13 The One With The Chocolate Stain


I silently watched the people who just joined our table. It was really unexpected! Knowing them, they always stay in their house during the weekends, and would only come out if we have a groupwork or other related activities for school. But seeing their weird glances at each other and the fact that my rival was also here, I knew there was something going on.

“Uncle and Auntie, thank you so much for inviting us here!” Ranie said as he took a photo of his food.

I scoffed and grabbed the spoon to taste the melted chocolate mint ice cream. Who told him that they were invited? Why did I feel like they went here on purpose?

Mommy laughed at him. “It’s nothing, dear! I’m just happy to see you all here!”

“We saw a long-time friend, so we’re just gonna greet him at his table. You’re on your own now, kids,” Daddy gently pulled my mom’s hand and smiled at us.

True enough, they headed to the table near the entrance. My mother pointed her hand to our direction and the man slanted his head to look at us. We waved at him before we continued to eat.

I glanced at Andrei to give my score on the chocolate mint ice cream, but he seemed to have lost his appetite as he kept staring at his food. Then my gaze ran over to Cai, Matthew, and Ranie. He noticed that I was keeping an eye on him, and so he tore his gaze off Andrei.

As I looked away, my gaze caught Dwight whose eyes were obviously directed at me. He was sitting in front of me now ‘coz Cai left her chair when they arrived. But the longer I stared at Dwight, the more I felt uncomfortable for his face was exuding the look of irritation.

Cai tapped her drinking glass using the fork to get our attention. “Guys, don’t forget to attend the party tomorrow, alright? I already sent you the invitation, and I hope that you read it carefully. Just check your e-mails for more details.”

Right! Tomorrow’s the celebration for the 16th anniversary of their first ever restaurant. Other than her birthday, it was Cai’s most awaited event every year.

Matthew’s face brightened up. “Finally! A party! We need a break from all the schoolwork. So, Cai, count me in!”

Smirking, Ranie put his arm on Matthew’s shoulder. “You’ll look like a rag when you stand beside me tomorrow.”

I rolled my eyes. Here we go… again.

“Shut up, Ranie! It’s not like you’re going to a red-carpet event. Although I want you to dress formally, I wouldn’t want you to look overdressed and so out of place,” Cai said firmly.

Ranie just grinned at her. I know. He wouldn’t listen to her or anyone other than himself. His narcissistic personality is getting out of hand. We need to do something to tame him.

Dana whipped her hair and it hit Ranie’s face. “Whatever you say, Ranie! You can’t ruin my excitement!”

Danielle nodded her head. “Likewise. I’ll be in my best dress tomorrow!”

They feel so much alive when it comes to party. I wish I could be as enthusiastic as them. It’s not that I’m not excited or unhappy about it; social gatherings aren’t just my thing.

“Are you coming, Dwight?” Matthew threw that question out of the blue.

“Not sure,” he responded lazily.

I glanced at Dwight who was enjoying his food quietly. I thought he already agreed to attend the party with his family. Why did he change his mind?

“Come on, dude? There’s just three of us and you’re still undecided?” Ranie protested.

“I’ll try,” said Dwight. Then, he pretended that we was alone and we weren’t here.

Cailah sighed as she looked at Stacie. “Please, make sure that you’ll be able to attend the party tomorrow. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone in there, but Dwight’s still undecided. You’re my only hope, Stace.”

Stacie smiled at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there.”

I felt so much better when I saw the smile on my cousin’s face. This is really important for her, so I won’t do anything to disappoint her. I’ll just support her quietly.

“Cai, do I need to wear a long gown?” I asked her.

Her forehead creased. “Of course. Whether you like it or not, you’re required to wear something formal. That’s the dress code. And if you don’t know what to wear, ease your worry away ‘coz I’m in-charge of your outfit.”

“Can I just, uh, wear a simple dress? It’s still a dress, right?” I thought that maybe she’d agree.

Her nose crinkled as she shook her head. “It depends on the dress, Tania. Let me check it first, and if it’s not up to my liking, then you’ll wear the dress that I prepared for you.”

Leaning my back on the chair, I exhaled heavily. I’m not used to wearing dresses and such girly and chic outfits. I’m more of a t-shirt, pants, and sneakers type of girl.

“Tania, I can’t finish this.” Andrei put the lava cake on my plate. “The sugar rush is kicking in.”

My mouth stretched out for a smile. He got the last piece of lava cake, so I was quite upset earlier. He ate too much sweets and I couldn’t believe that he gave me the best one.

“Thanks!” I used the fork to poke it and the ganache quickly spread out on the plate. Then, I grabbed the dessert spoon and took a big bite.

Yum! It was so good! It had a right amount of sweetness, so I wouldn’t feel sick after consuming a lot of chocolate.

I was about to take the second bite when Ranie grabbed my hand. “Don’t eat that, Tania!” He, then, faced Andrei. “And you? We don’t feed her leftovers! Come on, man?!”

What the hell was that? He was really getting into my nerves! My patience was on the edge and I’d do a verbal smackdown if he wouldn’t shut his big mouth!

Andrei scoffed at him. “Why would it be a leftover if I didn’t even eat that? Did you really think I’d let her eat something disgusting?”

“Ranie!” Even Cai had to come in between them. “Will you just cut it out? You’re being petty and unreasonable!”

We caught almost everyone’s attention because of her loud voice. Dwight stood up to drag Ranie away from us, but the latter was still holding my hand. I twisted my hand to make him loosen up his grip, but he was too strong for me. And when I tried to do it again for the last time ‘coz I was on the verge of punching him real hard, he finally let go of me.

