" What if it had a bomb?" Farhad followed up after questioning me why I moved the vase. I rolled my eyes and groaned; I didn't even get the chance to answer her first question.
" Can I talk now?" I questioned frustration coating and dripping from my words. She closed her eyes and slowly bit her bottom lip as if she was refraining from saying something smart.
" I moved it because I didn't feel like explaining to my neighbor's four-year-old son why I had a freaking Lily made from what looks like - fucking phalanges," I said before walking away from her. I really can't be bothered with this girl. Like is she always like this, I know she's at work and stuff, but there is no need to be walking around with a baseball bat lodged up her firm round ass.
" Did you just compliment her ass?" Kal asked, ignoring the fact that I'm not talking to her.
" I'm still not talking to you." I communicated to her; she hissed her teeth before propping herself on my island to sit criss-cross applesauce.
" I'm sorry I tried to blame you for what happened and made you yell out in front of agent sexy pants," Kal said before pouting and doing puppy dog eyes trying to get me to smile, which she did accomplish.
"I'm not upset with you per se; think I'm just irritated with the whole thing," I said. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, cutting my communication link to Kal.
" I'm assigning you an agent, and your apartment building will be under surveillance; we have agents trying to access the camera footage." She stated and continued listing other stuff that needs to be done or being executed.
" I don't need a bodyguard," I said and sat beside Kal on the island, swinging my feet.
" It's not up for debate." She said and was about to walk off to one of her associates. I looked over at Kal, who looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me not to cause a scene. I gave her a tight-lipped smile, trying to calm the curses that ran through my head.
" Agent Farhad, I'd prefer if I didn't have a guard dog because it doesn't want me dead," I stated. She looked me up and down, probably upset at my statement.
" It?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.
" Yes, I'm dehumanizing the individual, well, until you guys come up with one of your very clever names," I said, being sarcastic towards the end, loving how the small vein in her forehead bulged. I smirked at her palpable frustration, maybe anger.
" What makes you think the suspect doesn't want you dead." She said with an arched brow and emphasizing the word suspect.
" It got the chance; they could have shot me when I stepped out the front door; they could have smashed my head when I was picking up the vase, and as you said before, it could have been a bomb," I said, listing all the chances the killer had.
" Doesn't mean they don't want you dead, simply means it wasn't the time." She said pointedly with a smug look on her face. Yeah, she was definitely that one nerd in high school. You know, the one where everyone dislikes, the freaking know-it-all.
" I just know, ok, are you guys soon finished," I said and made a gesture to the door. I have things to do, and I can't be interrupted.
" Wrap it up, guys." She said while making the same gesture with her arms. I went over to my couch with a headache after all that, and I'm starving. I pulled out my phone and ordered some food.
" Kole," I heard and turned to give her my attention, " I know we got off on the wrong foot, but we still have to work together." She said I opened my mouth to respond, but she held up her hand, signaling she wasn't finished. I folded my lips, not in the mood to fuss about her gesture.
" I'm sorry for what I said; it was unprofessional. You were right; we both have our own methods of working, and we have to respect it, so please cooperate with me and accept the agent." She voiced. I nodded and got up and held out my hand.
" To respecting each other's methods and being careful with our words." I declared and smiled when she shook my hand. She nodded before heading to my front door, and she quickly spun around.
" Oh, your agents will be outside in the unmarked Camry. They will take turns scoping the area and checking on you." She said. I sighed and nodded.
After exiting my apartment, I walked over to the car; the one closest to me rolled down his window.
" Here," I said and handed him a bag filled with water and two blankets. He looked at me quizzically, but then his face changed to one of thanks.
" Thank you." They both said I nodded before walking away. It gets cold at night, and I'm not a complete bitch. I sat in the middle of my bed with my eyes closed, trying to focus once I returned to my abode.
