WebNovelTrue Love78.57%

2 Years Later


2 years later



Venice: That's the end of my video so please like and subscribe.

I shut down my camera and went into the living room.

Monica: How was your stream?

Venice: Very tired.

Monica: Haha..don't work yourself out too hard.

Venice: I'm fine , big sis.

Monica: Well I'm gonna get going. Me and Charlie have plans.

Venice: You two getting pretty serious huh?

Monica: Well we've been living together for almost a year.

Venice: How's it going?

Monica: He's the perfect roommate! No offense.

Venice: None taken. A boyfriend who likes to cook and clean. Lucky...

Monica: Hahaha alright well see ya sis and have fun on your date!

Venice: Thank you!

Monica Left.




Charlie: You ready babe?

Monica: Yep!

Charlie: Okay so we're gonna go get some groceries, find a place to set up for a new video, and then we can try out that new Italian restaurant near our place.

I just started smiling at him. He was everything to me.

Charlie: Hehe what?

Monica: You would be a great dad hehe.

Charlie: Hahaha come on let's go.




Venice: This is a great place James.

James: Thanks Venice. I'm hoping that you like this place.

Venice: Oh it's great.

James: So we've been on a few dates so I was hoping you would tell me how you got into YouTube.

Venice: I'm actually not sure, I've just actually been really into just doing what I like.

James: I heard you like Volleyball?

Venice: yeah I love volleyball you?

James: No, I'm not into sports so much.

Venice: Oh...

James: Can I ask you something personal?

Venice: Sure.

James: So about Jin...do you miss him?

Venice: I do, almost everyday.

James: What's he been up to?

Venice: I actually don't know...I haven't talked to him ever since he moved to Nevada. Look, do you mind if we don't talk about him? I'm sorry.

James: oh..no I really shouldn't have asked that I'm sorry, lets just enjoy our date.

Venice: Yeah lets.


Monica: Hi Taylor. I hope you are well. It's been awhile.

Charlie: Wassup Lee... I hope you guys are doing good in heaven. Haven't heard from Jin and I'm sorry.

Monica: Why are you sorry?

Charlie: We haven't heard from the guy in two years. I promised Lee's grave that I would look after him but he just wanted to be alone.

Monica: Babe imp sure Jin's fine. I know it's tough but we can't just go see him.

Charlie: wait...why not?

Monica: What?

Charlie: We can just go to Nevada and see him!

Monica: Are you sure?

Charlie: We have to. Jin was more than a friend to us; he was family.

Monica: yeah...I miss him too. Venice just hasn't been the same. Alright Lee and Taylor.

Charlie: We'll be back soon.


James: Had a great time with you.

Venice: Yeah you as well.

James: So can we do this again?

Venice: I would love too.

James came in for a kiss and I kissed him back.

James: Bye.

Venice: Bye...

James then left.

Venice: That was weird.

I went in and grabbed my extra clothes.

Venice: huh...here we go.

I went to the gym and went to the volleyball court.

Worker: Working on serves again?

Venice: Yep.

Worker: Hey do you know if that Jin kid is coming back?

Venice: Umm I'm sorry I'm not sure.

Worker: That's a shame...he was a good kid.

Venice: Yeah he was.

I went in and launched a jump serve. The impact was loud but it was outside the line.

Venice: dammit. Lets try this again.

I kept practicing for hours then I went home.

I went in and Monica and Charlie was there.

Venice: Oh...hello.

Monica: How was your date?

Venice: It was nice...

Charlie: Hey listen we have a surprise!

Venice: Geez what's got you two so pumped?

Monica: We are going to Nevada for a couple weeks.

Venice: Hehe Nevada? What for?.....

I realized Jin was there.

Charlie: Yes, we are going to go see Jin.

Venice: Jin....

Monica: Did you want to go? James is welcome to come as well.

Venice: no....actually...yes but...

Monica: Look you don't have to decide right now. We were planning to go on Friday so you have a couple of days to decide.

Venice: okay...

Charlie: Alright then well we should get going.

Monica: Okay alright. See ya sis.

Venice: bye.

They both left.

I went to my kitchen and saw the picture that Jin gave me.

Venice: I miss you..




I went to Millie's Café to grab some coffee and was heading home until I bumped into someone.

Leon: James?

James: Leon? Oh.. Hi how have you been?

Leon: I'm doing good. Look listen...about that night.

James: Look man it's fine we all were tipsy you have nothing to apologize for.

Leon: I heard your dating Venice?

James: Umm... yeah I'm sorry I should have asked..

Leon: No your fine she's an adult. She's allowed to date whoever she wants. But how's it going?

James: We've just been on a couple dates so far nothing too serious.

Leon: You're gonna keep dating her?

James: What do you mean?

Leon: Come on man we all were there that night.

James: No me and her have something special.

Leon: That's what I thought but...she has her heart set on another guy.

James: Look man I got to get going...

I decided to walk away.

James: Venice?

Venice: Come in.

James: I got some coffee, want some?

Venice: Sure thanks James.

James: You okay?

Venice: No...actually...

She told me all about the trip to Vegas.

James: Wow....are you going?

Venice: I was thinking no...

James: What why!?

Venice: You want to go?

James: To see Jin why not?

Venice: I'm just...

James: Just what?

Venice: Just I....does he even want to see us?

James: I'm 100 percent sure that he would love to see you guys. Did you not hear his last video? You guys treated him like family.

Venice: Okay....why not.

James: Lets go.

Suddenly I thought about what Leon said.




Monica: That's great!!

Venice: Yep I'm going hehe.

Charlie: Okay well tell James that we are going to head out on Saturday morning. Meet up at our place.

I went to Venice.

Monica: You okay about going? You know after what happened?

Venice: I am actually. I do want to see him.


It was Saturday morning and we were at the airport.

I brought the picture of me and Jin.

Venice: See you soon.


Announcer: Do we have a match today!!!!

Luke: Alright serving!!!

Announcer: Luke Bering's is one of the strongest servers in our roster!

Luke jumped and served.

Announcer: What a hit!

I dived and received the ball.

Announcer: And Jin cleanly sweeps it up!

Jin: Bruce!

Bruce set up a ball in the air.

I jumped with all my might and spiked as hard as I could.

Announcer: And Jin does it again!!!! The ace and captain of the Red Phoenix!

Jin: YES!!!!

The crowds were cheering.