Everyone gasped. I was shaking so bad as I looked down. The chocolate stain was all over my white shirt! I massaged my temples and fixed my gaze at Ranie.

“I-I’m sorry…” guilt crossed on his face.

I glared at him. “What’s done is done.”

I left my seat and marched towards the powder room. They’ve been calling me, but I couldn’t care less. I was so pissed that I’d just choose to leave than take it out on them. I was trying to be more logical as much as possible as I didn’t want to do something that I’d regret in the end.

I turned the faucet on and let the water ran down on my shirt. But unfortunately, the stain wouldn’t come off.

I groaned in frustration. Of all the days, why did I wear a white shirt today? But it wasn’t my fault either.

Seconds later, I heard the door creaked open.

“You’re not done yet.”

I didn’t have to turn around to see who he was. That smell… That slightly deep voice… Of course, I would know it instantly. I know him like the back of my hand. But I refused to understand as to why my heart was beating so fast whenever he’s around.

“Need my help?” he was standing behind me, but I couldn’t look at him.

What should I do? What should I tell him? Argh! My mind just went blank!

“H-How did you get in here?” I bit my tongue immediately.

I had goosebumps when he held the hem of my shirt. I could hear him breathing as we were so close to each other. And I felt like my heart joined a race as it was hammering so fast and loud—enough for him to lift his head up and stare at my face.

He grinned. “I used the door. How else could I let myself in?”

My face distorted. “Your sarcasm’s not helping me at all. Tell me, didn’t you read the sign on the door? What if we get caught?” I removed his hand on mine and pulled him towards the door. “Get out before my parents see us together. I don’t want them to think that something’s going on between us.”

I opened the door and thought that he was going out peacefully, but he chuckled and pulled me instead.

“Why did you—”

My eyed widened the moment I read the sign on the door. It says “Out of Order’ when it wasn’t even there when I went inside the powder room.

“Y-You!” I pointed to him. “What did you do?!”

He pinched my nose. “See? Just trust me.”

My lips parted as I let him drag me in. He locked the door, so I took three steps backward. But it was such a wrong move ‘coz I only made it easier for him to corner me. He put his hands on the sink and closed the distance between us. Locking his gaze with mine, his mouth rose up to give me a teasing smile.

I swallowed hard. “T-The signboard wasn’t there…”

“I know. I’ll explain it to you later.” He took out something from his pocket before he tapped the faucet. “But for now, let’s just get into the business, shall we?”

He placed his wet handkerchief on my shirt and started to rub it off to remove the stain. I couldn’t help but stare at his handsome face.

Just close your mouth and I could look at you all day…

He might hurt his neck and back for looking down for so long, so I sat on the sink. He smiled a little and continued what he was doing.

“You should wear a darker color next time. And on behalf of Ranie, I apologize. He didn’t mean it.”

I crossed my arms. “I know, but I should teach him a lesson.”

“Yeah, as you should.” He bit his lower lip and cleared his throat. “Anyway, do you still wanna eat the lava cake?”

I frowned at him. “Why did you ask? Did you save it for me?”

“Not really.” Our gazes met and the expression on his face softened a bit. “But you wanted it, so I ask the pastry chef if she could make some more.”

I smiled widely. “Thank you! I’m not mad anymore!”

He laughed, but he paused and my smile faded when we both noticed that we were staring at each other.

“Tania, I, uh…” I froze when he gently cupped my face. I couldn’t move because I was trapped in between his arms.

With his eyes not leaving mine, he came closer to me. Our faces were only a few inches apart, so I could feel his heartbeat. His heart was thumping so fast and loud like mine. But I was confused ‘coz letting him feel and hear it was fine to me. It was hard to believe that I was okay with that.

I looked down and saw that the stain on my shirt was gone, so I took that as an initiative to get down from the sink.

“It’s time to go back. We’ve been here for so long…” I said and looked away.

He didn’t say anything and just opened the door for me while he was staring at my face.

I shut my eyes tightly. We almost kissed!

Back on our table, everyone was asking what we did inside the powder room. I told him the truth that Dwight removed the stain off my shirt. It was a good thing that they didn’t throw a follow-up questions ‘coz I wanted to keep our last moment in there for myself.

In the end, Ranie was forgiven. He also asked an apology to Andrei, and my best friend forgave him as well.

Cai went to our house ‘coz her parents are busy preparing for the party. I headed to my room to take a nap. But it wasn’t even an hour ago when I closed my eyes when she decided to wake me up. I thought my door would break as she was knocking so hard. Light-headed, I jumped down the bed and let her in.

“Why? What’s the matter?” I asked while my eyes are closed.

“It’s an emergency!” she was looking for something and when she found my bag, she put my stuff in there.

I tailed her. “W-Where are we going?”

“There’s no ‘we’. It’s you who we are sending away,” she smirked and just pushed me towards the door.

Clueless, I tilted my head to look at her. “What?! Where am I going?!”

She handed the bag to me as we hurriedly walked down the stairs. “Dwight’s sick! His parents went overseas for business matters, so he’s all alone in their house! No one will look out for him other than you!”

I almost tripped to my own foot ‘coz we were walking so fast! Cai managed to drag me out of the house and there I saw our car waiting for me.

Mommy opened the door in the backseat and pushed me in.

“Take care of him, Tania!” she waved her hands and the car moved without giving me the chance to protest or... speak.

Cai winked at me. “We’re counting on you!”

Oh, my goodness! What the hell did just happen?!