

"The King is not going to last long at this rate, we must hurry things up!" Arnold was twitching from caffeine, insomnia, stress or rather a combination of all three that gave him spasming muscles and jittery hands.

"Matron. There has been... talk."

"What kind of talk?" Matron directed a hard stare at Granule. She was not in the mood for anymore complications. Thankfully, half the girls turned out to be idiots so getting rid of them would be very easy, however, the Kings health had taken a drastic turn for the worse. He was slipping in and out of consciousness and was rarely lucid. It was simply a matter of time before he was completely comatose.

"You see, there have been whispers of a coup."

"A coup? And just who exactly would be performing a coup? You? Me? Arnold? That is simply preposterous."

"Those were my thoughts exactly however, a friend of mine was seeing a girl who works in a bar in the less reputable part of the city, in Dragon's End. She says that there has been more and more movement of the Guiding Light."

"The Guiding Light? Who on earth are they and why should we care if they are moving?" Arnold was almost hysterical. The stress was really getting to the man. He had a delicate disposition for sure.

"The Guiding Light are anti-monarchists, they've been around since I was a girl," The Matron explained. "But I don't see how they're activities should be any cause for concern. They are a weak band of disorganised idiots."

"Well ah, you see they seem to have a new leader, and they are very much organised. There has been an influx of visitors coming into the city and a rise in armoury sales. They've been gathering members and money. They are now the controlling group of Dragon's End. If they want to stage a coup, they have more than enough means to do so." Granule looked quite distressed, and as for Arnold, he had just plain keeled over.

"Well then I guess we'll just have to remind them the meaning of treason hmm?" The Matron stood from her chair and stepping over Arnold, exited the room, off to go have a little chat with the head of the Royal Guard.