Episode 14

“Are you sure?”

“For the nth time, Junhyun. He’s fine.”

Kim Seung So let out an exasperated sigh at the young Demon who sat on the bed of his patient that he was currently checking up on: Kim Tae Hyeon. But he couldn’t help but smile at how the young warrior was openly expressing his worry for the archer that has been bed ridden for almost four days now.

“He’s stabled—he’s breathing—he’s resting. Taehyeon’s alive. You need not to worry so much at this point, kid,” Seungso reassured whilst he gently removed the bandage around Taehyeon’s head.

“But he’s still unconscious, hyung. Isn’t he supposed to be better by—"

“What are you doing here?” Seungso looked at Junhyun with a half-hearted glare before he turned his attention to foot of the bed.

“What are you all even doing in my hospital?”

Seungso raised an eyebrow at the three warriors who are supposedly visitors of the unconscious boy on the bed.

“I get that you’re all worried for Taehyeon, but you do know that it’s passed visiting hours here in the infirmary, right?” Seungso disposed of the used bandages on the tray by the small bedside table.

“Kyu-hyung knew you’d be here and we knew you’d be lenient on us. Also, the three of us simply followed this worrywart here as soon as we finished training. We have nothing else to do anyways but to check up on Taehyeon,” Jun Hwan Min explained and casually walked to the bed beside Taehyeon’s before he shamelessly lied down to relax.

“You still trained even after General Kim told us to take the week off?” Seungso asked and ended up looking at the person he has been avoiding since their last conversation: Kim Nam-kyu.

“Hey. It was Junhyun who insisted,” Min Yong-sun clarified since he saw right through Seung-so’s cold look at Nam-kyu. He didn’t want the medic to misunderstood their captain and aggravate the lingering tension between the two.

Seungso shot a skeptical glare at Yong-sun then turned to Junhyun who was too focused on watching Taehyeon sleep.

Now that they mentioned it, the medic saw how Junhyun’s breathing was a tad bit slower and there were few notable bruises on his arms and face. Then there were those very faint dark patterns that had yet to fully recede on Junhyun’s neck that reached up to the corner of the Demon’s eyes.

“Well, he better not had used his Demon abilities during training,” Seungso glared at a certain Demon who sported the same state as the youngest Demon.

“He wasn’t supposed to?” Nam-kyu asked while he rubbed the back of his head, obviously clueless about this.

“Oh, for the love of—Junhyun!” Seungso hissed as to not disturb Taehyeon and the rest of the patients on the other beds in the large infirmary hall.

“What?” Junhyun looked up and saw how everyone was looking at him with a frown; a glare on Seungso’s case.

Seungso simply took a deep breath and with a sigh. There was no point stressing about this, given Junhyun’s tendency to not listen to his hyungs. And seeing that the young warrior was sleepy, hence, the dazed question, the medic decided to let it slide for now. He then grabbed some vial of ointment and prepared some freshly rolled bandages on the medic cart he pushed earlier.

“I strictly prescribed you to lay off from using your clan’s innate power for at least a week. And I already told you many times to not to overuse your Demon abilities. It drains a lot of energy from your being compared to other Demons who doesn’t have your bloodline. Be wary of your eyes, Junhyun. It’s dangerous.”

So, next time, please resort to using weapons, you stubborn child. You train and battle with blades for the sole reason to not kill yourself by draining the life out of your being,” Seungso patiently lectured; his caring personality overpowering his strictness that comes with being the head doctor of the Military Institute.

Seungso then proceeded to apply the ointment on Junhyun’s bruises before he let his hand glow in color of soft green; soothing the bruises along with the strained muscles.

“Sorry about that, So-hyung,” Junhyun yawned before he turned to look at Taehyeon once again.

“We—I can’t help it,” Junhyun added while his thumb gently caressed the back of Taehyeon’s hand.

“Of course, Junhyun is not really to blame for that,” Hwanmin interjected as he adjusted his arms under the back of his head to be more comfortable.

“His other persona keeps on urging Junhyun to push himself to the limit. This persona of his is as possessive as Junhyun. Only more intense and aggressive though,” Nam-kyu lazily pocketed his hands in his standard Elite uniform jacket.

“Yeah, we all know and even have witnessed on multiple occasions already, how Junhyun’s other persona expresses his extensive possessiveness over Taehyeon. Being all overprotective to the point of using power and violence,” Yong-sun commented and slapped Hwanmin’s feet off the bed, forcing the latter to sit up instead.

“Talk about obsessive,” Hwanmin smirked to which the other two snickered at the thought.

“He can’t help it,” Junhyun rolled his eyes at his hyungs who chatted amongst themselves as if he—and his other persona—wasn’t there.

