Chapter 2

I messed up. I angrily wiped the tears that escaped my eyes. I pulled over to " Joe's Groceries" and parked my car towards the back, designated for employees. It was dark, but I recognized the yellow beetle. I already felt more guilt rising for what I was about to do; I stopped in the almost empty parking and stared at the back door. My eyes focused on the sign, "Employee Access Only," which was posted in the center of the door. I felt my arms tremble; I tried to take even breaths as I put one foot in front of the other. I stopped and almost screamed bloody murder when I felt my bones shatter to pieces from the impact of falling off a roof. Tears poured out my eyes as my mind forced me to re-feel every pain he went through.

I wouldn't say I liked this ability; it was a curse. I practically dragged my body through the door, leaning against it as I took deep sharp breaths trying to fill my lungs that were crying out for oxygen. Everything hurts everything.

" Harlow?" I heard her voice, and I tensed, trying to calm myself while beating up on the fact that I had to use her.

" Harlow, is everything ok?" Sam asked as she walked over to me. I pulled away from her a little and nodded.

" Yeah, I'm fine just wanted to get some stuff without being seen," I said. She raised her brow and looked at me quizzically.

" Oh-kay," She said, dragging out the O to confirm her confusion.

" Whose working with you tonight?" I questioned.

" Luke, why?" She said as she turned to make her way back to the ghost town of a grocery store.

" Where is he?" I asked

" What's up with all the questions, Harlow?" She asked, stopping at the store entrance, I could slightly see over her shoulder, and the place was empty. No Luke or customer insight.

" I'm sorry," I said; she looked at me like I was losing it, then her eyes widen in fear as she stared at me. I knew my eyes had changed color from the telltale feeling of my surroundings and body. Time slowed as I raced through her mind, her face morphing into one of placidity and unconsciousness.

"You're going to head to the safe and take all the money earned today and yesterday; then you are going to give me your keys and take my car." I felt my heart constrict with guilt. If they catch her in my car, they will act aggressively, not taking her word as an ordinary civilian.

" Send the car off Lover's Mountain, make sure no one sees you walk away," I said. She nodded her head and handed me her car keys before making her way over to the cash register.

Just then, I heard the toilet flush; I looked to see if Sam was almost finished before looking towards the opening door; she was still putting the money in a bag. I rushed over to Luke, trying to buy some time. I didn't want to use my "power." Shoot, I don't even know if I can use it back to back like that. The last time I did that, my blood was pumping with adrenaline and fright.

" Hey, Luke," I said, causing him to look away from his phone.

" Hey Harlow, what are you doing here." He said. Just then, a loud warning siren emerged from the television. Shit!

" Breaking News, A new mutant has been found -"

" Hey!" I yelled, causing him to look at me and not at the T.V. He stared at me like I was crazy, and to be honest, I probably was.

" I need help with my car!" I yelled and grabbed his hand; he allowed me to pull him away, still looking at me like I have lost my damn mind.

Have I lost my mind?

" Are you okay? Why are you yelling?" He asked and pulled his hand from mine. I took a deep breath and looked behind me at the closed exit, and I hoped she wouldn't come out right now. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulder. He looked me up and down before rolling his eyes and sighing.

" What's wrong with your car?" He asked. Shit! I never planned this far.

" If I knew Luke, I'm sure I would be able to fix it. It's just acting weird." I said and threw him my car keys before walking away.

" Where are you going?" He asked, obviously annoyed.

" Inside, I'm cold." I lied and ran inside, closing the door behind me, and I would almost release a sigh of relief if I didn't crash right into Sam.

I took the bag of money from her, and she handed me her keys. That's when I realized that Luke has mine. I'm screwed. I'm gonna have to use my power again. I grabbed her hand, and we both walked outside.

" Both of you can't be out here, and there is nothing wrong with your car." He said, from his tone and posture, saying he was annoyed would be an understatement.

" What's in the bag?' He questioned. I sighed and stared at him; I tried focusing on him and only him.

" Harlow, what's going on?" He questioned. Come on; please work.

He moved towards me, and I took a step back. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed me quickly, taking the bag from me. Shit! Shit!

