Chapter 1 (Groups 3 & 4)


Kevin scratched his head, he had ordered them around, but they only had a couple of bats and fire pokers. He supposed it was ok, but it felt like they needed more. His gray eyes looked out the window, down at the street. People were going crazy and infected were everywhere! It was like a fucking movie or game! He shook his head and refocused. David walked in, his blue eyes looking around. He placed the bags of clothes on the ground in front of Kevin. Kevin then handed David a bat and a poker. He had it to where it would be a set a piece. The radio was on, so he knew that this was everywhere.

“We need to go through these and make sure only essentials are taken. Maybe you should call your dad.” Kevin told him, he was still looking at the maps while David called. No answer.

“I....I'm going to turn my phone off, maybe try again later.” David murmured while tears escaped his eyes. He had lost his girl, and maybe the last of his blood family in the matter of minutes!

“Here's all that I could find.” Cole stated as he entered their back exit room. They had their own elevator that went straight to the VIP part of the condos. Thank God for penthouse suites!

“Good, let's see what we have and try to go from there.” Kevin told them. “Cole, check on your sister and see what's going on in her department.” Cole nodded and started on his calls.

“Ashlee? Are you ok? And no one is infected? We will come for you, where should we meet? The old cemetery? With zombies about?! Fine, love you too.” Cole looked at his friends, they had obviously been listening, “Ashlee and her friends are alive, they want to meet at the old cemetery. She believes that it should be ok as from what she's seen, it is living humans that have been infected.”

“Ok, so the old cemetery it is, for now. We need to think of long term though, and I am not gonna lie, it freaks me out to go there now.” Kevin said, he handed Cole his weapons. They all lifted their gear and headed to the elevator. The ride down was tense.

“Five friends? We would need to take at least two cars.” David muttered.

“Cole and I will drive, you should rest a bit.” Kevin suggested, or ordered.

“Why do you keep bossing us around?!” David barked back. He was getting sick of it!

“I just voiced my opinions! I am NOT trying to boss anyone around!” Kevin snapped back.

“Guys, come on, is NOW the time to do this?! We are in an elevator, in a condo building full of zombies! I am sure we can do this later! David, ride with me. Arguing will make it all worse!” Cole told them. He had his baby sister to get to, he didn't have time for this!

“FINE!” they both exclaimed and huffed like girls. Cole rolled his hazel eyes and they all got ready as they reached the ground floor. The doors glided open and they cautiously stepped out. There was no one here, it was deadly silent. They moved on to their cars, putting their things into the trunks.

They pulled out of their spots, heading to the entrance. The bars slid open, allowing them to leave. It caught the attention of a few zombies, but them VS a car was a no brainer! They mowed those bitches down! Kevin motioned to something, making Cole and David follow his motions. There was a little girl on top of a low roof. Zombies were reaching for her from underneath, they couldn't get her, but they were waiting. She walked backwards, going to the other side. Cole drove around the building......


“I think that going through the cafeteria will be best, that way we can get to the parking lot quicker.” Susan said, she was going that way no matter what! A few agreed with her and moved to the right door. They started talking about where their families wanted to meet up at. They were able to group some together at the same spot.

“That's stupid! The cafeteria and parking lot will be covered with them!” Josh told them.

“Well, I'm going anyway! All who want to come with, now's your chance!” Susan said while standing by the door. Several went to them. They all would bid farewell though, this could be their last time seeing each other!

“I think that heading back out over the lawn will be best. We can cut through and get to the road from the woods.” Max stated, Tom nodded his head in agreement as others also did. They moved towards the door on the left. Their group started finding common places to meet their families as well.

“That will be dangerous! What if they get you guys before you get to the woods? What if they are in the woods?” Natalie exclaimed, trying to make them see reason.

“No matter what we choose, it's going to be dangerous! This is the option I'm going with.” Max replied.

“Well, I'm going through the library. It would be the long way around, but will probably bypass most of them. We hop out at the side opposite of the woods and make it to a bus.” Natalie replied, Kayla and Josh agreed with her plan. Their group did the same as the others. They all made sure to have weapons before they left. Saying their 'byes' was a tearful moment, as they knew that this was it. They all opened their doors, leading to their own fates.


Natalie, Kayla and Josh had their families waiting at an abandoned apartment building in the run downed part of town. They figured not many would be out that way. They quietly made their way through the halls, Nat and Josh in the lead. They soon came across the library's doors. The two waited for the rest, looking around and getting nods before they carefully pushed the doors open. Glancing around, it appeared deserted. There were books and papers scattered here and there, some blood as well. But there wasn't any sound. They headed right, going along the wall for better cover.


Max, Tom and their group opened the door going outside. It was on the opposite side of the building from where they entered and was basically deserted. All the zombies seemed to be on the other side still. They looked around and made a decision. Some wanted to outright run across while others thought that crawling would be better. Max, Tom and a few others had their families, meeting them at a construction site that was in a private area. They decided that military crawling may be best for now.


Susan was walking with her group down the hall. Her weapon was shaking in her hands. It was an old pipe and she wasn't sure that she could swing it. They could hear carnage going on all around them. The noise from ahead was getting louder. She knew not all of them would make it, but if she used her pipe to knock them away, she could make it outside! Or, she hoped at least. They peered into the cafeteria through the windows in the doors. There was students feasting, just not how they were intended to. The place was littered with bodies! She took in a deep breath, reminding herself that she had to get to her family. She made arrangements to meet hers at her mansion, some others would meet theirs' there as well. She swallowed and opened the doors.