
Chapter 25 : Towel Terror

As Snow walked into her room opposite her other two friends, well more like one friend and one enemy, she was not surprised at the room in front of her although most would at how the room was in the guest's taste. A queen sized bed was placed directly across the room from the door. There were two night stands, one on each side of the bed. On the left side of the room was a black wooden shelf full of novels and a wooden table with a chair that had all sorts of magical items on it. She could see a bottle of angels tear and a jar full of cloves there. There was also a door near the main door that lead to what Snow assumed was the bathroom. To the right side of the room there was a white piano in the corner closer to the door and the other corner had a white fluffy sofa placed. A silver chandelier hung high in the middle of the room. The whole room was painted white and the floor had white fluffy panels covering it. The whole placed would look like an asylum ward but that was how Snow liked it.

Snow placed her bag containing some necessity such as a healing potion and a notebook full of spells she would need in her journey with Lyte on the chair. She then summoned up a towel and some clothes and walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom looked almost like the one she used back in her mansion. A huge bathtub in the centre of the opposite wall. A sink decorated and designed full of different soap and shampoos on it waiting for her to take her pick. A toilet near the sink. The bathroom was, as the room, in all white. The only other colour to be seen was silver for metal objects and yellow for decorations. The bathroom was quite big considering the fact that the hotel room looked small from the outside.

"Very clever, putting up a transformation spell to impress outsiders. But I guess the strength of the spell is quite limited. The size of the room and this bathroom are not even one tenth to my ideal room size. But I guess these are big enough to live in," Snow told herself as she walked to the bathtub.

Snow filled the tub with warm water and threw a red rose scented bath bomb into it. She proceeded to place scented candles around the bathtub and light them. Lastly, she summoned out a bottle of red wine and turned off the bathroom lights. She then undressed herself and stepped in to enjoy some alone time away from the noisy outside, especially from the headache that had manifested in a physical form known as Lisa.

As Snow tried to relax and message her temples, she heard a loud scream coming from Lyte's and Lisa's room. Without hesitation, she grabbed her towel and booked it to their room. She saw other guests of the hotel had also peeked their heads out to check out the source of the screech.

Snow kicked the room's door down in one swift front kick. She ran in and immediately tried to find the danger in the room. When she did not see any, she worriedly asked Lisa who was sitting on the bed.

"Lisa! What is it?! Where is the danger?! Where is Lyte?!"

Lisa did not say a word but she just pointed her right index finger towards a direction and turned away while covering her eyes using her other hand.

Snow noticed that her face was red like a tomato. She turned her head to where Lisa pointed and was making eye contact with Lyte. He was only wearing a towel, thus showing off his muscles and abs while his hair was still damp from the bath. From that, Snow could tell what was the reason that made Lisa scream.

"Really, Lisa? Please do not tell me that the reason you screamed was just because you saw Lyte in only a towel," Snow said as she face palmed.

"O-of course it was! I-I-I-"

"Lisa, have you never seen a guy mostly naked before?"

"O-of course not! I'm not a pervert like you!"

"... You do not have to be a pervert to know how someone looks like where most of their skins are shown and their private parts covered,"

Suddenly, they heard a scream louder than Lisa's previous one. It was Lyte who finally realised Snow too was only wearing a towel like him.

"S-S-Snow?! W-what are you doing here in only a towel?!" Lyte immediately covered his eyes with both his hands.

Through all the commotion that took place, the other guests had peeked into that room to watch the show. Snow noticed and used a spell to reattach the door and locked it. She heard another scream rang out from Lisa's mouth. She turned around hurriedly.

"What is it this time?!"


"Spill it, Lis-...Oh I see..."

What Snow saw made her wished she had a bottle of bleach in her hands. She did not so she just turned her head away. Lyte who let go of his towel that was wrapped around his lower area had moved around too much, causing the towel to loosen and fall on the ground beneath him.

"*sighs* You guys are children. Lyte, uncover your eyes and fix your towel. You two, stop freaking out about seeing the other gender in only a towel. We are going to stick together for a while, so we need to get used to it. Understand?"

Lyte and Lisa did as told with both their faces steaming red and Snow with a twitching brow, still looking away. After she made sure the two would be fine alone, she walked back to her own room to take the relaxing bath she planned to get that night. In the other room, Lisa hurried into the bathroom as Lyte started to dress himself when the bathroom door closed behind Lisa.

Lyte rummaged through the closet in the room and picked an outfit suitable for dinner that night. A white long sleeved button up shirt and a pair of black slacks. He wore a grey vest with a green tie and a pair of black polished cap toe oxford. As he did his hair, he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to see Snow standing there all dressed up.

Snow was wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt like him and tucked tightly in a pair of black skinny slacks, showing off a lot of her curves. She wore a pair of black high heels and had a black blazer draped on her shoulders. Her necklace hanging out and she was wearing a pair of diamond shaped black diamond earrings with a red crescent moon hanging at the bottom by a thin silver chain. Her hair was down as it usually is. She stood there with her arms behind her back and observed Lyte's choice of clothing.

"May I come in?"

"Of course. Lisa's just getting done in the shower. We can chat while we wait for her," Lyte stepped aside to let Snow in.

"Thank you. Nice choice of outfit,"

"Oh, thank you. You too, Snow. But no offence, don't you think a dress would look better on you?"

"I highly doubt it. Pants suits me more in my opinion. Besides, a dress is inconvenient if something happens,"

"Oh, alright then,"

The two walked to Lyte's side of the room. Snow sat on the chair while Lyte sat on the bed with his legs crossed. They began chatting about how to improve Lyte's attacks to avoid potentially hurting himself again.

"... And by focusing and swinging your attacks from a different direction from where you stand, it will make the attack just as deadly while the summoner can avoid accidents upon themselves. If you do summon it from behind you, try to imagine a huge ice cream cone with you standing at the top and the enemy is the tip. In other words, the summoning is from you left, right and even above you but they will slant towards the direction of the enemy, like this," Snow said as she used her magic to create a 3 dimensional simulation on her palm for Lyte to understand her better.

"Oh, so like I can imagine myself in a safe hamster ball and the attacks will fly around it to the target?"

"Something like that. It does not matter how you understand it, as long as you do understand, it would be enough,"

"Oh, ok then. I'll keep that in mind next time I try to use my attacks. Thank you for explaining, Snow. I was a little clueless about how one can avoid their own attacks. I've hurt myself so many times you have no idea, hahaha,"

"You are welcome, Lyte. Hopefully you do not hurt yourself again. If you need to practice first, I can help you w-"

At this moment, the bathroom door opened to an odd smell that Snow recognized and hated. What she saw made her want to gouge her eyes out.