I race to go and find the stairs that Gabriel mentioned and finally do that takes me to a third floor that I never knew actually existed. I look at all the numbers on the door before I finally find room 320.
"Gabriel?" I whisper. I look around for him in the classroom that has desks and all sorts of plants hanging around,
"Boo!" I hear and I scream.
"Are you trying to kill me?!" I ask him and he laughs.
"What are we doing up here? And what even is this… what if someone comes?" I ask him.
"So many questions… a couple of years ago this use to be a floor for extra classes but it got shut down because they cost to much to operate and not a lot of people were taking them." I walk towards what I am guessing was the teacher's desk and face the old chalkboard that looks almost brand new.
"So what was this room?" Gabriel approaches from behind me, wrapping his arms and around my waist and kisses my neck,
"Something to do with gardening and plants…"
"Well it sounds stupid to me." He continues to kiss my neck to my cheek and I smile as he explores my body with his hands.
"Someone is probably going to come… come up here." I say. He moves his soft lips to my cheeks, then back to my neck,
"Half of the teacher's here don't even know it exists, they think it's access to the roof and the ones that do know are too afraid to come up here."
"And why is that?"
"Because they are cowards." He starts to pull on the string that in keeping my shirt together,
"Oops." He says, continuing to kiss me afterwards.
"Mr. Grey are you trying to make love with me at school." I giggle.
"No, I'm trying to fuck you at school… hard." He whispers and I laugh as he turns me around, pressing his lips on mine. He pulls me closer to him and softly bites my lip.
"I don't know if I should allow this behaviour… remember no PDA." I joke. He attempts to take off my bra but I stop him,
"Gabriel… if someone comes up here-" "They won't." He interrupts. He continues to take off my clothes and zips down his fly,
"This has to be quick."
"Tell yourself that…" he kisses me again and I wrap my arms around his neck,
"Quick baby." He reminds and I smile,
"I just…" I sigh, "I missed you calling me that." He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me closer to the desk, turning me around he rubs me with his length and I moan,
"I missed this…" he moves my hair to the front and places his hands on my back as he goes inside of me.
"Gab… Gabriel." I moan. I grip onto the desk and close my eyes and see the memory of me and Leandro pop up… oh my God. I try to push it out of my head but I can't, all I can see is what I did with him... is this how it's going to be every time we have sex? I'm going to see Leandro… I don't want to see him and it's not some twisted fantasy. It's my brain telling me I have to tell Gabriel.
"You're so wet, baby." He says and I bite my lip but still I feel worse than I should. I know we weren't together and I shouldn't feel guilty because he probably slept with a bunch of girls but I'm not him and I lied about it. I told him we did nothing, when we really did more than he could probably imagine.
"I… I got to tell you something." I say.
"Right now? Were kind of doing something…"
"Gabriel." He exits my body and I turn around.
"I, um…." I start.
"You what?" His smile is as bright as his eyes and I can't bring myself to say it,
"I love you."
"That's what you had to tell me?" He raises a brow in suspicion,
"Yeah… you know how I tend to over exaggerated sometimes."
"Well if that's the case..." he lifts me up and lays me on the desk, "I love you more." Kissing my chest he smiles and I know that precious smile is going to go away once he knows.