Detective W spat out, "The thermostat of the car is on the hood, not on the bottom! How did Victoria not catch this?!"
You almost jumped back in surprise. It was the first time you saw Detective W this annoyed. "But... but... that doesn't mean anything if he didn't commit the deed," you tried to placate Detective W. "It could be that he was just clueless about cars...?"
Detective W unclenched his fists. "Certainly," he reverted to his usual state of calmness. "But, there's also one thing that kind of makes me question his alibi. If he was under the car the entire time... how did he know Ahmad had gone off the guardrail? I think it's time to meet up with this Harry Bolls. Whatever he says will change the entire course of this case."
You two went to Victoria for further information on the case. It seemed like you're not getting home early tonight.
Day 2 Begins...