Plan B


When I came home from AA's condo I don't know what to feel, should I jump for joy or shout because of to much euphoria.

Yiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeehhhhhhh I both did what I was thinking I shout and jump feeling like a crazy person.

This romantic excitement is to much to take so I dial my friends number and do a group video call.

I have to do a plan that will totally make AA fall for me even more, its not enough that she likes me this way.




Hello. dan said

Hmmm. lanie hymn

Girls are you two busy tonight I have something to say and we have to do a plan? I said

What plan? lanie/dan both said

I will explain everything when you two get here. I said

Ok I'm on my way. lanie said with hurry in her voice

Me too. dan said too and I see her getting up from her bed.