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Chapter 3

Chapter 3: We're Getting Closer

Jack's Perspective

"Jack, what's now?" Zio was teasing me, and he was so annoying because he kept asking me about Angel since yesterday... And I kept telling him many times that Angel and I were not dating. That we just accidentally bumped to each other, that's it and nothing more happened. But he doesn't believe me, and just kept asking the same questions, over and over again.

"Zio, I have nothing to tell you. If we are dating, I have been at her room after class to pick her up yesterday," I explained, and finally he stopped- finally he realized that my alibi was reasonable.

...But I was wrong!

"How should I know? What if your relationship with her is under privacy matters, bro," I was shocked by what he just say, I didn't know if I was supposed to laugh or not. Like for real? Me? In a secret relationship? I chuckled, "NO WAY!"

Haiist, I ignored him and rubbed my head because of headache that Zio was causing, and it has gotten worst when he started to sing a song.

"Why can't I hold you in the street, why Can't I kiss you on the dance floor?..." he kept singing.

"This is bad," I whispered and left him but when I turned around, I just bumped into something and I felt some cold water poured over me.

"I'm sorry, sorry," a woman apologized to me, and I got surprised to see Angela in front of me. She immediately took her handkerchief inside her bag and wiped my shirt. It was a complicated surprise, I got shy and quickly grabbed her hands.

"Please, don't do that...I'm okay," my words were too fast and I just grinned at her.

"But for me, it's not- this is embarrassing!" she whispered sheepishly and all of the students were looking at us. Well, that was more embarrassing, a girl wiping your shirt in public. But I knew that Angel was concerned because I was soaking, and she was speechless.

"Don't worry miss, Jack is okay," Zio said to Angel.

"Use this," Zio whispered to me. I looked at him handing me his jacket. Wow! He was the hero of the day. I didn't expect it that the evil best friend of mine had an angel inside of him.

I put on the jacket to cover my shirt and glanced at the goddess before me. She was beautiful when she's shy and speechless, it was wanting me to let her feel guilty even more.

I pinched myself, " Focus," I whispered.

I smiled, and zipped up the jacket, " See, there is nothing to worry about," I said but she was still frowning, she may be embarrassed a lot.

"Bro, it's your chance," I heard Zio whispering in my ears and winked at me before he left us. really? I glared, yet he was just devilishly grinning as he waved his hands goodbye. But my mouth gestured to him, "Thank you," and he responded with a thumbs up.

"Why are you not talking? You don't have to worry, I'm fine, okay?" I said.

"Are you sure is that okay?" she asked.

I chuckled, and opened my palm as I lifted it, "Yes, I promise."

She looked at me in the eyes, I loved it, and then she sighed, "I couldn't stop worrying, let's go somewhere," she groaned.

"What do you mean?" astonished I asked her and she hissed, the heck, she's beautiful.

"I'll take care of it, just follow me," she said. I was behind her so I couldn't see her facial expressions but she seems happy... she was tapping her should-bag like a kid enjoying being in a walk. I wonder what she was planning to do? Yet, it doesn't matter as long that I was with her, I'm okay, haha.

A few minutes later, after we left school, I started to feel the cold inside my jacket, so I stopped when I saw a public comfort room.

"Angel, wait a minute," I called her.

She turned around immediately, " Why? Is there a problem?" she asked. I couldn't say the reason why the fact that she was the one who accidentally spilled the drinks on me.

"I need to go to the restroom, I'll go urinate," I said and pointed out the restroom and looked at her again, "Can you wait for me for a while?" I asked.

"Is that so... Yeah, sure," she replied and I quickly left her.

When I entered, I quickly took off my jacket and followed by my shirt, I squeezed it and folded my shirt quickly before putting them back on my bag, making sure my notes won't get wet. Then I put on Zio's jacket again. I'm not used to this, especially that nothing was inside my jacket but only my bare skin, it's uncomfortable.

When I came out, I saw Angel, waiting in the crowd. I giggled, "She was sweet and cute," I laughed. How I wish she was my girlfriend waiting for his boyfriend. I wanted to go near her, but I decided to buy us snacks.

A few minutes later...

"Here... thank you for waiting for me," I said and she got surprised.

"What are these?" You shouldn't bother buying this."

"That's okay, just accept it, I'm just hungry," I lied, damn.

"Thank you,' she said.

"Anyway, where are we going? Sorry for asking but I am curious," I said with one hand on my head, I was sheepish around her.

She smiled, "Finished your food first," and I ate it in one bite, and she couldn't stop laughing, I love it. Hahaha.

After the snack we kept walking, "So where are we going?" I asked again.

"Here, let's go inside."

We suddenly entered a clothing store, and I already knew what she was planning to do, it's sweet, I swear. But of course, as if I allowed her.

I called her name... and it was like slow motion when she turned around to me, I got stunned in seconds.

"Yes?" she smiled.

I coughed, "Well, let's get out of here," I answered.

"Huh? But why?"

I chuckled, she looked confused, " Well, don't do anything, don't do what you are planning to do, I'm telling you."

"What do you mean?" she narrowed her eyes.

"Don't pretend Angel. I said earlier, I was fine, you didn't have to buy me some clothes," I told her straightforward.

She chuckled, "What made you think of that? I was going to buy clothes for me," a paused and chuckled, "Not for you," she chuckled once more. But I laughed out loud and she bent her brows.

"Why are you laughing?" she was curious.

I made a knot on my arms and stretched my lips upon my ears, "Because you are not good at lying," I replied.

"HUH? What made you say that?"

I sighed, "Because, it's obvious,"..."What's obvious, mister?"

Now she got annoyed hahaha.

I sighed again and tied my eyes on hers', "Because this place is for men's clothes, don't tell me you are going to wear these?" I said and rolled my eyes on the clothes, pointing out to her what exactly I meant... She blushed, the heck, it was cute. I coughed again and said, "And one more thing, if you are going to buy clothes for you... Why did you drag me here?" I added.

She lied once more, "Oh because I was planning to buy clothes for my father also as a gift," she couldn't say it straight, haha.

"Come on, I told you, you are not good at lying," I hissed and she chuckled, "Okay, I lose. I like how smart you are," she said and groaned.

"Haha, I told you, you are not good at making excuses, haha, you are going to wear men's clothes?" I teased her.

We both laughed... She groaned, "Hahaha, so dumb of me!"

I was happy at that moment, who would not be happy when this type of situation occurred? I'm sure, you would also be thrilled if you were standing in my shoes. No word could explained the way I felt, I hope I was with her forever, I thought.