1 Chaotic Day For 4-A


I'm still celebrating, but Cailah pulled me again. We’re now heading toward the high school building. She’s walking so fast that I almost lost my balance and dropped my things. She’s really excited and I know exactly the reason why.

"Cailah, I’m late! My ID needs to be validated!" I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, really? You didn’t remember that while you were looking at the rankings earlier! And our teacher isn’t there yet. Matthew texted me,” she put her finger on my mouth to shut me up.

I’ve got no choice but to sat on the bench across the classroom and watch my cousin drool. Did she really have to drag me in here just so she could take a glimpse of her crush from 4-C? Her neck’s stretching beyond endurance because she’s really determined to see her crush.

And, yes. She is my cousin. My dad is the younger brother of Cailah’s father. However, we’re both fifteen. Both of our mother got pregnant at the same time.

We have a remarkable bloodline which is why we resembled one another. Others mistook us as siblings whenever we’re together. We’re both petite, but I am taller than her. Her skin is slightly tanned while mine is fair; but not as white as Snow White’s. My chocolate brown hair that had a wavy tip falls down on my waist. Her straight, jet black hair had reached her shoulders; she chopped it last summer as she couldn’t stand the weather. Our noses are both narrowed. Her lips are thin while mine’s a bit fuller. Her arched eyebrows furrowed as she leaned closer at the door. Mine’s a bit bushy and untamed because I simply like them this way. My almond shaped brown eyes are bolder and livelier compared to her cat-like eyes. Some people called her snub and snooty because of those eyes. But that’s a fact. My cousin’s not that friendly.

I looked at my wristwatch and thought that I already gave her enough time to fantasize about her one-sided love for Ian. He never liked her, but she just doesn’t want to give up. And I can’t take this anymore.

"Hey…" I whispered because the class has already started.

"Cailah…” I called her again.

“Come on, Cailah! You have lowered yourself for this? I know you can do better! Know your worth! You deserve a man, not a boy!” I said, hoping that she’d stop treating me like an air; but she ignored me.

"Let’s go, Cailah!" Is she doing it on purpose?

That’s it! I’ve had enough!

"Holy smokes!" I immediately covered her mouth as I dragged her away from that room.

Knowing what she’ll do next, I brought her to the fire exit so no one will see her face when she become a Super Saiyan.

"What?" her death glare bothered me.

“Why did you grab my ass?!” she crossed her arms; her eyes are full of dagger.

Oh, she’s mad because of that? I was expecting she would breathe out some fire at me ‘coz I was the villain in her love story.

I tried to keep a straight face. “But I thought it was your back!”

She sat beside me and exhaled heavily. "You know what? I really hate you! That was my chance! Had you not dragged me away, Ian would’ve noticed that I was there! He already turned at my direction, but you ruined it!”

“Oh, what a lame excuse! You wanted to see him so bad? Why? How sure are you that he wanted to see you, too?” she looked away and sighed


I’m really worried about her. I know how much she likes that boy and I just don’t want her to get hurt. She deserves better. Yes, she’s smart. The men in our school will do everything to get her attention. In fact, she holds the fourth highest position that a student at the academy could ever get. But she’s really dumb. So dumb when it comes to love.

I stood up and pulled her up quietly. It’s time to go to the house near the main gate—our very own house that serves as a hangout place.

"Wow!" he said when we arrived. His eyes glistened the moment he saw my cousin. He didn’t even notice that I’m here.

"Good morning beautiful Cailah Maze Estrada!” he added ‘coz Cailah is too preoccupied.

"M-Morning,” she felt the awkwardness, but she greeted him back.

That boy is none other than Logan Matthew Guzman, Rank Five. All these years, he’s been trying to woo Cailah; but she never saw him that way. I actually feel so bad for him. He’s way better than Ian. He’s smart and he’s really nice. And most importantly, he loves her so much.

I took off my coat and sat on the couch. It’s a miracle that he’s not here yet. Normally, he would arrive before me. I smirked as I realized that he must be so overwhelmed right now. I mean, being the Rank Two is not a joke!

