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Golden Look

Von woke up in a room that he’s unfamiliar with. He looked around with his eyes and thought that the place was so white. He looked at his left side, there he saw a man, wiggling and laughing and behind him is a beautiful woman who is looking at the back of the man with a weirded look. Von tried to get up but pain coursed through his body making him groan because of it. Valentine and Sullivan stopped with what they’re doing when they heard a groan. Valentine helped Von from sitting up and when he sat down comfortably, he looked at Sullivan and asked, “W, what happened?” “You were attacked by Mr. Jin and one of Knights brought you here.“ Sullivan answered the question of Von. “That’s right! He suddenly attacked me out of nowhere and tried to kill me but then I heard a voice. He said about a contract.” “Did you accept the contract?” Von nods as an answer to the question of Sullivan. “Do you remember anything after you’ve accepted the contract of your dweller?” Von remembered everything of what happened after he accepted the contract but instead of saying yes, he said otherwise, he shook his head as a response to say “no” and added “the last thing I remember is that everything was restored back to normal and that there’s a guy who suddenly appeared and introduced his self to me.” Sullivan stared at Von for a few seconds before looking away. I saw everything what happened through Memoir replay, but why do I feel that there’s something more and why do I get the feeling that Von is not telling the truth? Sullivan thought to himself before asking Von with a different question unrelated to their previous topic.

“What do you feel right now?” Sullivan asked. “I feel pain all over my body, sir.” Von said in reply with a pained look. “Don’t worry, that pain is only temporary. It will go away. You just need a bath, dinner, and a good night rest. And don’t forget, Monday will the start of your class at my school so you need to be healthy!” Sullivan said in a wide smile and a thumbs up. “Yes, sir.” “And on that note, Ms. Valentine can you take him home?” Valentine slightly bowed her head and smiled and said: “Understood, Sir Sullivan.” “Well then... bye bye!” Sullivan said before skipping out of the room. He opened the door and before stepping out of the room, he looked behind of his shoulder and looked at Von who was staring at the ceiling, for a few seconds and smiled then he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind. Sullivan started humming as he skipped his way through the hallway of his castle.

"Thank you, Ms. Valentine" Said by Von before he stepped out of the car. "Don't mind it and don't worry about you getting attacked again. I placed a bug on you that will notify me when something went wrong." Von smiled and said thank you to her. Valentine nodded at him and started the engine and drove off.

Von opened the door of his house and said "I'm home". He looked around but nothing seems out of ordinary. He went to his room and laid down on his bed, he didn't eat his dinner nor took a bath for he can only feel his exhaustion. "I wish this was a dream a long weird dream." He muttered to his self before he fell asleep.

In an unknown place, a few people are gathered for a party. They were sipping wine, chatting, dancing and laughing but they don't know the faces of each other for all of them wear masks. But they all stopped with what they were when they heard the door opened forcefully that created a loud noise. They saw an aged man. He was panting, drenched in sweat, and he was screaming for help. "Help! Please help me! They know about me now! Those Knights! Please!" He was pleading to all of the people in that room yet not even one offered a hand to him but instead they ignored him and resumed with what they were doing before. He didn't moved nor utter any words, he just stared at the sight of everyone ignoring him, whom he thought was his comrade. Jin was staring at all of them when he looked into the eyes of a women who wears a golden venetian mask. In her eyes, Jin can clearly see what kind of look she was giving to him, a disgusted and irritated look. "Why? After all I've done for all of you? I gave you information! I gave you everything!" "Tsk. This is why dwellers are pathetic. Yes, good work. Now you can get out, you're disturbing us, can't you see?" All of the participants laughed and agreed at the remarks of the woman. "Guards, please take this thing out." Two huge man appeared and apprehended him. As they was about to step out of the room, Jin heard the woman spoke once again "Finally, the pest is gone."

When he heard these words he snapped. He charged at one of the bodyguards and kicked the other one then he summoned his dweller "Kit Carson! Manifest in me!" but his dweller didn't come out. He tried it once again and again and again but no avail, his dweller didn't come out or to be more precise, it can't. "Why! Why wont you come out?!" "Your dweller wont ever manifest in you for I nullified it." Jin heard a voice of a man coming from the back of the crowd. The crowd gave way for the man for him to walk towards Jin. The man is a 6ft and 5in tall and wears a tuxedo with a hint gold. He has a hair color of gold and wears a gold smiling mask and beside him are two maids in a maid uniform wearing a white sad mask. Jin may not know his face nor his name but he can feel that that man is a royalty.

"That's just one of my skills as a hero. I can nullify almost any skills. And besides, they know about you so we don't have any use of you now." Jin could only laughed at the thought that no matter what he do now he have nowhere to go and he have nothing to lose. "Idiots! Do you think I will let you kill me? And besides, a mythical class joined the fray." He smirked and said in a loud voice "I'm a trapper and a trapper will always finish it's prey." He then took out a knife in his pocket and was about to stab his self when the man in smiley face mask ordered his maids "Miki, Hidari, lock his movement!" By the order of their master both the maids casted their skills and chains wrapped the body of Jin. "Now do tell me what do you mean by that?" In a low yet threatening voice, the man in smiley mask asked Jin, but Jin is not threatened but instead he smirked and laughed once again and annoyingly said "Figure it out yourself, you foolish kid! And like I've said, I'm a trapper, I will always finish my prey." He smiled then bit his tooth making the poison he planted in it to spread out causing him instant death. Everyone was silent at the last words of Jin, even the man in smiley mask was silent until, the woman wearing a golden venetian mask broke the silence only to diss the man. "Hey! How dare you! Look what have just happened! Do you know what you just did?" "Silence" The man in smiling face mask said in a low voice "If only you didn't let him kill his self then we could've gotten that information! No wonder he called you a fool! Fool, fool, fool!" Everyone was still silent only the woman in venetian mask was speaking and kept saying the word fool to him.

The maids that was behind him was gritting their teeth and was about to attack her when the man in smiley face stretched out his arm towards the woman who keeps calling him fool. The woman was suddenly pulled into palm of the man. He was now holding the facing of the woman. The woman was struggling to be freed from the hands of the man, she was punching him and kicking him but the man only gripped more harder until the mask of the woman broke. A beautiful face with a teary came out when her mask broke, she was beautiful but you can see in her face that she was panicking. But the man didn't mind her beauty and said to her in a straight and cold voice "I already said "silence", so why did you kept on speaking?" The woman stopped on struggling and holds the wrist of the man with both of her hands and begged the man saying "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." in a muffled voice. The man then put his index fingers towards the mouth of his mask and said "sshhh" then he ripped out the vocal cords of the woman. Bloods gush out from the woman and the man was bathed in it. Everyone couldn't move from the sight even though one of them was just killed, they were scared because it might happen to them too. "You two, clean up the mess." He ordered the two guards that was standing still and could not move. He then turned towards the crowds "I'm sorry about the mess, but you can continue the party now. Have a great evening." The man walked out of the room and the two maids followed him. One of his maid asked him "What will you do know, master?" He took of his mask, and there his handsome face can finally feel the air of the outside. His eyes are gold colored and he has sharp jaw and chiseled face. "I need to relieve some stress. You two, come to my room tonight." "Understood, master" said by both maids in unison. "And also... I need to report this to him".