Chapter 17: The Girl
Keanna's Perspective
"This is all crazy," my mom screamed as she hit the car's steering wheel. My brother and I were terrified... But actually, I was the only one who wasn't brave, my brother was strong and tough.
My mother was cursing and I was just sitting beside her, minding my own business, she would probably scold me if I talk when she's mad. Well, we were here on the road when the car suddenly stopped and my mother couldn't start it over. We were late for her business meeting and she went crazy and violent, she has a bad temper.
When she's mad, all we have to do was to keep quiet until she calmed down, and everything will be okay, but my brother was different. My mother hated noises.
She hated it, a lot, and my crazy brother was the one who loved seeing her mad. He loved the way she groaned, the way she shouts, and the way she goes violent. He was the weird brother of mine, but he protected me from everything even if it's from our mother.