"Good morning!”

My head turned at the door to see who just came in.

"Good morning!” Matthew and Cailah said in chorus.

"Morning!” I greeted back.

She occupied the space beside me right after she brewed her coffee. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She’s tiny and her soft facial features was the reason why we called her ‘doll’. ‘Coz why not? She really looked like one! I suddenly felt the urge to dress her up and build a dollhouse for her. Cailah would love that.

“Matt told me that our teacher didn’t make it today. Is it true?” she asked.

I blinked twice before I nodded my head.

Physical Education was our first period. Unlike the other students, we get choose whatever sports that we want. I am always up for MMA because I believe that every girl must learn how to protect themselves. Men doesn’t always have to be there to protect us; and we shouldn’t think that it’s their duty and responsibility to be our knight in shinning armor. Being a damsel in distress is way too old-fashioned. It’s time for a change.

I glanced at Dolly. "How are you today?"

"I’m fine," she answered after she sipped some coffee.

Stacie Nicole Garcia, the Rank Three, is still the same. She’s the only introvert among our group. You’re considered lucky when you asked her a question and she answered more than three words. But we understand. We love her the way she is.

"I’m even better than before,” the corners of my mouth rose up as I recalled the recent placements.

Stacie didn’t say anything and continued to drink her coffee.

"Hey! What's up?"

The most hyper and talkative one finally arrived!

"Nice haircut, dude!” Matt hugged his closest friend.

“Glad you noticed! My mom helped me pick this style! I thought it wouldn’t suit me, but I guess it’s fine,” I massaged my temples when he started rapping his response. Then he gave us a high-five before he went to the kitchen.

That was Ranie Miguel Lopez. The Rank Seven and the opposite of Stacie—when it comes to attitude. He’s more like the boy version of her, but not really. Confusing, right? Well, I only said that because they both have soft facial features. He’s like an angel and you won’t ever think that he’s capable of doing anything silly. Like his best friend Matt, his eyes don’t have a crease. And when they’re standing next to each other, you’d notice that there isn’t much difference between their heights. Matthew had a lighter skin complexion compared to Ranie. His hair is also longer ‘coz his bestie just got a haircut. Matt’s physical appearance made him looked like a playboy when the truth is, he’s not!

We’re all turning sixteen this year, but the other two are a year older than us. One of them is Matthew and the other one is my… rival. His

birthday was just yesterday.

I rested my back on the couch and glanced up at the high ceiling. It’s our last year and it would also be our last time to be included in the class of 4-A. That special class consists of only eight students. We are really different. We are the privileged ones, they say. We are rarely seen together with the other students at the same building. And I think that never really happened.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, we have our own building. Our collection of gold medals and trophies for the last three years can be found at one of the rooms in there. Aside from that, our uniforms are what sets us apart from the regular students. Theirs are mixed of colors light grey and navy blue. Grey for their coats, trousers, and skirts. Blue for their neckties and vests. Of course, both of our shirts and blouses are white. Our uniforms have the same patterns, but the colors and the details are different.

Ours consists of: a maroon coat that has a gold line details; a black vest; a long-sleeved collared white shirt; and a black plaid pleated skirt for girls and plain black trousers for boys. Our neckties are just like our skirts. We, as females, are required to wear a black knee-high sock and at least a three-inches shoes. There’s a pocket on the left side of our coats where we pin the emblem of our beloved Alfheim Academy and the small gold badge that symbolizes that we are members of 4-A

We also have our own crown-shaped brooch and our rank was engraved in the middle. This fort is included in the privileges of being the Top 8 students. To tell the truth, we don’t have to attend our classes anymore; but we still choose to come here every day. And our rankings are based on our average at the end of every school year. It’s funny that we are all consistent in keeping our titles ever since we got here. That’s basically how it works…

"Tania, want some cookies?" Cailah pushed the cookie jar on the table so I grabbed one.

