'You idiot!'

'You idiot!' Olivia paced around the alleyway cursing Diego out 'Now we don't know where they are' Diego looked down at his feet listening to Olivia yell at him. Lily stood next to Olivia trying her best to calm her down. Eli looked around sitting quietly on the sidelines fearing if he spoke, Olivia, in a fit of rage would lash out at him. So, he stayed silent watching them as they fought (Mostly Olivia yelling at Diego)

'Diego ive extremely disappointed in you!' Olivia's yells quieted down slowly. Diego stood there, taking it all in. Olivia stopped pacing, standing still. 'Guys… we should probably look for Rhyan and Erin' Lily piped up, hand still locked onto Olivia just in case she didn't do anything. 'How could we?' Eli slowly got up from the wall he sat at 'It's the middle of the night, we can't see anything' 'Then we wait till morning' Diego said, taking a step forward towards the three of them. Olivia's pissed of face didn't change. Glaring at Diego the whole time he spoke. 'We'll find some place to stay, lay down for the day and get back up at sunrise to look' The group was stunned. This was the most talking Eli had even done without stuttering. 'He's right' Olivia sighed, knowing that she would lose the fight.

'My feet hurt!'

'Fuck off Lily' Lily continued to whine in Olivia's ear, dragging her along the ground as they walked. Diego walked along side Eli, both silent.

'Hey don't we stop here?' Olivia pointed at an abandoned looking store. 'Ew' Lily scrunched het nose up at the thought. 'Oh, lighten up Lily' Diego headed across the street, avoiding the passing traffic. Olivia came up beside him, not even sparing him a glance as Diego pushed the door open. The door making an eerie creaking sound as it swung. 'Creepy' Lily shivered, rubbing the goose bumps on her arms. 'Grow up' Olivia rolled her eyes, taking the first step inside. 'Don't you think this is bit creepy?' Lily scanned the around, eyes landing on the pile of clothes set in the far back corner. 'Guys…' They turned around, eyeing Lily then seeing what she was looking at.

'Hey! Aren't those Erin's clothes?' Diego was the first to speak. 'Looks like it, but what are they doing here?' Eli questioned. Olivia shrugged 'I don't know but look's like they've been here before' Olivia paused for a moment, looking around briefly 'Or someone has'