Chapter twenty two

You killed the soldiers one by one, the battle was terrible. All the Resistance fighters were killed by you or your soldiers.

You weren't aware of the passing of time, you just killed everyone you found on your way.

The sun had already set down when it all ended. The base was blown up by a bomber ship.

Leia and Poe walked between the dead bodies of their squad mates to you.

Leia spoke, while Poe didn't have the strength to. "Y/n, I admit it. I sensed the darkness in you since our first meeting. You were a child so you still hadn't found it out. I talked to Luke and we decided not to train you as a Jedi and Force user in order not to live the failure we had had with Ben. At the beginning we wanted to give you in adoption or put you into a specific structure to train you to prevent darkness from consuming you. But the Force had other plans for you. Now you're the Commander of the First Order, Kylo Ren's girl and you are almost the most powerful in the Dark side of the Force."

You listened in silence. With every word your need of vengeance grew in you. You knew Kylo felt the same as he was sent away and always hated by his parents. He talked to you in your mind "Y/n... it's time to cut with the past and start over, a new life in a united and peaceful galaxy. Let's do this"

You ignited your lightsaber and pierced Poe's shoulder, he cried while looking at you with nothing but hate and fear. You felt powerful, you felt relieved, you had made justice. You and Kylo, lightsabers cracking, turned to Leia. She was looking at you with watery eyes but didn't loose her composture.

Kylo spoke to your mind "What do we do?"

"Let her go, she's just an old woman. Without her followers she's not dangerous."

He nodded and you both turned off your sabers and your helmets. Then you turned and faced your huge army that was waiting for you. Kylo put his hands on your waist and pulled you into a passionate kiss. You felt happy, you realized that the place we are born in is not necessarily our home. A home is where we feel right and safe. And your home was Kylo Ren.

You started to walk back to the Silencer.

"What do we do now?" you said "The Resistance is dead, the galaxy is safe now Kylo"

He looked at you with a smile on his face

"Just hold my hand "

                                THE END