Matt pouted his lips. "What about me, Cai? Aren’t you going to offer me that?”

"Just get one or as many as you want since I baked a lot,” she replied coldly.

"Stacie, why are you not eating? You don’t like it?" I asked her, but maybe she just wanted to read the book of Romeo and Juliet first.

She didn’t bother to look at me. "I’m still full.”

We were startled by the loud, familiar voice from afar.

“Cai, you baked again? And you didn’t even call me to join you, guys?”

I just wanted to put the headphones on because of Ranie. He’s so loud!

“Tania, lemme sit beside you,” before I could say ‘no’, he already squeezed himself in between Stacie and I.

“Hey! There are two other couches available for your butt! Why did you have to sit in here?” I pinched his arm that made him screamed in pain.

“Ouch, Ma’am!” he stood up, eyes on me as he caressed his arm. “Alright! I’ll leave you two alone!”

Sometimes, he can be so annoying. That didn’t hurt; he just overreacted. I bit my lower lip and was about to pour the juice in the drinking glass when someone opened the door. Two girls came in and played a song in the mini speaker they brought. We’re watching them quietly as they turned the living room into a runway stage. Moments later, Ranie joined their fashion show.

"God, heal the world..." Stacie whispered to herself, but I heard that.

"Yeah, baby! Turn around! Turn around!" their leader, Ranie, commanded.

Cailah and Matthew are both standing, watching them in awe. Oh, gosh! Now the troublemakers are complete!

"Whew! What do you think, guys? We’ve improved a lot, didn’t we?" Dana asked breathlessly.

My gaze went from her to the two people at the back. “What about you? Are you guys… okay?”

She laughed. “Of course! So, what do you think?”

The girl in front of me is Dana Mae Veridiano, the Rank Eight. And the other girl with Ranie is Danielle De Vega, Dana’s best friend and the Rank Six. They’re not crazy; they acted like that because they’re indeed a very famous fashion models in the country. They’re both beautiful in their own way. Dana’s the one who’s meant for TV commercials while Danielle prefers to be in the runway.

“Did you see that? What can you say? Did you like it? We really wanted to show you what we learned on our training. It was really fun, guys!” said Danielle, but she was interrupted when Ranie decided to show-off his modeling skills.

“Watch this, guys!” he winked at us and he even went to the main door that would mark as his starting point.

But his plan backfired when someone pushed the door and it hit his back. Oh, my God! That must’ve hurt a lot!

"R-Ranie!” Dana shouted and ran towards him ‘coz he’s starting to lose his balance.

While everyone is in panic, my eyes caught the slow entry of the newcomer; the one who had caused the accident.

“Oh, shoot!” he blurted out the moment he saw our poor friend’s situation. But the panic on his face didn’t last long when his serious gaze met mine.

The wind seemed to blow harder now that he’s approaching me. I didn’t move and didn’t tear my gaze off of him. He did the same thing.

"Missed me?" I’ve never met someone who’s as arrogant as him.

I crossed my arms and smiled sarcastically. "Stop fooling around. Why would I miss you?"

"Oh, you didn’t miss me?" He held his chest, acting like he’s in pain. "But I’ve missed you, Tania. I’ve missed you so much."

I scoffed, completely ignoring the fact that we’re only a few inches apart from each other.

"Really? Is there anything to miss about you? Was I supposed to think about that arrogant classmate of mine during the whole summer break? Is that what you wanted to hear, Mr. Rank Two?"

He was shocked when I took a step forward, closing the distance between us. I grabbed his collar and my lips almost touched his. I swallowed hard and tried to mask my real reaction by giving him a fake smile.

“W-What are you two doing?” Cailah thought that I was going to punch his face, so I loosened up my grip and composed myself.

I stared into his deep, mysterious eyes. “No matter what you do, you will never win against me. That. Won’t. Ever. Change.”

I let go of him and left him dumbfounded.

You could never cross that line, Dwight Duval Jaranilla. You will always be the second best. My rival. The one who will never be my equal.