Night 3

The sound of ringing entered Winters ears as she groggily sat up feeling a heavy weight on her. Jules was laying on her blood escaping his head as his back was burnt badly.

"Jules... JULES!" shouted Winter lightly shaking the teen making him groan out in pain.

He slowly opened his eyes and winced feeling the pain on his back.

"You ok?" asked Jules as he slowly sat up looking around the room.

Bodies layed everywhere, some burnt beyond recognition and other were either blown in half or missing limbs, the foul smell of smoke and blood hung in the air like a thick fog.

"I... I don't know" said Winter looking around the room with wide eyes.

A sudden sound of ruble moving drew their attention to look to the left, where a piece of the roof was suddenly shoved away revealing Yuri also blood dripping from his head and the kids, he was protecting was perfectly fine.

"YURI!" shouted Jules relief washing over him.

"What the hell happened?" asked Yuri to himself as he walked over to the duo.

Just as Jules was going to answer a loud voice came from outside.

"CMON OUT YOU RATS!" shouted the voice.

Yuri and Jules soon walked over to the door their eyes cold.

"Winter can I ask for a favor?" asked Jules looking at the girl worry quickly flashing in his eyes.

"Yeah sure" said Winter.

"Please look for my grandma..." said Jules softly as he and Yuri kicked the door of the broken house open and walked out.

Once the duo was outside, they saw buildings were on fire and bodies layed everywhere. At the entrance of the slum stood a group of people in black leather cloaks with a pair of white denim jeans, in each of their hands were different weapons which consisted of bats to gladius swords they were gang members. At the head of the group stood a tall male figure who appeared to be in his late twenties. He also wore the exact same as the rest of the group except he had human skulls hanging at his hips as his left hand was smoking. He had messy blond hair that reached his nape as he had a pair of piercing blue eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" said Yuri as he spat some blood on the floor and wiped his forehead clear of blood.

"I'm Tommy Brick brother of Ricky you prick!" shouted Tommy as he heatedly glared at the teens.

"He got what he deserved" replied Yuri as he glared back.

"Who made you judge Jury and Executioner?" said Tommy as he left hand suddenly got lit up in flames as a blue orb floated in his palm.

"This is revenge for my brother!" roared Tommy as he used the skill, he had been prepping.

"[Hell Palm]!" said Tommy as the blue orb was launched like a bullet towards the duo as they quickly rolled out the way.

Jules took this as his chance for attack so he sprinted forwards. The teen was quickly cut off as the group around Tommy pulled out machine guns and started to spray bullets. Jules cussed as he rolled to the left behind a piece of ruble blocking the bullets. Tommy was laughing seeing the two teens hiding around like rats only for his eyes to go wide. As he blinked Yuri disappeared from his sight only to appear a few millimeters in front of him, the teens eyes were glowing as they held no emotion.

"[Slice and Dice]" spoke Yuri out as he quickly drew his katana out and spun in a circle.

Tommy out of pure instinct leaned backwards only to receive a massive cut on the chest causing his blood to spray out in the air. The few men who stuck around Tommy and didn't chase after Jules suddenly screamed out in pain as they all had been cut in half by the midsections causing their innards and blood to spill out like a river. The older man gritted his teeth as he took off his coat and threw it in the air, what this did is reveal the two scimitar swords which were on his back.

"Nice little scratch kid" said Tommy as he took one sword out and grabbed one skull from his hip.

"This guy also gave me little cuts but you can guess what happened to him" asked Tommy as he tossed around the skull he took like a ball.

"Don't worry they won't be little cuts anymore" replied Yuri as he went into a sword stance where his knees were bents and one hand was grabbing the handle of his katana as the blade was pointing to the sky while his other hand was in front of him.

"I'll kill you!" roared Tommy as he crushed the skull in his palm and launched himself to the teen taking out the second scimitar sword on his back and bringing them down for a dual slice which Yuri countered by slicing upwards.

At Jules he took a piece of ruble next to him and quickly rolled out from his cover. The teen launched the piece of ruble from his hand against the nearest gang member causing the stone to hit him right between the eyes. The thug cried out in pain before he crumbled to the floor, the rest of the gang members gritted their teeth as they looked to Jules who gave them a sly grin.

"I'm sure as hell not Yuri killing that piece of shit his mine" whispered Jules to himself as his eyes glowed softly green when he took out his weapon.

Jules weapons were a pair of black steel Nun chucks that had a white lotus at the end.

"Time to go night night!" shouted Jules as he took a step forward turning into a blur only to appear behind the group.

"[Bear Hunt]" breathed Jules out as he flicked his nun chucks downwards causing blood to splatter on the floor.

The group looked confused only for the necks to be suddenly bent at an unnatural angle due to a potent force and some crumbled to the floor.

"No hard feelings guys I know you all just following orders but hope afterlife treats you right" said Jules as he ran over to Tommy.

One thought went through all the gang members before they died and that was "Who the hell are these two?"

Rewind a few seconds earlier you can see Jules rushing towards the group. His Nun chucks glowed a soft white as he hit the majority of them at the jaw before stopping behind them. The attack was so fast that their brains didn't even register that they had been hit causing their confusion.

At the broken-down house of Mary, Winter stood at the busted down door as her jaw dropped to the floor, she had managed to free as many people from the ruble and Mary was standing next to the teen, her head was bleeding badly and she was limping.

"How are they so strong?" whispered Winter to herself.

"They survived Oasis" replied Mary.

The white-haired girl gasped as she heard rumors of Oasis. Oasis was an organization that King Regla started to make his already strong army stronger! He would take out children who was supposed to be livestock and personally put them under a strict Training program. All the children died within days of the program but those that did survive gained unbelievable strength and skills, but one day one child went rouge and killed almost all the personal of the oasis lab, King Regla saw that this would continue being a problem in the future so he disbanded the entire program.

"It was the biggest mistake my son could have made giving Jules to that program" said Mary as tears escaped her eyes.

"And is Yuri related to Jules?" asked Winter.

"No Jules met Yuri in the program and once they were disbanded, he was adamant in bringing Yuri back with him." answered Mary with a fond smile on her face.

Back at the fight Tommy gritted his teeth as he was on the defense from a barrage of slices and cuts Yuri preformed. The man caught movement in the corner of his eyes only to receive a steel nun chuck against the forehead blasting him away. There where Tommy just stood was Jules now a grin on his face as he spun the nun chuck around his body before resting it underneath his arm.

"Now now Yuri I'm killing this one he hurt Granny" said Jules still grinning except his eyes were cold and distant.

"Tch We can share he pissed me off as well" replied Yuri as he walked over and stood next to Jules bumping his shoulders. The green eyes teen gave the black-haired teen a warm smile.

An explosion drew their attention to Tommy who was glowing.