WebNovelTHE LEAP71.43%

Chapter 5 Knowing Everything

The snow dropping slowly as the music played its part to bring out the emotion of the audience, a snowman was happily stuck on a glass ball "I remembered when your mom gifted that to you" a sudden voice appeared so Lucas turned himself to see who's talking, "it was very sentimental to you maybe, this snowball is very rare. You can play a song in here and watch the snow fall in slow motion" this time Este was sitting beside Missy's whole figure that was managing by Lucas, he looks at Este's visage, he realized that she was so pure, she also have a nice features for a maid "You know me well don't you?" Lucas said while turning his eyes onto the snowball "I mean for 15 years? yeah for sure, you just didn't notice" the smile on her face suddenly fades and was change by sadness on her eyes Lucas look at her again "What do you mean?" a question ran out of his mouth, he can't stop himself to be curious. Este looked at him and their eyes met "Nothing" and then smiled but Lucas wasn't convinced by that smile, she maybe keeping a thing about Missy and Lucas needs to find it out.

Missy on the other place closed the taxi's door and bend herself to see the driver "Missy, try your very best okay?" the old man said and put his hat on "Will you be there if I call you?" Missy trying to eliminate the worries on her face "Nope. But when you need me I could surely pop after a blink of an eye" the man started to run the engine and ready himself to leave "Just do your best Missy and I know that Lucas will do his part" the car run normally and departed the place where Lucas figure was on. Missy followed the car by her eyes and sighed she turn around and worrying to walk in the house in front of her. She was about to open the door when someone called Lucas' name "Lucas! hey honey. Wait up" a woman paid the taxi she was rode onto, she picked up the stuffs outside the taxi and headed to Lucas, Missy was trying to think of the right things to do when she would have to talk to Lucas mom.

Lucas hug her knees and continue to mirror himself on the snowball as Missy "Do you have a boyfriend?" Lucas asked directly to Este that was currently fixing the book shelf "why do you wanna know? do you have one?" Lucas put his chin to his knees and stare at Este "No. I mean, I don't have much confidence" Este turned to Missy with smiling face and approached Lucas that can be view as Missy, "what do you mean? I heard that there are lots of men giving you chocolates and flowers" Lucas realized that he was on Missy's body so he thought of the answers that could save him from being noticeable "I mean yeah I have but you know I have no time for that,how about you?" Lucas get the chance to asked some sort of information about Missy's relationship with Este and the whole family. He couldn't tell anybody that he wasn't the real Missy he needs to find informations and how Missy live in a way that no one would suspected him.

"I don't, but I have someone that is very special to me and I couldn't tell anyone who is that someone for now and you don't have enough time to pack your things" she stands up, Lucas could hear her chuckles and a smile on his face suddenly appeared. He put all the stuffs that he could see, he didn't even know what would be his destination after packaging all these things. He might ended up to be at London but if he goes there, he would make things complicated or worst wouldn't able to complete his mission so he should be planning by now to refrain Missy's father from sending him Missy to London.

On the other side the real Missy that was on Lucas' whole figure were having a dinner with Lucas' mom, Missy never knew how awkward the scene was, she doesn't feel anything when she was eating with her mom like that perhaps because she's not her real mom "Congratulations to your game, you did so well I heard and oh Jade texted me before that he couldn't go there because his grandpa is ill and his parents left them to have a business trip" even though Missy was confused listening to Lucas mom she maintain her posture and listens to what everything she said so Missy could at least have some sort of information of how Lucas live and who are those people that were close to Lucas. Mrs. Patterson look so tired and thin that even her ribs were showing, not normal for a mother who just working on an office, the mother place the knife down and look at Lucas figure "You know Lucas I may not telling you this but can you visit Jade? I mean he got a lot of responsibilities at home and I just think that you could help him. I am not telling you to literally help him like wash the dishes for him but at least a support?" the bulb lightened above the head of Missy, if she will accept the suggestion of Mrs. Patterson she could speak to Jade and ask everything about Lucas and that would be a great opportunity for her.

" Yeah, I would love to. I mean, if Jade? is kind of lonely and needs my support how about giving just a little bit of my time?" Missy said with excitement, Mrs. Patterson suddenly formed her face showing her confusion because she didn't expect the response she will receive, knowing Lucas a boy who's not easy to get along as a son. The confusion rapidly fade and was replaced by a smile "I'm so happy for you Lucas, you've grew up so well and I think you are matured enough to understand things". Missy closed the car as she said goodbye to her mom who drove her to Jade's house "Thanks" Missy and wave her hand to say goodbye and the car engine started "should I kiss her for goodbye? does Lucas kiss her when she was leaving him?" Missy said to herself while staring to Mrs. Patterson, she knock the window of the car for Mrs. Patterson so get it down the window was opened and Missy kissed the mother of Lucas on her check "take care mom" Missy smiled and wave her hand while Mrs. Patterson needs to process everything because it was the first time since highschool that Lucas shows his love for his mom. Mrs. Patterson happily drive home.

