6 Romance Novel With A Takoyaki On The Side

Mommy invited Dwight’s parents; they all knew each other since High School. It’s fine that they’re here, but Dwight’s presence really bothers me.

“One thing I missed about the Philippines is the food. No one feels like home!” Daddy said while we’re eating.

Mommy smiled sheepishly ‘coz we’re watching them. I wiped my mouth using the table napkin and noticed that someone’s staring at me. I looked across and Dwight immediately glanced down at his plate.

“Tell us about you, kids. How’s school going?” asked Uncle Cyle, Cailah’s father.

“You go first, Cai,” her mother, Aunt Mae, urged her to speak.

“Well, I’m doing good in school. I still hold the 4th rank.”

Cai was so happy about it. I knew how hard she fought with herself just so she could maintain her good grades and her title. And I could really tell how proud her parents are.

“That’s good, Cai! Keep it up!” Dwight’s mother, Aunt Duane, took out some cash as a reward for our hard work.

Uncle Dwayne looked at Dwight. “How about you, son? You didn’t update us regarding the latest rankings of 4-A.”

I saw Aunt Duane pinched Dwight’s arm ‘coz he wasn’t paying attention. His gaze went up to me as if he knew that I was watching him.

He took a deep breath. “I’m still the Rank Two.”

“Really? You’re really smart, Dwight! I’m so proud of you!” Mommy said like a proud mother to her child.

Daddy raised his eyebrow at me. “How about my baby?”

My cheeks heated up. He just called me “baby” in front of everyone! In front of Dwight! His mouth rose up as he knew that I felt embarrassed about that.

I cleared my throat. “Like them, I was able to maintain my rank. But I won’t let my guard down…”

“No one can ever beat you, huh? Even my son!” Aunt Duane commented.

She was low-key teasing her son. Dwight just keeps on getting better and better, but his efforts are not enough to get the Rank One’s emblem from me. I wondered if he will succeed on that part…

“So, here’s the deal…” we all looked at Uncle Cyle.

“Actually, we already talked about it,” then we turned to Uncle Dwayne.

“After your final exam—if you were able to maintain your ranks—we will prepare a surprise for you. Take note that it’s not just a simple surprise, kids,” Daddy explained.

“Deal,” Dwight didn’t even think twice.

"You mean, a surprise for everyone in 4-A?” Cai wanted a confirmation.

“Yes! Everyone!” my mom replied.

Cai hugged my waist and giggled. “Okay, deal! I’m so excited!”

“And you, Tania?” Aunt Mae narrowed her eyes at me.

I smirked. “Deal.”

After our scrumptious dinner, I went to my bedroom to take a rest. I pulled the drawer and took out the picture frame that I hid beneath the books. I didn’t notice the tears on my cheeks as I was staring at the photo blankly. It always happens to me every night. They thought I was happy, but I wasn’t.

Cai knocked on the door. “Tania, can I come in? I’m so bored!”

I quickly hid the picture frame and wiped my tears. I checked myself in the mirror just to make sure that she wouldn’t suspect anything.

“What took you so long?” she stared at my face for a few seconds.

I grinned as I followed her to my bed. “Sorry. I just stepped out the bathroom. Are you gonna sleep in here?”

“Yup, but I’m going out later,” she winked before she fished her phone out of her pocket.

I sat on the edge of the bed. “Where are you going? Can I come with you?”

Dwight and his parents are still here. Our parents are having drinks at the garden right now. I don’t want to be a party pooper, but the awkwardness between us was becoming more intense. I just can’t stand it.

She took a quick glance at me. “No, you can’t come with me. Just stay here and declare a peace with Dwight.”

I rolled my eyes. She burst into laughter ‘coz she knew that I won’t do it. I must’ve been a rock in my past life…

We ended up watching Disney movies. I almost fell asleep, so I just forced her to go. She agreed and even borrowed my clothes.

“Did you change your underwear?” I asked right after she took a shower.

I was shocked when she threw her underwear in my direction. It almost landed on my face!

“Eww! You’re so gross, Cai!” I yelled at her.

She laughed wickedly. “Oh! I thought you wanted to know?”

“I did, but I didn’t ask for a physical evidence! Do I look like a laundry bag to you? Ugh!”

I jumped off the bed and she stormed out of the room when she saw that I was about to throw the pillow at her. Her laugh irritating laugh echoed in the hallway.

“Ugh! That witch!” I stomped my feet and kicked her freaking underwear toward the laundry bag.

I continued to watch movies ‘coz I felt so much alive now. And when I got bored, I went to the balcony that overlooks the garden and the front yard. My dad was playing the acoustic guitar while others are singing along. I didn’t see Dwight in the small crowd, though. Maybe, he already went home. Or maybe, he was reading books somewhere in the house ‘coz he took the deal seriously.

I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go downstairs since I was more comfortable without Dwight. Joining the elders to have a nice glass of wine isn’t my thing, so I went to the library.

“So, you’re staying here…” I faked my serious tone to conceal my shocked expression.

Dwight glanced at me before he flipped the book page. My hunch was right…

I picked the classic romance novel from the shelves and sat on the smaller couch. I cleared my throat when our gazes met.

“What’re you reading?” I asked him.

Instead of speaking, he closed the book and showed me its cover.

“Oh. That’s my favorite novel by Alexandre Dumas,” I pointed out.

I didn’t know that he also reads novels until now. I thought he only liked to read educational books since he considered them as his best friends.

“I can always change my preferences, Tania,” he simply put it that way as if he didn’t want to prolong the conversation.

“Alright,” I bit my lip and focused my attention on the book.

