Chapter Three

He lowered his arm, railgun still unfolded, still lethal. This spiky motherfucker could become a problem, a big problem.

"Lets' make a deal spiky." Sure he could round up a few other linguists, but that would take a few days. "You put the little lizard down, you let him come with me, and you don't blow up my ship." He wondered if the Professors' escort had left yet. "Then, I'll have someone deliver you a nice ship of your own."

The creature rumbled with a low gurgle, it sounded amused. "And what makes you think I have that choice?" It moved its' claws away from the Professors' throat; he was making progress, he hoped. "Even if I did have the choice, I'd never trust a stranger to deliver a ship; without a hostage at least."

"Fair point spi-"


The spiky creature tensed, and fell backwards; it seemed paralysed as it fell. It hit the ground, hard. The Professors' tail was still being clutched in a vice like grip, the Professor himself was no longer flailing like a child; even better progress.

Behind the creature he saw the scarred Vah, its' rifle aimed towards him. Behind the Vah, its' Vah'do was spread in a semicircle around his ship. "Professor Zeth'an, are you alright?" The scarred Vah began marching over to the Professor.

The Professor looked up at the old Vah. "I'm fine Xecka" The Xecka came to a halt, standing over the fallen creatures' hand; he crouched down, pulling a syringe from a pocket on his equivalent of a chest. He grabbed the tensed hand and injected a clear liquid into its wrist, between two keratin plates. A few moments later the hand became loose and limp, however the rest of the body remained paralysed. The Xecka helped the Professor to his…feet silently.

"I appreciate your assistance Xecka, perhaps next time it won't happen in the first place. Return the Mag-Rider to the checkpoint." The old Vah nodded, and returned to the Mag- Rider, his Vah-do hurrying in behind him.

"Are they just going to leave that spiky guy there?" He asked, retracting the railgun into his arm. This had turned out alright, not the worst case scenario; but now he had a paralysed criminal next to his ship.

"The station security doesn't take Ko'dyn prisoners, there wouldn't be any cells left on the station if they rounded up the whole gang." The Professor walked up the ramp quickly, he was probably scared shitless. "He'll probably be dead in a cycle. Where will we be developing the translator?"

"Head inside, down the hall on the left, go into the workshop. I'll be there soon." He walked down the ramp towards the paralysed alien. He stooped over the body, then squatted down, lifting the body onto his shoulder like a log. It was surprisingly light, even for something so small. As he turned to go inside, the Professor called out to him from the top of the ramp.

"What are you doing? That's a dangerous criminal!" The Professor looked like he was about to burst: his throat inflated like a balloon, spines that had been laying down were now standing up.

"Don't worry, I'm putting him in the brig; he could be useful." He called back to the puffed up lizard. The Professor held his tongue, and chose to find the workshop.

"So, what is your name machine? I'm in your ship, shouldn't I know it by now? And please, call me Zeth'an" The Professor called over his shoulder.

"Well Zeth'an, I'm Druto. Call me Dru." He shouted from the ramps' control pad, closing it behind him. Once that was done, he headed to the brig; he wanted to have a little chat with his new prisoner. "Echo, send a medical unit to cell 1-B."

"Already done it boss, give the bot an hour to check him out." Echo announced over the corridors' speakers. "We launching?"

As he neared the brigs' main door he stopped for a second. "No, I want to find out about our guests' 'deal' before we risk it." The door slid open, revealing this decks' cells. The cells were nothing special, they were small rooms with: a bed, a toilet, a desk and a sink. He went into cell B and put the prisoner down on the bed in the corner, the medi-bot was hovering in the centre of the room. The bot went to work on the body, as he left he locked the door behind him.