Junhyun looked at Taehyeon when the archer moved in his sleep and pressed himself against the warmth of the warrior. Junhyun then gently adjusted Taehyeon’s position to have the younger boy lean and rest against his chest comfortably.

“I’d go through any lengths just to have him safe and alive. Always,” Junhyun stated.

“As long as you don’t plan on getting yourself killed, all of your hyungs support you,” Seungso smiled and dispersed the healing glow from his hands since he was done with bandaging Junhyun’s arms and leg too.

Seungso poked Junhyun’s leg and motioned for him to put his legs on the bed to be more comfortable. It was obvious Junhyun wasn’t going to leave Taehyeon’s side so might as well let him stay and get some rest too.

With Seungso’s obvious permission, Junhyun closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep at the comfort of Taehyeon in his arms.

The medic was about to usher the rest out of his workplace when the doors to the infirmary opened and echoed across the hall.

“Any updates on Taehyeon? How is he?”

Everyone turned to the newly arrived visitor and slightly bowed in acknowledgement of Taehyeon’s guardian and their superior, General Kim Jung-hwa.

“Hwa-hyung,” Seungso let out a small laugh.

“You and your cousin here are so much alike. Disregarding my hospital rules and being here beyond the allotted time for visitors,” Seungso commented while he started to organize his medical cart.

“I apologize,” Jung-hwa sincerely said to which the medic simply smiled and shook his head in amusement.

“Old habits die hard, huh, Hwa-hyung?” Nam-kyu mumbled teasingly.

“Speak for yourself. You’re picking up on said habits because of the same reason I had before, my dear cousin,” Jung-hwa calmly retorted as he smirked.

“You’re here because of a certain medic, aren’t you?” Jung-hwa teased back.

“Shut up, hyung,” Nam-kyu grumbled as Jung-hwa chuckled with the other two warriors after he asked for the other Yong-sun’s and Hwanmin’s confirmation on the matter.

“So, how is Taehyeon?” Jung-hwa asked once again and finally turned his attention to the bed, only to find Taehyeon in Junhyun’s arms.

“He’s getting better. The cut on his head has healed up pretty nicely. Then the gash on his arm will be nothing more than just a light scar after a day or two,” Seungso informed.

“His body did take a toll from withstanding all that pain and that excessive blood loss while battling all those Rogues. Passing out that day and being unconscious up ‘til now is just the body’s coping mechanism to heal and restore strength. Rest is simply what Taehyeon needs after all that battling and running too.”

“I feel more at ease now,” Jung-hwa let out a relieved sigh and went to the side of Taehyeon to pat the mop of golden-brown hair.

“I wouldn’t have to further ponder on what could have happened if you and the rest of the Third Elites didn’t get to the capitol by then.”

“I’m relieved that he has all of you as his hyungs,” Jung-hwa acknowledged everyone then looked down at the now sleeping Junhyun.

“I suggest for everyone to turn in for the night and maximize the week’s time I gave you to rest up. The Royal Army has a lot of responsibilities and duties to carry out after all,” Jung-hwa turned to leave and paused beside his cousin.

“Take care of yourselves. Take care of them, cousin,” Jung-hwa patted Nam-kyu’s back before he whispered:

“Whatever you did, make it right.”

Jung-hwa gave a knowing look at his dongsaeng before he inclined his head at the medic’s direction.

With that, the general bid his goodbye to the rest of the Second Elites then left.

“Well! I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going ahead to get some well-deserved sleep. I wouldn’t want to pass up the chances of sleeping in,” Hwanmin yawned and stretched his arms over his head before he settled his interlinked hands on top of his head.

“I’ll be taking my leave too,” Yong-sun informed as he looked at the other occupied beds at the far stretch of the infirmary hall.

“If you’re looking for Jihoon, he’s already been discharged this morning,” Seungso informed when he noticed Yong-sun lingering a bit despite his claim to leave.

“Eh? Yong-sun hyung still looking for that Human? Still concerned over his well-being, huh? How sweet,” Hwanmin commented in mock shock just to tease the Demon.

“What the fuck—the hell do I care about that boy? He’s capable of taking care of himself. How absurd of you to think I am concerned for that Human,” Yong-sun rambled and rushed out with Hwanmin following him out to further tease the Demon about the Human.

Once the two had left with their bickering’s echoes fading into nothingness in the hallway outside, silence finally reigned in the infirmary. Seungso let out a tired yet contented sigh whilst he pulled the covers over Junhyun and Taehyeon. After that, he turned back to see Nam-kyu still at the end of the bed.

“You’re still here?”

Seungso questioned as he walked pass him to pull the curtains on both sides of the bed to give the young warrior and archer some privacy.

