone fell silent after I said that. They indeed know me. Well, theyʼre not my friends for nothing. They know when should they talk and when they shouldn’t. We were silent for a few minutes before everyone’s attention turned to Erynn caused by the sudden ringing on his phone.

“Hello, Mom? Why did you call—What?!” At first, he seems just fine but he suddenly becomes anxious. He even stood up in shock. We were confused by him and his tone but could not ask anymore as he quickly took away his belongings scattered on the table. “I’m going there!” And suddenly runs away without even saying a word as if he has forgotten that we are still with him.

“Whatʼs wrong with him?” I frowned at the whole group and we seem to have the same reactions. Confuse. We canʼt get an answer as we are all clueless so we just shrugged it off.

“Seems like, it’s a month of misfortune today, huh.”

We once again fell in silence and that silence was only broken when Jules arrived who was still panting. As if he just finished running. “Y-Yow. You guys are already here.”

“Yea and youʼre late. Where have you been and why youʼre gasping like that?” Zeke asked.

“Donʼt even ask, Dude. Another fucking gay chased me again. Those mother fuckers canʼt really stop pestering me, damn it!”

“Donʼt you like it? Youʼll has easy money.” Zeke smirked as he teases Jules making him glares at him. However, the atmosphere won't gradually lighten if not because of Jules the certified Gays magnet, anyway.

“Fuck you. I can fucking feed them money, myself. I have tons of it, I donʼt need more. Those violent gays.. aghrrr!! Theyʼre freaking getting into my nerves.”

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Even Jerard, whoʼs sitting in front of me, could hardly breathe just like me. He likes women but he always ends up being fascinated by gay people. Badluck seems really hitting on him, huh.

We were in the middle of teasing Jules when Mikey and Shandelle arrived. Both panting and sweating profusely.

“G-Guys, Erynn..” Shandelle canʼt even finish her words. They immediately approach them as they seem so anxious. I just remain sitting.

“What happened?”

“Uncle, c–called me and—” Shandelle canʼt speak continuously as she is out of breath. Seems like they ran a long way.

“Whose Uncle?”

“U-Uncle R-Ryce!”

I frowned. It's Erynnʼs Dad. “What did he said?”

“A–Aunt Jayce i-is missing and now they canʼt also c–contact Erynn!!”

“What?!” I suddenly stood up in shock. “W-What the heck. A-Are you sure?”


“How can that be possible? He just left. He was even talking to Aunt— oh shit! Is that why he was anxious?” Jerard quickly took out his phone to call who knows, who.

“Are you guys, really sure?” I turned my attention to Mikey because Shandelle is already crying.

She nodded at me. “We were about to enter the gate when Uncle Ryce called and told us not to send Erynn out of school no matter what. At first, we were just confused, so we asked why but Uncle no longer managed to answer us when someone suddenly came, It was a policeman, well at least according to what I heard in the background then that’s it. The call died. ”


“And only about 10 minutes later, Uncle called again. He said that someone allegedly abducted Aunt Jayce and now Erynn is also being held by those abductors. Uncle thinks they are his enemies in business and intends to use his mother and son against him. ”

“Aghrrr. Pick up the phone!!” Its Jerard.

“Who are you calling?” Ivan, approach him.

“I'm calling Erynn.”

“Are you nuts? How can he answer when heʼs abducted?” Zeke annoyed, stated.

I just closed my eyes out of frustration when they glare at each other. There is already a problem yet theyʼre still adding up.

“Are you being sarcastic on me?”

“Is it obvious?”

Luckily, Jerard just ignored Zeke and put his attention to his phone again. He typed some number on it and after a couple of rings, someone quickly answered. “Hello, it's me. Yea the younger Son of Mr. And Mrs. Reyes— shut the fuck up and just listen to me— hell no! Listen Ms. Secretary— I will send you an address and tell my Father to send his men there to help Mr. Urbano— fuck! I donʼt fucking care if heʼs in the middle of a fucking meeting! Do what Iʼve said and tell him that this is a fucking urgent, now!” He just threw his cellphone on the table after he dropped the call.

“Letʼs go.” Everyone looks at me when I said that.

“Where are we going?”

“Where else? Of course to find our friend.”

“W-Wait? Where can we find him—

“Tara na Azex.” Let's go Azex. Jules wanted to ask more questions but Jerard cut him off immediately. Jerard initiated walking out, I followed and so the others. We were about to leave when someone suddenly appeared in front of us.

“Who the hell are you?” A bulk of a man covered with a black mask is now blocking our path. I suddenly felt an inexplicable nervousness as I stared at it.

“We don’t fucking have time for you. Get out of our way!” Its Zeke.

At first, Heʼs just plainly looking at us but by just a snap, his eyes become sharp, and heʼs already glaring. There’s something in his cold intimidating eyes that I canʼt explain.

Who is he?

When he spoke, I realized that he wasn’t wearing an ordinary mask because it made his voice sounded like a robot. Thereʼs a voice changer in it.

“How well do you know yourself?” Our foreheads automatically frowned at the first words he uttered.

Seems like, this mother fucker is insane.

“Life in exchange for trust. Trust in exchange for murder.. ”

We were all stunned when he suddenly laughed.

“Friend or your own lif—

“Shut the fuck up!” Zeke interrupted but the Guy didn’t even stop as if He heard no one.

“Saving them or being saved..”


“Fear or Brain? Man or Devil?”

I almost stiffened when his eyes suddenly focused on me.

“Safety of your constituency or the lives of your friends?”

Is that question for me?

“Fuck you. What planet are you fucking from, you mother fucker?!” Ezekiel was about to attack him but I stopped it causing him to glare at me. I donʼt know but something is forcing me to listen to whatever the stranger is saying, especially that his eyes are focused on me.

He burst out laughing again. “A trial that contains five questions and one wrong answer, life is a PAYMENT!”

With my mind, being destructed. I unconsciously let go of Ezekiel. He didn’t even waste a second to quickly attack the stranger but right even before he could near him, thereʼs suddenly smoke appeared around us which we donʼt even know where has come from.

It makes everyone coughed and in a brief moment, after the smoke disappeared, the man is also gone.


“What the hell just happened?!”

“Whoʼs that fucking crazy bastard?!”

“Aghrrrr! Where did he go?”

“Iʼll kill that Idiot!!”

I could hear all their appeals but it seemed like I was suddenly lost. I can’t even speak nor can move.

What is happening to me?