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Chapter II; Unconsciously

New York City, New York


"Where is he?" The words came from Sergio Gagliardi's mouth full of concern yet full of rage. Who would do such a thing to their father? That man has no honor. Assassinating an old man barely capable of walking straight.

His fast paced steps was telling his brother, Gio, what he felt at that moment.

"Gio, where is he? " Gio didn't reply. Instead, he pointed at a door on his left. Sergio's fierce blue eyes looked at him and he nodded in return.

Sergio pushed the door wide open and saw his father's unconscious body lying in the hospital bed. Various tubes were attached to his body. Wounds were also visible. For a moment, the room was silent and only the beeping sound of the machines were audible. Sergio is a man of few words while Gio was still in shock.

"How long will he be like this?"

"The doctors said they're not entirely sure." Gio replied. He stood at the opposite side of the bed. "The doctors already did everything that they could. It's up to papa now."

Both of the two men's eyes were angry, but Sergio managed to take a deep breath to calm himself a bit.

"Cazzo! It was my fault." Gio suddenly uttered. "I shouldn't have stayed." His voice was starting to crack but he managed to pull himself together again.

"Don't say that." Sergio knew the things Gio might do if he doesn't reassure him now that it's not his fault. He often let his heart decide rather than his head. And with that rage, Gio can do the impossible. He's afraid he might offend the wrong person. The family couldn't afford another war, nor will the five families approve of that.

"Who would do this?" Gio desparately looked at his younger brother for an answer. "Do you think it's Giacomo? Do you think that pezzo di merda screwed us?"

"I don't think this is the right place and the right time to deduce anything yet." He explained. "Papa might still hear us. We'll talk about this at home. " Gio didn't have a choice but to agree. Deep down, he knew his brother was right. "And besides, we're not yet certain if this really was an attempt. Maybe it's really just an accident?"

"What do we do now?" They both looked at each other. "Frankly, I'm not ready to fill father's shoes." A hint of panic on his voice. Sergio moved to his brother's side and put his hands unto his shoulders. "I think you should be the Don." Sergio immediately shook his head, but Gio was desparate. "At least for now."

"I'm a lawyer. I can't risk it, Gio. I promise you won't be alone." Gio stared at him before speaking up.

"Do you think we should call them?"

Sergio slowly nodded.


San Francisco, California


"Yes, yes. I'm on it." Cesare, although he hated his job, cannot stop himself from putting his telephone in between his ear and shoulders so that his hands could scheme through the papers his boss wanted this afternoon.

Although the room was air-conditioned, sweat was still forming in his forehead when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

He started to feel agitated when he realized the mess he made to his desk while searching and still no result.

"I swear it was just in my desk." He said to the other line. "Hold on a second. I'm gonna ask Monica." When he found her, he put the telephone against his shoulder so that his boss couldn't hear what he was saying. "Monica! Did you get the documents again without my permission?"

Base on the look on Monica's face, he knew she had it. He breath a sigh of relief. "How many times to I have to tell you not to do that?"

"I'm really sorry. I needed it yesterday and you weren't here." Monica gave it to him and smiled apologetically. Now he's obliged to forgive her.

"Yeah. I got it." He said trough the telephone. "It's with Monica all along." His boss hung up and he couldn't help to sit as if it was his first time in years. He loosened his tie and looked at his watch. Only then he realized that it was already pass their lunch break.

His stomach was growling, but he's not quite sure if he'll take the remaining time for a lunch. For him, taking a break is expensive.

At the end, he decided to satisfy his appetite and headed to the cafeteria. Right when he entered, he saw one of the servers whom he had forgotten the name, smiling to him at the counter. He cleared his throat before walking towards her and gave the most charming smile he could muster.

"Camila- " He wasn't quite sure if that was her name, but it's worth the shot. It's been too long since he last went down here.

"Christa." She corrected, but without a hint of disappointment or irritation on her face. She's just smiling.

"Yes, that's what I thought."He forced himself to remain smiling." Can I have a tuna sandwich please." Emilia immediately grabbed a tuna sandwich.

"Is that all?"

"Yes." he pulled from his wallet his payment and gave it to her. Of course, the lady blushed when she grabbed the money from his hands and when gave him his change. "Thank you, Candice." He grabbed his lunch and walked away.

"Christa." He heard her shout from behind.

He took a coke from a vending machine before going back to his office floor. After entering, Cesare's brows met when he saw two familiar men in front of his desk. They were talking to Monica, but he can only see their backs. She immediately pointed her finger at his direction when she saw him.

Cesare's eyes widened when he finally saw the gentlemen's faces.

"Gio? Uncle Massimo?"

They walked towards his stoned body then embraced him tightly. "How are you brother?" Giovanni asked, forcing a smile.

"Good." Although a lie, it was the only word that came out of Cesare's mouth at the moment. "W-what are you doing in here?" He couldn't help but to ask. The two men only exchanged glances.

"Can you take a break for a moment?" His Uncle Massimo spoke this time. Normally Cesare would say no, considering he just came back from a break and there's still a lot of things he needed to finish, but he felt that something important must have come up for these two to travel all the way in his office.


After about a ten-minute ride, the three arrived at a cafe Cesare's never been before. The men ordered something except for Cesare who seemingly lost his appetite. He cleared his throat right after their orders arrived.

"Now, why exactly are you here?"

His uncle Massimo didn't answer. He looked like he wanted Gio to speak first, and he did. "Papa's in coma." He paused for a bit. Cesare and Gio's brown eyes met. "We don't know yet if it was an attempt."

Hearing those words, Cesare did not know how to respond. Sure he was not that close to his father, but he was still his father. "What?"

"His car crashed and..." Gio couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence.

His brows knitted when he realized something. "W-why not just call me?" He couldn't help himself but to ask. "I mean, I appreciate you coming here but you could have just called."

"Well, we wanted to personally tell you..." Once again Gio didn't finish.

"And we wanted to pick you up too." Massimo announced.

Then there was silence, until Cesare chuckled a little bit. "You could have told me that too on the telephone. You know I would voluntarily visit papa."

His brother and uncle looked at each other, not sure how to say what they're really here for. Finally, Gio took a deep breath.

"No. We want you to come with us in New York... " He emphasized the word 'come'. "... for a couple of months, at least." Cesare's whole body froze again.

"W-what? W-why?" He forced a slight smile in order to hide his surprise and confusion.

Yes, he was a part of the family but at the same time, he's not. What would a bastard like him do in there anyway? He's still ashamed of his very existence. Only Gio and Massimo contacts him, and rarely by the way. That's why this one came as a surprise.

Gio sighed. "It's because, let's face it, I am not good enough to replace papa. I don't want the family to crumble into dust." He looked at Cesare with distress in his eyes. "I know you're good at what you do, so I need your help. And it would truly help if we're all in New York. Together. As one Family. For Once." He leaned a little bit towards his brother who's now unsure of what to do.

"It had been your father's wish for a long time now. And besides, his birthday is past approaching. Who knows? Maybe he'll finally wake up?" Massimo's voice was full of hope, yet they could still hear the dread inside him.

"Let's make his wish come true."

Cesare could not find his voice for almost a minute. "Are you sure you want me to be there?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I? You are still my brother." Gio looked at his uncle for confirmation.

"And my nephew." His uncle added. "You, my boy, are a Gagliardi."

"But what about the twins?"

Another wave of silence engulfed.

"Cesare was actually the one who convinced me to call up the family. I'm sure he would be delighted to see you." Gio answered. Both Gio and Massimo knew who the next person he'll ask about.

"And Sirena?"

Cesare looked desperately at the two for answers, but silence was their only reply.