" Amana, don't tell me you are doing what I think you're doing," Kal said. I nodded, giving her the answer to the question that ran through her thoughts. I took repeated slow deep breaths trying to center my thoughts and feelings. I could feel my heart slowing down it's beating, the hair on my skin stood up. I could feel everything around me, every atom and molecule. I could hear sounds from the end of the block and as close as the ticking clock in my room.
I opened my eyes; I was in my room but not really. I looked at my still seated form on my bed and then at Kal.
" You are fucking crazy, and you know how dangerous this is without having an anchor." She said that while throwing her hands up, it's been a while since we were on the same plane. I wish I could hug her, but even though I was in her territory, I was still very much alive, so specific rules apply. I guess being an anomaly has its props.
" I have to figure out who's doing this, Kaliah," I said, leaving no room for the back and forth disputes. Her shoulders fell, and she looked over at me on my bed; she shook her head and made her way out of the apartment.
" What's the plan." She asked as we made it out of the apartment. I touched the spot where the vase was sitting a couple of hours ago. Energies linger a lot longer in this territory as well and are less complicated to pick up. I moved my hand over the spot with my eyes closed; I tried concentrating on the various vibrations. I could pick up the different energies from the agents. I kept looking slowly, turning back the hands of time. I was about to give up when a blue hue appeared. I opened my eyes, stepped back from the spot, and watched the scene play out.
I watched as a tall figure approached with a woven bag; the image had its hoodie pulled over its head with a neck gaiter covering its lower face; I couldn't see his eyes from my position.
Hands were covered with gloves; I moved when the figure bent to put down the vase. I squatted beside it and held my breath when it turned to look in my direction. I couldn't help the way my heart accelerated even though I know he couldn't see me, and I couldn't identify it because the bastard wore shades. The figure walked away, by the feel left-back in the air, I can tell it was a male, along with particular tell tales from his movement, posture, and structure. I stared down the hall, watching him disappear; a foul and vile aura lingered behind him. I felt my lugs start to constrict.
" It's time to go back, Mana," Kal said. I took deep breaths, trying to keep my lungs from shutting down; she grabbed my hand and pulled me up before opening my apartment door. I could feel my body getting weak.
" No, hold on, you're almost to your room." She said, rushing through the hall and pulling me behind her, my head throbbed as my vision faded, and my heart slowed its beats.
" Hey, snap out of it. You die over here; you stay dead." She said while helping me to sit in front of my now trembling body. If I didn't return soon, I would start seizing shortly after that would be my death. I tried to regulate my breathing, which was really hard when my lungs felt like prickly vines were slowly constricting them. I tried to ignore the pain and push past the discomfort. I felt a rush in my lower abdomen, one similar to when you dropped from a very high spot on a roller coaster but greatly intensified.
I gasped and gripped my chest as I opened my eyes, my real eyes. I looked around, trying to level myself. I grabbed my bedside table and pulled out my photo album; I slowly flipped through the pages, trying to anchor myself to this world. This is me at three years old, and at ten years old, I said in my head as I ran my fingers over the photos.
I returned the album to its original space when I felt the restriction in my chest reduce, and the throbbing stopped.
" That was too close Amana, you know you can't stay that long over here, especially without an anchor." Kal scolded; I didn't have it in me to defend my actions. I nodded, feeling defeated. The only thing I got from him was his energy, which was useless because I can't see the various hues from this side.
I can still detect his aura, though, I guess, but it won't be as strong as it was before, but I think it will work. Unless I stumble onto someone with similar intentions as him, then I'm screwed. Everyone has their own aura. It's almost like a fingerprint; the only issue with aura's on the "land of the living" is that it isn't as potent, certain vital elements are missing, which can lead to mistaking people.
" Your nose is bleeding!" Kal yelled while she pointed at my face. I cupped my nose and ran towards the bathroom; I held my face over the sink watching as the crimson liquid discolored my sink. I held up my head and looked at my reflection, my eyes were bloodshot, and my skin look withered; I wiped away the blood, temporarily cleaning the spot.
It's going to be a long night.