Chapter fifteen

You started to scream calling stormtroopers to help you. Everyone was busy tidying everything up after the attack.

A knight of Ren helped you taking your master to the med area. There were some injured stormtroopers but when the medical droid and the doctor saw the new patient they rushed him into surgery. Another medical droid sat next to you and put some patches on your wounds, but you didn't pay attention to it. Your mind was with Ren. You were so worried about him, you wanted him to heal and stay next to him forever. Now that your family had rejected you he was everything you had left.

You asked the droid "Is the Supreme Leader gonna be ok?".

"Yes m'am, our medical equipe is the best one in the galaxy, they will do everything they can in order to save him."

You stayed there, you didn't feel like doing anything else than making sure he was alive. He was on surgery for hours, the droids told you the shots had damaged many organs and he had an internal bleeding. You were terrified.

You woke up hearing the sliding doors of the surgery open. Your bones hurt because of the steel you had slept on. You opened your eyes and looked with watery eyes and a broken heart at Ren.

He was pale and he had trouble breathing, his hair socked in sweat on his face, he had a huge white garze on his chest that had dark blood stains. He was in so much pain. You brushed your knuckle against his cheek trying to hold your tears.

You stayed by his side all day trying to keep him company.

It was 3 in the morning when you heard him whispering something in a harsh voice. You were half asleep but immediately opened your eyes to find two wonderful black eyes looking at you.

"Y/n... have you been here all the time?"

"Yes Master, I was worried about you. Your injuries were really bad and you were on surgery for hours... You are gonna need to rest for a while or your stitches are gonna be ripped open. "

He gave you a weak smile. You could tell he was completely out of energy. You were worried for him.

"Sleep for a bit, you'll feel better, I will be back tomorrow morning to check up on you.". You got up and turned to the door but before you could move more you felt a hand gripping in your wrist weakly.

You turned to him and saw tears flowing out from his eyes. His lips were trembling. He looked scared, as if his walls had been taken down and he was totally vulnerable.

"Please... stay...".

You nodded smiling and sat next to him again, his hand holding yours.