It’s already four in the morning when I woke up. As far as I remember, I was in the library with Dwight. Did I fell asleep and he carried me up in here?

I rolled over the other side of the bed and saw my cousin sleeping peacefully. My stomach growled as I felt hungry. I yawned and removed the comforter.

I scanned the refrigerator and smiled as I took out the Takoyaki. Aunt Mae made these for me.

“What are you doing?”

I almost dropped the box on the floor. My goodness! At this point, Dwight will really be the cause of my death!

I looked at the kitchen island where he was heading to. “You’re asking what am I doing? I’m thinking of punching your face really hard!”

He sat on the stool and I noticed that he was holding the book that I was reading earlier. He immediately flipped it back so I wouldn’t see the cover, but it was too late.

“Hey, I’m asking you…” he tried to divert my attention.

“I’m hungry, so I’ll eat these,” I threw the box in the microwave and sat on the stool across his.

He chuckled. “What are you going to eat, hmm?”

“Food,” I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled again. “Obviously, Miss! But answer me properly, please?”

“I’m heating up the Takoyaki…” I rested my elbow on the island and cupped my chin.

“Can I have some? I couldn’t sleep ‘coz I’m starving,” he pouted as he glanced at the microwave.

I gave him more without letting him know. We ate quietly, but I couldn’t help but look at him. Although he was hungry, I observed that he has table manners. He looked so comfortable eating with me as well.

His gaze went over my empty drinking glass. My lips parted when he slipped off the chair to get some water in the refrigerator.

“I-I can manage…” I said, but he already went back with the pitcher on his hand.

Pouring the water in the glass, I stiffened ‘coz he was standing so close to me. I could smell his cologne that I secretly liked—it was intoxicating and addicting. And my heart… it was beating so fast…

“T-Thank you,” I said nervously.

“You’re welcome,” he took a glance at me and his eyebrows furrowed.

He bent down to lean closer, but I couldn’t get away from him anymore. He, then, gently brushed his thumb on the corner of my lips. I thought I was going to lose my senses again when I felt his touch.


He brushed his thumb on my lips and licked it. “You got a sauce on your lips.”

My jaw dropped. Grinning at me, he took his seat and ate his Takoyaki. I sighed and out the chopsticks down. I crossed my arms as I watched him devour the food.

“Stop staring at me,” he sounded like he really wanted it.

I scoffed. “Don’t be so full of yourself. I’m just wondering if my stare could kill you.”

Looking so amused and offended at the same time, his gaze slowly regarded me. I bit my cheeks to stop myself from laughing at him, but I really couldn’t help it when he was acting like this.

A laughed has escaped my mouth. “Will you please stop that? I didn’t study hard only to become a criminal.”

He stifled a cute smile. “I know, Tania. That’s why you’re still unbeatable. No matter how much I try to outstand you, I can never beat someone who’s not just smart; but also put so much effort, passion, ad dedication towards your craft.”

I looked away as I felt the heat in my cheeks. “I’m not used to hearing your highfalutin words, but I want you to know that you’re the only one I will accept as my rival. There’s no one else more deserving than you.”

I chose my battle and I’d fight with him until the end. We may be known as rivals, but I am honored and grateful to have him by my side throughout my journey. With all the steppingstones I had to take to help me reach the point in time that I’m currently at, I knew he was there. He was always there… watching me.

“You should go back to your room. Let me clean it up,” said Dwight when I was about to wash the dishes.

“No, just leave this to me. You’re a guest here.”

He was still standing behind me, so I turned around to face him. But I accidentally bumped my forehead to his chest because we were a few inches apart from each other.

“Ouch!” I rubbed my forehead, hoping that the pain will go away.

Dwight grabbed my hand. He cupped my chin and lifted my head, so he could take a look at my forehead properly. Then, his warm gaze went down to my lips that were slightly parted. He totally cornered me that I had to put my hands on the sink to support our weight.

“I-I’m fine…” I swallowed hard as I stared at his lips.

He caught what I was doing; but I couldn’t take my eyes off of his lips. Without saying a word, he cupped my face in his right hand while he wrapped his other arm around my waist. Slowly and carefully, he bent his head down to drop a kiss on my forehead. It lasted for a minute.

I held my breath. I wasn’t able to move. I was speechless.

He flashed a smile as he caressed my cheeks. “I kissed the pain away. Does it still hurt?”

I swear, my heart was becoming more weirder as the days passed by. It would only react this way whenever Dwight was near me… whenever he does something crazy to me.

“Does it still hurt, Tania?” he whispered softly.

I shook my head. “N-No… The pain’s gone.”

“Good. Wait for me. I’ll walk you to your room,” he finally let me go, but I felt empty after that.

I pinched my hands and stood beside him quietly. I let him wash the dishes because I might break them all if I’d still insist to do it.

I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. When I was calmed and relaxed, I looked at him. But I was so nervous to meet his gaze, so I quickly averted my eyes when he tilted his head toward me.

It was around 5 a.m. when he walked me to my room. We stopped in front of the door. I cleared my throat as I bravely locked my eyes on him.

“Good night, Dwight.”

“Good night, Tania.”

We both laughed as we said that in chorus. He smirked and slid his hands inside his pockets.

“Thank you, Tania. I enjoyed your company,” he said sincerely.

I smiled at him. “You’re welcome.”

I enjoyed your company, too, Dwight...

I twisted the doorknob without tearing my gaze off of him. He pouted to hide his smile as he could feel that I didn’t want to go in yet.

“Good night…”

I pushed the door and shut it right away. Then I leaned my back on it as I giggled without a sound. I think I’m going crazy!