Chapter Six

Day 18 : A Surprise Proposal

Chyrill decided to stay for more days at the Arland Camp she wanted to spend more time with the Sergeant she is now in love with that guy’s day with him is a memorable from the time she arrived at this Camp he always there for her, saving her life twice and he shows how caring he was. She felt like she was still dreaming from the kisses, the way she kiss by the Sergeant makes her thrilled.

She feels bored staying inside of this room; she took a shower and fixes herself, she wears her yellow dress that makes her beauty stand out. She looks around before she goes out of the room, she walked towards Sergeant Herrera’s office and as she walked down the hallway every soldier she met she was given a red and white rose. She was very surprised, she wondered if Sergeant Herrera was planning this.

Until she could no longer handle the roses given to her, she stopped walking and looked around, she observes the people around her, but there is nothing strange all are busy with what they are doing and they no longer notice her she just wondered about why the roses that was given to her. A lady soldier come into her and invites to come with her at the Soldiers launch, a place that is forbidden to a civilian like her and only the soldiers can enter that place. She hesitated and wondered why she was invited to enter that Place.

“No. I’m okay here..I just look around and need some fresh air”. She smiled to the Lady Soldier.

“I insist. You belong here…I guess… The Lady soldier said.

“But, Why? She asked in surprise.

“I just want to show you around; any way you wanted to look around so it is your chance to see it, right?” The lady soldier is trying to convince her.

“Are you sure?” She asked again.

The Lady soldier just nods at her and still wondering why it suddenly came to her in fact, with the number of them only few she is known here and that is the soldiers often commanded by Sergeant Herrera. She convinces by the lady soldier and she comes to her at the Soldier launch. In a way, for the Soldier launch she had a feel strange feeling; she feels that there is something different that will happen. She wanted to ask the soldier why suddenly she invited her to come with her, but, then, she just keeps quiet and follow the way of the lady soldier.

“What is your name? “She asked the lady soldier.

“ I’m Amanda”. Amanda smiled at her. But you can call me Mandy see we can be friends. After all I have seen you here for so long.

She just nods and smiles too.

“Oh..I guess you know me?”

“Well, yes and I think Sergeant Herrera is in love with you. Amanda smiles again to her.

Her cheeks get redder from what Amanda says to her, how she can say that they are deeply in love with each other, is she would tell about the dinner and the kisses? She hides her smile and follows Amanda on the way at the Soldier launch.

Amanda stops for a while and look at her.

“ Are you ready to see everything what is inside of the Soldier launch?”

“ I guess so, but I think there’s no special on it, It just like a meeting hall..I guess.”

“Well, get ready for what you will see”.

Okay.” She feels nervous when Amanda opens the door. Something strange in Amanda’s movement, she doesn’t know, but she has a feeling that there is something to happen.

Amanda holds her hand, it was darker and music plays when they entered the Soldier launch and after a moment a little light sparkling inside the room it was like the stars that twinkling in the night sky.

“What is all about? She asked Amanda.

Amanda whispers at her and she gets shocked and feeling nervous right now, she is right to her feeling a while ago that there is something will happen. Amanda leaves her in the middle as she heard the music playing and the little lights gets bigger like an explosion or something like a fireworks.

“Amanda” she called to the Lady Soldier. Don’t leave me here.

But no sign of Amanda is coming, she just stands in the middle and waiting for what will happen next. The music stops that makes her rattled.

“Is anybody here? Don’t play a game with me okay”

She gets rattled and afraid when there is someone holding her hand. She feels that it's holding her tight, after of that moment she recognize who is holding her; it was Sergeant Herrera who gets close to her. The Sergeant touches her face and kisses her hand.

“What are you doing?” she asked the Sergeant while the tears running from her eyes.

The Sergeant holds her hand, and put it on his shoulder, Sergeant Herrera holds her waist and the music starts to play again.

“I just wanted to have a dance with you” The Sergeant touches her face again and wipes her tears.

“I don’t want to make you cry” the Sergeant pulls her closer and let her rest on his shoulder.

“What about the roses?” is that your idea too?

“Yeah, crazy idea…Because I’m crazy in love with you.”

The lights are on and she saw there was full of white and red roses inside the Soldier launch. She was surprised and she didn’t expect that the Sergeant does those things for her, her tears rolled because of the happy feeling and being surprised what had done by the Sergeant.

The Sergeant pulls her closer and gives her another buffet of red roses. She wipes her tears and gets the buffet of roses, this man can’t make her stop from crying because of the crazy things he done for her. She gets more surprise and shy too when she notices that there are soldiers too at the Soldier launch they are all cheering for Sergeant Herrera, she heard a whistle too and shouting to kiss her by the Sergeant. She got to smile at this time wondering that they are in the wedding.

“ I want to ask you something”? The Sergeant said to her that makes her heart beat faster.

“What is it?” she nervously asked the Sergeant.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

She laughs loud, after all the kisses last night he still want the answer or maybe he didn’t get it. She nods to the Sergeant and smile at him.

All the Soldiers cheers for both of them and it seems that they are celebrating the happiness of them both.

They spent their time on the Soldier launch having lunch and drinking wine with the other soldier, after of that moment they walk along the camp and went to the North Simpkins Place to visit the children.

