Episode 9

Before the explosion

Kim Tae Hyeon walked around the capitol with still so much energy to spare. The bubbling excitement of being apart of the simplistic mundane lifestyle, even if its for a short while only, could par up of a sweet curious child that perceives going through different shops as an adventure.

A few hours had passed since he bid a temporary goodbye to the stable boy, Park Ji Hoon. After he accompanied his hyung in buying those much-needed groceries and supplies, he went off to walk through the streets and alleyways of the capitol.

By now, Taehyeon was sure that he had checked out every shop that pique his curiosity and interest. He was now thinking of any other places that would help him get some peace of mind; away from the serious duties bestowed upon him as the youngest Elite.

Since Taehyeon knew that it would be another while before he can spend his leisure time in the comforting ambience of the capitol, he made his way tot the main alleyway that would lead to the highlight and center of the town: the capitol’s grand circle.

Taehyeon adjusted his boy and quiver on his back and skipped down the steps of the main alley until he reached his destination.

As it was nearing the end of the day, the usually bustling circle was not that as much populated compared to the during mornings through midday. Still, the overall view of people going about their businesses, children playing and running around the large fountain at the middle of the circle, commoners and nobles alike conversing amongst themselves whilst relaxing at the few open cafés and restaurants, was a sight to see; it was peaceful as it should be.

Taehyeon walked around the perimeter of the circle, simply admiring the architecture from the smooth marble floor to the buildings that compliments the classical vibe brought about by the fountain. He reached the opposite end from the stairs and saw large quaint flower shop that seemed new.

Taehyeon wen to the displays upfront and gently touched the hanging ornaments that gave a soft tinkling noises when a gentle evening breeze blew across the town’s circle.

The archer’s bright hazel brown eyes scanned through the displayed pots and plants along with the already arranged bouquets. As Taehyeon went thoroughly went through the shop, he saw by the far end of the stall was a basket of flowers that gave a faint glow.

The basket was filled with little white flowers with a rather sparkling middle. It looked so delicate and curious that Taehyeon walked up to it and admired it with his hazel brown eyes.

“Excuse me. What is this called?”

Taehyeon called out to the owner of the shop that just came out to place some more flowers on the display stand.

“Those are called Stardust, my boy,” the owner answered with a soft smile at Taehyeon’s obvious curiosity.

“You’ll see why it is named as such when you pick it up. The slightest movement of it would explain it,” the old man nodded at the white flowers and gestured Taehyeon to take some.

Taehyeon pulled a small bundle from the basket. The moment he lifted it up, a few dots of gold but mostly silver quickly floated from the flowers’ centers as sparkling dust fell and dispersed. The dots lingered up the air before it faded a second after. He looked back down at the flowers he held and saw that they still have the glow in the center.

The owner gave a small gruff laugh from the archer’s pure reaction: eyes wide in fascination and mouth a bit agape from the shock. It was an endearing sight to witness because for a warrior, the boy sure looked far from the common tough and serious persona of a warrior.

“I never saw this kind of flower in any garden nor in field I’ve been,” Taehyeon smiled and took a whiff of the rather soft and comforting scent that seemed so nostalgic.

“That is because its only grown in the palace gardens of the Inlustris Noctis, the Kingdom and Realm of Angels,” the owner whispered and grabbed picked out a few stems of flowers form his display.

“Those flowers are personally tended by the Angel Prince himself.”

“It’s so beautiful,” Taehyeon touched the small white delicate pieces and giggled when another abundant amount of dust and silver dots flurried into the air.

“They look so precious,” Taehyeon smiled.

“All small things are.”

The owner of the flower shop laughed heartily and grabbed a weaved vase from the corner and placed his initial choices of flowers in it. He then proceeded to look through the other displays for complimenting ones for the arrangement.

“How fascinating. You and the Angel Prince’s young brother share the same sentiments,” the old man shared.

“The youngest prince thought of the same once.”

“The one that disappeared?” Taehyeon asked for confirmation while admiring the flowers he held.

“Yes. The younger of the two always thought these were the beautiful things. Among the hundreds of flowers and greenery in the palace’s garden, the youngest prince really loved these small white ones. Practically adored it.”

Then, after the royal family’s lost, which was the mysterious yet tragic disappearance of the young prince, his older brother thought of sharing one of the few things his little brother once loved and admired,” the old man shared.

“Thus, every month, as a way to pay tribute for his lost brother, the Angel Prince would send out those to every flower shop across the land. These flowers do last as long until the dust in its center all flurries into the air,” the old man continued with his story and threw bits of information about the flower.

“That’s very generous and thoughtful of the Prince,” Taehyeon fondly smile at the story.

“Indeed,” the owner agreed.

“It’s been three years since the Crowned Prince’s brother disappeared. The people of Inlustris Noctis have accepted the belief that the youngest prince is already non-existent at this point. But the Angel Prince never failed to have these flower out in the world, as if his real purpose is to let his brother see his favorite flowers no matter where he is now.”

