David had just got out of the shower when he heard the banging on his door. That was followed by his girlfriend calling for him. He raced to the front door in only his boxers and let her in. She immediately slammed the door behind her and locked it. She had just left maybe fifteen minutes before. As he stared at Jessica, he realized that she had cuts and a wound on her shoulder, that looked like a bite?
“Jessica, what in the world is going on?!” David asked while pulling clothes on. He pushed his shaggy black hair out of his face, the same hair that photographers loved when he took his photos.
“I was leaving and saw Mrs. Fennic stumbling around. I tried to help her and she attacked me! She bit me!” Jessica's eyes were big and scared, her dyed blond hair was matted in knots while she trembled.
“Jessica, calm down! I'm going to get the first aid kit and try to clean you up some, ok?” David asked her, only leaving after she nodded. As he turned around he noticed his two room mates.
“Kevin! Can you get her something to drink?” He asked his spiky, short haired redheaded fellow model. Kevin immediately begun to move. The sandy blond surfer-like model named Cole just stood there, keeping a weary eye on Jessica. “Cole, let me know if anything happens while I'm gone, ok?”
Cole nodded, still watching his friend's girl, “Yeah, I will. Just, hurry, ok man?”
“Yeah, just to the bathroom and back.” He quickly raced off to grab the first aid kit. When he returned he noticed that there was a cup on the table and she was still standing by the door, rocking a little. She was also looking at the floor.
“Look at her blood. It's congealed.” Cole stated in a whisper. David and Kevin looked and saw it.
“Why didn't you give her the drink? Or tell her to sit?” David asked, not knowing why he whispered.
“Dude, I offered her the drink, she ignored me. Then she started groaning? It was freaky!” Kevin replied, still in a hushed tone, they didn't move closer or speak louder. Instinct told them not to.
Then, there were moans outside the door. That was followed by a BANG! on the door itself. This made the male models jump, and Jessica whipped her head up. She had drool and blood running out of her mouth. Her eyes were clouded and had cataracts. She stared at them, moaning slightly.
“Jes-Jessica?” David asked, in a barely above a whisper voice. It was enough for her though! She let out an animalistic noise that they couldn't decipher, and lunged at them. David shoved her back while Kevin ran to get something to fight with. The banging on their door just became harder and harder. Cole moved forward and hit her in the head with a golf club.”Dude! What the hell?!” David demanded.
“Dude, your chick's a zombie!” Cole replied with big eyes. David would have argued if she didn't get back up, with the top left half her head dented in. Both boys stared at her with gapping mouths, Cole forgetting that he had a weapon. She growled and started to stumble forward in jerky movements.
Kevin came in just then with a baseball bat, he quickly crumpled in the rest of her skull. She fell and stayed down this time. All the boys looked at her for a minute before the banging brought them out of their own thoughts. “Cole, search the kitchen for non perishable food. David, pack clothes for all of us. I am going to look for weapons and maps. Move quickly and quietly. Meet in the back when done.” Kevin took charge. They all went their separate ways looking for what they were assigned.