Chapter Ten

Gathered around an icy freighter aboard the city ship 'Obossyran' was a tired looking group of Vah.They ranged in age, build and occupation. The only similarity being a resistance to the Darkness which surrounded all that their civilisation knew of.

A dark mist swirled between them, seeping into the orderly Vah'hsck.

Among the older Vah there were a few determined to pass the initial test this time. They had gone through the painful and potentially mind shattering process many times before and had failed, but this time was different, they could all feel it.

One by one the lizard like creatures collapsed onto the floor, the majority seemingly asleep, some shaking as though in unbearable pain. A few of them, however, began to change. It was slow at first, starting with crunching sounds, then their flesh writhed and squelched on its own, giving the illusion of thousands of worms under their thin scales.

Before the changes brought about by the Darkness could finish, a hulking two legged, two armed figure draped in fur stepped out from the icy, rusted freighter which had been the centre of the strange ceremony.

Immediately a dark mist gathered towards his outstretched hand and formed nine identical, spherical beads. Without warning the beads darted towards the nine convulsing Vah, merging seemlessly with their bodies. Four of the Vah, those strong enough to be saved, returned to normal apart from a black dot where the spheres had made contact.

The other five were too far gone. When the beads made contact with them, instead of a small black dot like the others, a dark rash spread over their bodies. Once the bodies had been stained by the beads, they began to dissolve.

It was a quick process, starting from the point of contact, the flesh liquefied into a black sludge which then evaporated into a dark mist which then joined the rest, swirling around haphazardly.

Rolling around the group were a few tracked, three foot tall box shaped med-drones, dragging any unconscious Vah away one by one with thick metal pincers.

Once only the Vah still standing remained, of which there were six, the hulking figure spoke.

"Those of you still standing, you have done well. It has been many cycles since any Vah have passed." He paused, looking at his new disciples with a stern face. "You six will now begin to train on Guthra as my disciples, we leave when the refineries fire up. Dismissed."

With that the Darkness receded into the freighter like a well trained servant, and a tension was lifted from the hangar. The successful Vah returned to their homes to deliver the news of their departure to their families, and to spread word of those who did not survive to theirs.

"Master, the elders have convened." Iphka informed the man draped in fur. "The young ones have already begun offloading the supplies to trade for the new disciples."

"Iphka, there is no need to call me master, the ceremony is over. Gatekeeper will suffice." The man spoke softly, as though speaking to his own kin rather than the head priest of a cult that had been worshipping him for three thousand years.

"Gatekeeper, please, you are the ancient, immortal master and sole protector of Guthra and the Shyck. Please realise that my ancestors would rip my throat out if they heard me speak to you so casually." Iphka pleaded.

As though sensing the blasphemy occurring outside, the Shyck elders left the sacred freighter to listen to what the Ancient One had to decree. Bringing an end to the conversation between worshiper and the worshipped.

Seeing his fun had ended the Gatekeeper informed the Shyck elders of his plan. "We depart when the refineries begin operation. Our first destination will be Guthra's Northern Temple to begin the new disciples training. Once they have their tasks you will all gather strong warriors, then meet me at the Southern Temple for an expedition."

To the Gatekeeper this was just another task in a long list, to the Shyck this would be both a pilgrimage and a crusade.