" You've been acting strange since you got here; what is your problem?" He questioned as he made to open the bag.

" Stop!" I yelled, but he continued. Of course, now is the time you chose not to work. Fucking hell.

His face dropped to one of confusion and anger.

" Are you robbing us?' He questioned, and I stepped back, glimpsing in the trunk to see my lug wrench.

" I'm calling the cops, Harlow." He said and went to pull his phone out of his pocket. I grabbed Sam and shoved her with all my might into him. I heard the sweet sound of his phone hitting the floor.

" What the fuck, Harlow!" He yelled and shoved Sam to the side.

What the hell is wrong with you Sam, are you helping her?' He asked but received no response. With his back turned and focused on a dazed Sam, I grabbed the lug wrench and held it firmly in my hand. Please don't let him die.

He turned around suddenly as I swung, feeling the impact of the iron touching bone rush up my hand and jerk my elbow. I held in my scream as he laid still on the pavement, bleeding. I didn't check for a pulse. I didn't want to know if I had killed him. I stepped over his body and pushed Sam into the car. I grabbed my bag of money from the floor and headed to her car. I took the universal key from her key chain and swallowed the feeling of agony.

After placing the money down and watching as she drove away, I ran back inside to head for the camera room. I held the bloody lug wrench firmly in my hand after getting the door open and went to work on the computers. I can't leave any evidence; maybe if I smash them to bits, they won't recover anything. I removed the hard copy recordings and placed them in my back pocket. I looked over at the mess I made and hoped it would be enough to wipe all traces of me here.

I walked into the grocery section, and after ensuring no one is there, I grabbed as much alcohol as my hands could carry. I walked back outside, seeing that Luke was still lying stiff on the floor. It was a lot of blood; I halted in my tracts. I killed him; I'm a murderer. I stood still, wondering if I should stay rooted in my position until they found me and maybe killed me. I deserved it anyway, I killed my best friend's boyfriend, manipulated my best friend and the girl I liked, and the cherry on top, I killed a harmless civilian. Is this the meaning of the butterfly effect? One messed up change, and the rest is just a spiral of confusion and chaos. I wanted to get caught. At this point, I wanted to die; I was dangerous.

I heard the heavy rustling of trees and the noisy sound of helicopters. That was enough to kick me into action; I'm not ready to die. I'm not ready to be a lab rat being experimented on for their own sick reasons. I want -no, I needed answers, and I couldn't get them in a lab with many biased scientists. I ran towards Sam's truck and dropped the crowbar and alcohol on the passenger side before kicking it into action and turning out of the parking lot. I stopped at the parking lot entrance as several black vans, and police cars drove by me. I stared at the flashing light, everything around me moving in slow motion. What am I going to do? Would they block the main road as well as the back road?

I drove out after the last car deciding that nothing will stop me. I rather drive over a cop than be taken in. As I slowly approach the exit of the small town I called home. I realized that the entrance was filled with cops and dogs. I slowly pulled off the road and climbed out of the truck. I then made a run for it into the woods. I knew these woods, like the back of my hand, thanks to Rose and her need to sneak out and attend parties. I moved as swiftly as I could without triggering any sudden sounds. I don't need those dogs signaling anything. I smiled when I could see the barrier that indicates the high way is approaching. I'm going to do it; I'm going to make it out of this -ALIVE!

I climbed over the barrier and flagged down the first car that approached, which had a young woman as the sole occupant. I didn't want or trust to use my "power" at this point. Instead, I told her I needed help, which wasn't a lie, but I'm running from my abusive boyfriend as far as she is concerned. I smiled and sighed when I looked into the rearview mirror. I was free! I looked over at the lady and smiled. I fight the flashbacks that forced themselves to the surface. I swallowed the pain that was bubbling at the surface. I refused to stop my progress now.

I will survive, and I will learn how to get rid of this cursed thing. I will be normal again.

With those words replaying in my mind, I slowly relaxed to dull the pain. The passion I had to become me again was more potent than any torments the past few months have caused, and I held unto it.

Using it as the guiding force I needed, using it to find back Harlow.