
Chapter 151 : Suspicious

"What the hell?! Why would you say that? It's Dawn's ex for fuck's sake! I know he cheated on her and stuff, but still!" Lisa whisper yelled at Lyte in a super low voice so that even the people sitting behind her could not hear what she was saying.

Lyte was about to answer the girl's question when he saw that there was something happening on stage that caught all three of their attention. It seemed that one of the security guards who were supposed to be patrolling the school gates to make no intruder enters the school ground was telling Principal Duncan something. The information given seemed to be important as the principal's eyes widen a little. He whispered something back to the guard before turning back to face his students. Due to the noises in the hall and how softly the exchange of words between the two grownups had been, Lyte could not tell what in the world was going on.