Chapter twenty

The next morning you got up to find the bed empty next to you. You lazily got up and got ready. As you were braiding your hair the sliding door of the bedroom opened to reveal Kylo.

"Good morning love, are you ready for today?" He said. Even if he had his helmet on you noticed the voice was sweet.

"Ehm... ready for what exactly?"

"I told all my troopers to meet in the landing deck to make a public announcement"

You looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm promoting you as Commander of the First Order today. Hope you don't mind."

You opened your mouth in disbelief.

A few hours later Kylo lead you to the meeting and never let go of your hand while he was giving the speech explaining the reasons of your promotion. All the stormtroopers' eyes were on you.

After the speech everyone applauded to the new Commander, General Hux even bowed in front of you. You thanked them all and you immediately started to give orders. The first thing you told your soldiers was to send some squadrons to the outer rim looking for illegal weapons traffics and pirates. You and Kylo and all the First Order wanted a peaceful galaxy with no criminality.

It was late in the night when Kylo found you alone in the control room watching a holographic map. You were so concentrated you didn't even hear him coming behind you, you only realized of his presence when he encircled your waist with his arms. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. "It's late my love, what is this map that's keeping you away from our bedroom?". He said the last words with a provocative smile but you said nothing nor had any kind of reaction. He understood that map was really important and you were bothered by something.

"This is the location of the Resistance base" Kylo couldn't believe it. You had thought about revealing it or not for a lot of time but at the end you decided to tell Kylo about it.

"Sit my love, I will explain you everything you need to know to set a perfect attack."

"Doesn't it bother you that you're revealing Resistance secrets to the enemy?"

"You are not the enemy, the First Order is my home now and you are the love of my life. They are the enemy now, and all I want is to use all my knowledge to destroy them."

Kylo was surprised to hear such words coming out of your mouth.

But he didn't know how Poe's words hurt you the last time you saw him, he didn't know how angry you had felt when you had found out Leia had connected with you just to find your spaceship location. You had felt betrayed by what you thought was your family. Kylo was your family now and you didn't need anybody else.

You wanted to serve for a galaxy under the control of the First Order.

You told Kylo everything about their weapons, their security sistems, their attack and defence modes, everything you knew.

When you finished talking he just hugged you and you buried your face in his chest. You loved this man with all your heart. "You never stop to surprise me every day. We'll organise some tie fighters and squadrons of stormtroopers in order to attack them.

"We'll leave them with nothing to live with nor for, they'll be miserable and will never represent a problem again. Do you agree love?"

"Yes my princess. You're the Commander, the troups follow your orders."

You immediately called Hux, who was not happy to be called in the middle of the night and told him about your plan. As soon as he understood the First Order had the coordinates of the base he started to run around the ship shouting "MOVE MOVE MOOOVE!" to all the troopers that were getting ready to fly to the base.

You and Kylo smiled proudly at the efficiency of your soldiers and since you were extremely tired, you went to bed.

You fell asleep in Kylo's arms and you were sure you were in the right place.

He stayed awake a little, looking at you peacefully falling asleep and smiling at your cuteness. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and still couldn't believe you had fallen in love with him despite of his troubled past and the fear everyone had of him.

"I'll make the galaxy a better place for you to live in" he whispered, then he kissed your head and fell asleep with his nose buried into your hair and holding you tight.