Day 19 : The Attack

Chyrill gets awake from the explosion and gunfire that she heard around the camp, she suddenly gets up from the bed and sneak in the window of her room, she feels afraid when she saw the explosion and a series of gun shots given back by the soldiers in the group of terrorist her heart beats faster and it recalls again the night when an explosion happened before, she rattled and cover herself a blanket and put the pillow on her head because of being feel afraid.

She heard the door opening and somebody gets inside and walks towards her, she was totally afraid when she heard the footstep approaching her. She was even more afraid and shouted out loud when she feels the hands holding her arm. She covered her mouth to stop her from shouting. She just calmed down when she saw that Sergeant Herrera was in front of him. She hugged him tightly and just cried.

“It’s me, don’t be afraid..I am here now.

“I’m afraid. She cried to the Sergeant.

“Don’t be. I am here, but I need to get you out here. I will take you to the safe place.”

She just nods to the Sergeant and hold his hand when they goes outside of the room, She wants to stay beside Sergeant Herrera but the things between the Arland Soldiers and the San Serif terrorist is getting worse she wanted to get out the Simpkins together with the Sergeant and spend together with no more war, explosion and gun shots she heard.

When they go out into her room, heading outside of the camp Sergeant Herrera immediately took her to get in the military truck. The Sergeant hugs her tightly and kissed her on the forehead and wipes her tears.

“I want you to be safe, okay? I promise I’ll be back to you.”

No words slip in her lips, she just nods and cried in every word that the Sergeant says to her, she has no idea where she will take the Military truck together with the other soldier, maybe at the North Simpkins Place she hopes so, all that she wants now is to end this war between the Arland Soldiers and The Sans Serif terrorist. On the way out of the Arland camp a group of Sans Serif terrorist block the military truck on where she is riding the Arland Soldiers quickly fired the Sans Serif terrorist and the soldiers surrounded the military truck to protect her. Several soldiers are wounded and the other Sans Serif terrorists are left lifeless, the soldier drives the military truck away from the place of war.

She witnessed the war between the Sans Serifs terrorists and the Arland soldiers, many questions in her mind that she is seeking for the answer, when this war will be ended between the terrorist and soldiers?

She is too worried about Sergeant Herrera what if something wrong will happen to him. She wants to jump out the truck to go back at the camp to follow Sergeant Herrera, but, then, all that she can do now is to wait for him and trust him. She has no idea where she will take by the soldiers.

They had to travel away from the Arland camp, how far is it to the place they were going? She is no longer to take another more hour sitting; without asking for anyone else, she asked the one of the soldiers sitting in her front he looks in pain from the shots that he gained from the gun fire.

“How long we will travel?” She asked.

“Not too long just wait for another thirty minutes Ma’am.” The soldier answered her, he got a shot on his legs and Chyrill can see in his face the pain that he endures.

She nods and gets nearer to him and she gets the medical kit to apply him the first aid. She backs on her sit and she looks outside, she had no other to see, but the trees and the woodland. She feels sleepy because of the cold smell of air, she then, suddenly close her eyes until she falls asleep.

She awakes when she feels that the military truck suddenly stops at the moment and she has noticed that she was the only one inside left behind, she gets up quickly and she go down in the truck. She gets a surprise when she sees the place it was totally amazing and enchanted. From afar she sees the other people in this place she walks fast to go with them, the sounds of the noise is too familiar to her, the laughter of the children and she listened to the songs that she taught to them. She will not be wrong of that thing, maybe they are the people of North Simpkins she in a hurry to go to them her tears fall when she sees the familiar people of the North Simpkins. She cried and laughs too when she confirmed that it was them.

“Children, she called them with tears.

The children ran coming into her and she hugs them, they were all smiling as they see her. The people of the North Simpkins are happy to see her here, this is the place they were hiding when there is a war between the terrorist and the soldiers, she wondered how they get in here it was yesterday when she was able to visit them together with Sergeant Herrera.

“I’m glad you are safe”. One of the women of Simpkins knows the English language approaches her.

“I am happy too, to see you all here.” She smiles too to the woman of North Simpkins who been so kind to her.

All day she looks from afar thinking about what is happening to Sergeant Herrera, she thinks always about him, she wanted to know what is happening to him, if he is okay? How long the war will it be?

She took a deep breath and walks along the way of the woody place she hopes that she will see the Sergeant here but she knows it will never be happen. She feels worried and misses him badly she just hoping that the war will be ended soon.

It gets dark, she doesn’t even know for how long she will stay here at the woody place sitting and doing nothing, waiting for the Sergeant that she knows that there’s no Sergeant Herrera come.

One of the soldiers came into her with a blanket and gives it to her.

“Here, Ma’am its getting cold you will be getting sick. The Sergeant, don’t want you to get sick and he asks me a favor to take care of you.

“Thank you, I just wonder about him and I feel so worried”.

“No, you shouldn’t be. He is brave and he will be back to you just like his promise to you. Okay? So, you better take a sleep.

She smiles and gets up from her seat; she follows the soldier back to the place where they are hiding.

She gets inside in her tent to take a rest and hoping that tomorrow Sergeant will come and they will spend the time together.