The old flower shop owner finished his arrangement and smiled at Taehyeon after his story came to an end. He squinted his blurry eyes and felt somewhat nostalgic at how the archer seemed to taken a liking to the small delicate flowers. It was just like how he remembered seeing the youngest Angel Prince admiring whilst holding the flowers with both hands.

The old man did use to work as a gardener at the palace of the Royal Angels.

“I bet the Angel Prince has a huge field of Stardust if he manages to send these precious things across the nation. A field of little whites emitting floating bright silver dots and sparkling dust as the wind passes through.”

That would be a sight that I now dream to see,” Taehyeon smiled at the thought.

The old man nodded in agreement and watched at how the archer slowly inhaled the scent of the Stardust before the boy contently breathed out against the buds.

“You can have some of it. Take it home with you,” the owner suggested.

“Oh—that would be nice. How much does it cost?” Taehyeon quickly asked, his excitement reflecting on his action of reaching into the insides of his old uniform jacket.

“It’s free of charge, my boy. As part of his generosity, the Angel Prince gave specific orders to give these flowers to anyone with no charge,” the owner smiled.

“A gift from the Prince of Inlustris Noctis.”

The old flower shop owner took the bundle of Stardust from Taehyeon, added a few more, and then started to arrange it neatly into a small bouquet.

While waiting for the flowers, Taehyeon felt a tingling sensation at the back of his neck, as if someone was watching him. Taking slow deep breath in, he quickly looked towards the direction where he felt it was from.

By the edge of the shop, Taehyeon saw a figure in ragged grey clothes leaning on the edge of the brick wall. The stance of the figure along with the direct eye contact made gave away how that person was just listening to him and the flower shop owner’s conversation.

The moment Taehyeon stared back at the pair of dark yellow eyes, the person whose lower half of the face was covered with a thin grey scarf, swiftly turned around and went into the alley between the flower shop and the next shop.

“I apologize but I’ll be back for these—Please excuse me for a bit,” Taehyeon quickly said.

The owner simply nodded, motioned for Taehyeon to go and resumed with his delicate work.

Taehyeon went to follow the person that was clearly eavesdropping and watching him. He turned to the opening of the alley and among the other vendors and town’s people walking through the path, he saw just in time that the person turned to the left. He ventured into the alley, following the one-way path. After a few turns, he reached a diverged pathway.

The archer risked on one of the two since he did not see any more signs of the mysterious person. At the end of the path, he saw how it only led back to the opposite end of the circle; back to the stairs of the wide main alleyway.

Taehyeon was about to exit the alley when he stepped on something that made a sound of metal against the ground. He looked down to an unsheathed standard katana. When he moved his foot, he saw the Military Institute’s insignia that dangled on the end of the string that was wrapped around the junction of the handle and the pommel. Then a few feet away from where he stood, were an abandoned shield and dagger.

Eyes narrowed in suspicion and alarm, Taehyeon got out of the alley and made his way to the middle of the main alleyway. The archer walked down the steps and stopped by the gap between the steps and the fountain to better observe his surroundings.

Being a warrior and part of the Elites; the Royal Army, Taehyeon was aware of the current system on security. It dawned on him the missing element that makes a great different of what should be seen in time of a crisis that threatens the safety and security of a kingdom.

“How peculiar,” Taehyeon mumbled.

“They are supposed to be guards and patrols.”

The archer quickly racked his brain and think of where he should look to with the given point of fallen weapons at the alleyway just behind him. He looked straight through the falling water of the fountain.

Though the water was blurring his view of the other side of the circle, Taehyeon’s eyes widened at the was his suddenly focused onto. With one swift motion then, the archer got his bow and with his other hand, grabbed an arrow from his quiver.

With quick calculations and no room for hesitation, Taehyeon pulled the arrow back and let it loose into the air a second after he breathed out.

The arrow perfectly flew through below the many arcs of the falling water and went to the other side of the circle to where Taehyeon’s target was just rushing to walk away.

The target screamed in pain when the arrow pierced the side of his lower left leg. The man was forced to drop the moving sack he was holding over his other shoulder.

Every being present turned to look at the commotion and source of the anguished scream. With the target down and frantically attempting to pull the arrow out of his skin, Taehyeon went to the ledge of the fountain and stepped up to it to see through the bystanders that crowded the scene.

One bystander, by instinct, got hold of the sack and quickly pulled it away from the raging Demon that was screaming profanities after he pulled the arrow and blood gushed out the punctured hole.

A few more town’s people quickly opened the wriggling sack while the Demon was too distracted by his wound. To everyone’s horror, the content of the sack was a young beaten-up patrol guard, screaming through the cloth that was wrapped around his mouth.

When someone pulled the cloth down to let him speak, his scream made everyone’s blood run cold.
