Chapter 10

Lydia's POV

I was searching online for apartments. I kept noting down places near our university. We had found only one so far. It is two blocks away from Drake's apartment.

"That is the only one. Others are either very far off or not good. Oh wait! I found one more!" I said and Em came to me.

"No. This one seems too damn far!" Em whined and i huffed out a breath. "What is up with your mood? Is it Aaron?" I asked her.

She was getting really grmpy and shit today. Aaron and Em wanted to have a 'talk' which they would be having at a cafe.

She released a breath. "I am sorry if i am being grumpy. Emotions are getting the best of me" she said and looked at me apologetically.

I kept a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, its okay. I totally understand. Even Blake used to be an asshole to me. It is normal for every relationship" i said and she gave me a forced smile.

She is clearly sad.

"Okay then, we could to the arrangement of money and stuff tomorrow" she told me and i nodded. "We could see the apartment today, though" i said and she nodded.

"It said they had inbuilt furniture. We just have to check it" i told her and she nodded again.

"Should i call Aaron and Dr-", she cut me off.

"No! I mean..... Yeah. If you want to" she told me and i smirked. "It is okay. We could call only Lexi if you want" i told her and she smiled.

"Than-" she was cut off her phone. She picked it up. I alrady knew who it was by her expression. She seems to be nervous.

"Hello..... Yeah.... Dunkin Donuts?....... Okay...... ,Evening, okay yeah.... Okay bye" she hung up. "It was Aaron" she told me and i shrugged. "I figured" i told her.

"Let me call Lexi" i said and called Lexi.....

Me: Hello?

Lexi: Hi! Lyd.... Sup?

Me: Hi, remember we were going to shift....

Lexi: Yeah, what 'bout it?

Me: We found an apartment three blocks away from you guys. Do me a favour and come with us to have a look at it today. We could talk to the person who is selling it and stuff later?

Lexi: Okay sure. I would come with you guys. Shall i bring Drake and Aaron?

Me: No! Dont bring 'em. Em doesnt want to face Aaron

Lexi: She is being a pussy! Anyways, i gotta go. Bye!

Me: Bye!

She hung up on me. Em was sitting on her bed and typing furiously something on her laptop. "Get ready. We gotta go check out the house" i told her and we started getting ready.


The apartment was beautiful. Me and Em were ready to buy it. The dealer was also good. We told him that we would give him the money by tomorrow.

Right now, Em had gone to meet Aaron. Me and Lexi were hanging out at McDonald's. I was eating my burger.

"So, Lexi" i started and she raised an eyebrow looking at me. "What?" She asked, politely. "Call Drake or someone here" i told her and she shrugged.

"I dont thunk he could come. He said he is going to be out today. He sucks" she whined and i laughed.

Suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder and i jumped. I turned and saw Alex. "Jesus! You scared me" i told him and he smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, i didnt mean to scare you.... Oh hi Lexi!" She said and we smiled. He was giving us his cheeky smile in return.

"Hi Aaron, please sit" she told him and he sat on a chair. "How are you? It has been a long time Alex" Lexi told him and he shrugged.

"Nothing much just usual" i zoned out on their conversation. I remember that Nate's birthday is after two days.

Does he even remember me?

Well ofcourse he does... He would not forget me. I just know he wouldn't. We were like siblings. He took care of me. He cared about me.

I know he wont forget me. I smiled remembering the day when Nate and Blake pranked me......

I wish i were with them.