“Ah. I was wondering if I could get my bruises checked too. That is, if you don’t mind,” Nam-kyu rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

Seungso looked at Nam-kyu and found not only bruises on his face and hands, but also cuts too. He wanted to continue ignoring the latter, but then again, he can’t just withhold someone from medical attention. It was his duty as a medic and the head doctor of the hospital to see to it that everyone is okay.

“Follow me,” Seungso said and pushed his medic cart towards the corner by the infirmary doors where his table was situated at.

Seungso situated Nam-kyu on the vacant bed near his station. The medic took his time in gathering everything that he might need then ordered his patient to take off his shirt. He knew that if Nam-kyu trained with the rest then there’s bound to be bruises on his upper body too. After that proceeded to check up on the captain’s condition with Seungso sitting on a stool in front Nam-kyu.

“You don’t usually get these many bruises and cuts during training,” Seungso softly commented as he gently disinfected the cuts with a swap of cotton soaked in alcohol.

“What happened?” Seungso couldn’t help but ask.

“Two against one. I let Yong-sun and Junhyun fight against me,” Nam-kyu answered as he looked down at Seungso’s hands.

“Judging by the inflicted damage, for just a sparring match, they seemed pretty aggressive," Seungso looked up at Nam-kyu and replaced the used swab for a new one.

“They’re pissed off at me for last time’s events,” Nam-kyu winced when Seungso reached the wound on his chest.

“Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be,” Seungso shrugged and looked up to Nam-kyu.

“It’s because I made you cry.”

Seungso paused midway Nam-kyu’s treatment. He looked away when he was reminded of what Nam-kyu said to him that time. Yes, it has been a few days yet the words were still freshly ingrained his mind. Hence, the twinge in his chest for the what the captain thinks of the medic.

“Okay. Almost done. I just have to—"

Seungso stood up to turn away for a moment. But his wrist was gently caught into a hold, preventing him from moving further away.


Seungso was forced to face Nam-kyu when the captain gently tugged on the medic’s wrist. Nam-kyu boldly pulled on Seungso and had the latter stand closer to him, between his legs. He felt flustered at the close proximity with the shirtless captain but forced himself to hold his ground and remain a cool façade despite the light blush on his cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” Nam-kyu intently stared up at Seungso’s black obsidian eyes and rubbed the pad of his thumb on the faded bruise he inflicted on Seungso’s wrist.

“I apologize for everything I said about you. I know I hurt you and again, I truly am sorry. That was very low of me to accuse you of such to the point that I even degraded you and your importance to my troop—to me. I admit, I took out my frustration on you that and it’s stupid. It was stupid of me to get worked up when you only stood up to me because you knew what was best for me and the rest.”

Please. I know I don’t deserve getting treated by you—or even getting treatment at all because I know I deserve all these. Both Yong-sun and Junhyun made me realize that—that no matter what, I need you. I want you to know that I value our friendship too much.”

I want—I need us to be okay, Seungso,” Nam-kyu reiterated with so much sincerity while he shifted his hold and now held Seungso’s hand.

Seungso remained silent and after a moment, he gently pulled his hand away from Nam-kyu’s. He looked to the side as he timidly took a small step back. Only because Seungso was afraid that Nam-kyu would hear how loud and fast his heart was beating. He didn’t want to risk their friendship—that friendship Nam-kyu values too much as he just stated.

Nam-kyu felt pathetic and even felt sick that Seungso distanced himself away from him. He clenched his teeth as well his hands into fists beside him and looked down dejectedly.

“We’re okay.”

The captain’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second and quickly looked up at the medic that now had a bright yet soft expression on his beautiful face.

“I forgive you, Kyu.”

Seungso finally smiled at Nam-kyu.

Seeing that smile that he loves so much; that smile that he hasn’t seen for days, and hearing that nickname he grew fond of, Nam-kyu couldn’t hold himself back any longer and stood up. In a flash, he had pulled Seungso in his arms and into a warm tight hug that could pass as more than just a friendly hug.

Despite the shock, hearing how Nam-kyu’s heart was also beating erratically, as if in synched with his own, Seungso finally risked it and wrapped his arms around Nam-kyu’s waist.

Seungso hugged Nam-kyu back in hopes of getting his feelings across somehow.


"Hello Readers! Director Kim is currently on HIATUS (for the reason of finishing an important school year), and is planning a re-write for this novel as she admits that despite her inactiveness, she DID NOT FORGET ABOUT THIS NOVEL! She's still making some improvements on her limited spare time for this <3

But as long as there is no update, feel free to leave your SUPPORT and COMMENTS on the current one!

Director Kim apologizes for the inactiveness and abrupt halt on this book. Hoping for your understanding.

Look forward to the more improved storyline for this!"