
It's been two weeks since we created pre-debut teams and so far, so good; we are now in a recording studio because Eden sunbaenim gave us his song and Lia Kim seonsaengnim choreographed our dance step for our title song. The song has sexy yet powerful vibe in it and it's so cool. Our group, Jarin Ronni and SuA Eonni's group will release a mini album all at the same time, yes it was changed to mini album instead of single album.

Tomorrow we will have a special stage at M Countdown and we'll perform Oh! by SNSD sunbaenim and Bad Girl of Infinite sunbaenim. We have to prepare two stage with two different concept, my members wants to have girly and girl crush concept and they chose that.

"Eonni I'm nervous" Yangji said and held my hand

"Wae? You don't have too. Just do what will Eden Saem will say huh" I said, I'm done recording my part and Yangji is the last member that will record

"Yangji" Eden Saem said and Yangji stood up

The assistant, adjust the mic since Yangji is tall and Yeonsa is not really gifted with height. While adjusting the mic Yangji started to rehearse and record her part

"Hana dul set. Superior Aces" I said to start our greeting

"Annyeonghaseyo Aces imnida" we said in unison and bowed

We are in filming an interview before we release our official mv

"Miki-ssi you're the leader right?" the interviewer

"Ne" I answered

"How do you handle six people?"

"It's hard to check them one by one though my members are good, so they didn't cause any of my headaches" I said and chuckled

"And to think that you're the only foreign in your group, isn't hard?" Interviewer-nim asked

"It is hard when it comes to some Korean practices that I am not really familiar with, but my girls are kind enough to teach me"

"How does Aces prepared for their upcoming release of mini album?"

"We're done recording the songs, and they are all good. Please give love to it" Chaena said and smiled

"We started filming our music video and" Suwi said

"Can you give some hints regarding your music video concept?"

"Aesthetic" Daseu said

"Now, I'll ask how did all of you entered your current company, is it really your dream?" the interviewer and we nodded

"We'll start with our leader, Miki" she added

"Miki-ya can you email Sidelp Entertainment?" Nahyeon said

"Hmm sure" I said, we are conducting our research on how different entertainments are approaching and looking for their trainees

I am attending Konkuk University

"Sidelp Entertainment is the last entertainment that haven't emailed yet" she said and I nodded

I'm a Filipino-Japanese and currently staying at Korea to study. Born and raised in the Philippines with my Mom and Dad, I attended my high school in Japan since my Dad went back home for his business and I decided to go to Korea for college.

Eversince I was a kid I'm really into dancing and when I first watched SNSD sunbaenim I was like, wow I want to be like them in the future

I started attending Ballet classes when I was 6 and went to a dance academy in the Philippines when I was 10 until I go to Japan

"Oh Nahyeon Eonni Sidelp Entertainment responded!" I squeal as I read Pledis' email

"What did they said?"

"Tomorrow. Sidelp Building, 8:00 in the morning" I said and looked at Nahyeon

"I'll give you the set of questions for the interview" Nahyeon Eonni said, she's excited I don't know why

I nodded to her and excused myself. I'm going to the café near PYJEntertainment where I have a part time job

It was hard, adjusting with their culture and traditions. I know no one aside from my friend way back in Japan though he's busy for work. I'm in apartment alone but I'm looking for a dorm with since it's pricey to live alone.

"Miki-ya" Yeonhee said when I entered the café

I looked at her and smiled wide

"This is Y/N, former employee. You'll replace her since she's now an MS trainee" Yeonhee introduced and I bowed

"Enjoy your part time here" Y/N said

I smiled "Yes, I will. Good luck!"

Y/N bid her goodbyes to us, Yeonhee and Minchan shed some tears since they are really close

I started pulling shots while making an expresso and heating the waffle in the oven, though Yeonhee is still guiding me

Serving and making drinks and desserts are the things we did for 6 hours since I did half day only

6 in the evening, I am on my way to ZMC building since I have to work again

Zenith Media Contents or ZMC is a Korean agency wherein their artist are all over Asia, like Zboys and Zgirls

I am working as Zgirls' manager three, like I am with them at their dorm cooking food and cleaning their dorm, fixing their announcement board for their schedule for the next day

"Miki you're here!" Vanya said. Vanya is their Indonesian member

"Yeah, how's your schedule?" I asked. Their schedule are not really tight unlike those well known idols but still they appear with some korean shows and they film their own shows as well

"Tiring. As usual" she said and layed down to the couch

"I already cooked dinner and vacuumed the rooms. I'll go to laundry tomorrow for your clothes" I said

The other girls are in the kitchen already

"Wa Miki, thank you for the food" Bell said their maknae. Bell is the only Thai member

"Eat with us Miki" Carlyn said, their leader

"Nah ate. I'm good" I said, I'm calling Carlyn "ate" since she's a Filipino also and way older than me

"You're sleeping here?" Mahiro asked, their Japanese member. I shook my head

"Why not?" Queen said and sit beside me. Queen is their Vietnamese member and she somehow resembled Red Velvet' Joy

"I have something to do tomorrow" I said

During Mondays, I don't have classes so after the my working hours in the café I went straight to ZMC building for practice and after practice I'll go to Zgirls' dorm to clean

ZMC offered me to be their trainee, since before College start my I am full time Manager three with Zgirls and I am going in their schedules, the head producer noticed that I have talents since I am following Zgirls' dancing routine when I don't have anything to do

"What is that?" Priyanka said, their Indian member

"I'll be going to Sidelp Entertainment tomorrow, I'll interview some staff for our research" I said. They did not asked anything and they starts to eat and sleep

By 9 pm, I go back to my apartment to review some questions that I'll be asking with the Sidelp staff, I'm nervous what if

I don't understand some of their words? Though I am quiet in Hangul, I want to make sure at we will be able to have an interview flawlessly and will also ask them if I can record the whole interview for the transcript