Lucas were not convince about he was wearing, he tried to turn and make everything nice but the only thing good was the girl in front of him "You are so gorgeous, you are always, you are just so perfect" Este amazingly says while adoring the dress that Missy was wearing "You are more perfect" Lucas said while staring at Este, he can't deny to himself that he was crushing to this maid but needs to focus on his mission "pardon?" Este barely heard his words "Yeah this so good" Lucas denied "So you like?" Este asked again and Lucas answered "Yes, I like this" he smiled and so does Este. Fleet triple knocks occurred and a man that almost 70 plus age showed up his hair were almost white and dressed in formal "Mr. Hudson is waiting inside the car and anytime is ready to leave, he said more quick movements of you ladies" the formality on his action and speaking was perfect "Mr. Jackson? can you give us 5 minutes to prepare all these and she's ready" Este suggested because she has something to do with my hairstyle, it wasn't done yet. The old man named Mr. Jackson looked at his watch and up to calculate the time "Okay, just be quick" a big smile on Este's face brightened the room "We will thanks Mr. Jackson" she joyfully says. She fixed the last strand of Missy's long hair and done "Tada! hope you like this hairstyle Missy you look so beautiful, I can't imagine my life without seeing your beauty everyday" the sudden changed on her face showed, the mood became melancholy Lucas looks at Este's reflexion on mirror and exhaled. The man inside the car lost his patience and go out of the car "What took her so long?" the impatient man together with Mr. Jackson walk inside the mansion to check Missy. Lucas in Missy's body with Este saw the man approaching them "What took you so long? we will be late in our flight they must be waiting on us to the airport, Missy" the body of Missy suddenly collapsed , they were all panicking and shocked. It was 8pm on the evening when the shocking moments happened, as of now we could say that Lucas planned went well his acting skills did payed off. Lucas acts as if he was collapsed for real, he opens his eyes and still saw Este on his side "Oh, you are awake should I call Mr. Patterson? are you okay? how do you feel?" she said with concern on her face and holding Missy's hand, Lucas never control himself from being fluttered "yeah, I just had an headache maybe I ain't ready to travel for now, you know a-ah" Lucas uses his acting skills more than he use it on their acting class better he never skipped acting class before because he didn't expect he will need this. He rest his back on the headboard of the bed and as he was on Missy's body he needed to portray as a woman and as Missy he also needs to stop moving wrongfully not literally "Where's... dad?" he was reluctant to say the word Dad because he wasn't used to it especially that he lost his dad several years ago and the fact that Mr. Hudson isn't his real dad he would probably be on shiver. Before Este open her mouth an appearance of an old man who was worried entered the room without knocking, it was Missy's father, Este moved aside and stand right after the round table trying to do some stuffs from the old and big book shelf "How are you? the doctor says that maybe you just nervous and not ready, is that true Missy?" he was worrying about his daughter's health, Mr. Hudson might be strict sometimes or maybe always but je never neglect his own daughter, he always make sure he would give her all she wants. It was 4 years when Mrs. Hudson the mother of Missy left them because she couldn't breathe anymore from her husband and his husband's parents "yeah, I'm fin- actually I'm so exhausted and I maybe need some rest I just can't walk around" Lucas trying to convince Mr. Hudson so he could stay on that place and find things on his own "Okay honey, I just gonna go down stairs and just tell Este whatever you want she will get that for you, I perhaps postponing our plan to go to London so you could gain you strength and manage to hold the position I'll give to you as soon as you recover" he never heard that thing since he leaped, "Missy will managing a company?" Lucas said to himself "What? managing the company? what do you mean?" Missy's dad exhaled, Lucas were distressed while looking at Este that was suddenly turned around to act like fixing the whole books when it actually fully arranged. Lucas thought that there was something reallg going on and he needs to find it out "Managing? nope, did I said managing? I guess you're just mistaken. I'm going now honey" Mr. Hudson stands up and look at Este "You take good care of her" he said while Este nodded "Yes Sir" the door closed and a suspicious aura conquered the room. He really needs to know everything.