
I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard footsteps and so I peeked on my door; it was my mom making out of her man going through her room; I rolled my eyes and shut my door. I lay on my bed as I wrap my body with my blanket and took my father's photo. Reminiscing everything on how he passed away, and I can't help but feel miserable.

I can't fall asleep and so I stayed up all night on my balcony, watching how the sun rises and birds chirping in the morning. I went to the bathroom, stayed in the shower for minutes with my clothes on. This makes me feel better, to remove my sadness I just need a long cold bath.

The alarm clock started to ring, but I just ignored it. By its noise, my room doesn't feel empty again. "Athena! Breakfast's ready!" my mom shouted downstairs. I dressed up and packed my things for school. I went downstairs and saw the guy sitting with my mom on his lap flirting.

I took a loaf of bread and get out of there immediately; I didn't even say goodbye to my mom. I just don't want her, I wish she were dead instead of my father. But I know even I wish that that won't come true. I came to school head down, hands in my pocket, and avoids people. I hate school either, the only place I want is on my father's side. Jane purposely bumps into me, a typical bully in every school with her stupid ass boyfriend, Tristan, and her friends.

I glared at them for seconds, but they just give me a mocking laugh which irritated me. But I stayed calm because I don't want to start a cuss. The class was usual until someone came in late. He was wearing a dark hoodie with dark pants, long hair, dark brows with pursed lips. Then he never greeted the professor which is now looking at him annoyed. He walks pass by me and we both look into each other's eyes. He sat at the back of me and sleep as nothing happened.

"Mr. Lombardi? How rude of you, to just came in like you never saw me, I would like to see you after class" the professor said in an irritated tone, yet Jax just raises his hand gesturing that he'll come. I stared at him for more than a minute, he notices my gaze and so he looks back at me with brows furrowed looking so confused and mad and so he averted his eyes to mine and continued to sleep.

Right after class, I saw Jax in the principal's office with our professor. The principal and the professor were looking so mad, yet he acted so chill like he never cares at all. And so our eyes met again. But this time, his eyes tell like he was so tired, mentally and emotionally.

Then I got this feeling of curiosity, I can't even explain what I feel like I wanted to talk to him but yet I'm scared and think I don't want to get into other's business. And so I ignored and walk away. It was dark and I'm all alone; I don't want to go home and I don't have friends to hang out with. I was walking on the street, looking at the stars and the city lights. Then suddenly I felt someone is looking at me from far away, I stopped and look at my back. And there I saw him looking at me, leaning on the lamppost.

He walked towards me and I was froze on my spot, don't know what to do, should I run or just stay put. When he's already In front of me, my body won't move, and I even stop blinking. "what do you want?" I asked him sarcastically, I was trying hard not to look scared In front of him.

"I'm the one who supposed to ask that," he said in a monotone. I laugh mockingly and raise my brow to him.

"You stared at me with meaning, is there anything you want?" he asked, and again in monotone.

"no, there is nothing, can I leave now?"

He nodded his head and turn his back on me. Looking at him walk away, why do I feel more interested in him when I heard his voice, it makes me want to know more about him. And I know I'm getting weirder, maybe because he reminds me of my father, especially his voice.

I went home and go straight to my bed; I took my photo album and once again I look at my father's photo. it's been 2 years and still, I can't get over this feeling. I missed him so much. The next morning, I went to school and saw crowded people in the hall; I went through them and there I saw Jax getting beaten by 3 guys, Jax was on the floor with blood on his lips and head. And not a single one of them tried to stop them, some were scared, some were enjoying the show. But I can't stand this, looking at Jax pitifully, and so I stepped in and grab Jax away from them. The three guys looked at me infuriated.

The guy was about to hit me and so I close my eyes, getting myself ready to get beaten. But I saw Jax held and covered me, so he was hit instead. The other guy was about to hit him again when the professor came and the crowd slowly disappear and went to their respective classroom.

Jax and I stayed on the floor while the three guys run away. The professor looks at us very madly. We are now at the office, Jax was beside me looking at his feet. Then everything went blurred and all I ever saw was him. The principal's voice was getting slower and low, and everything was focused on Jax. But I was back to reality when the professor slams his desk and look at us furiously.

"uh—I'm sorry"

That's what all I could say, Jax, look at me and then averted his eyes. "The two of you caused this much trouble and so I decided to suspend you for a week, understood Mr. Lombardi and Ms. McCarthy?"

"Understood" both Jax, and I responded

We both went outside with our bags on, he was about to leave again when I grab his arm to make him stop; he looks at me with confusion. "That must have hurt, let me treat you," I said politely. He sighed heavily and agree with me. I bought some medical care and let him sit on the bench, I took the medicine and he just let me, like he doesn't care at all.

"May I ask why you're beaten with those guys?"

"You know what, my grandfather lived for 105 years, you know why?"

"why?" I answered him confusingly.

"because he doesn't mind other people's business"

I was silent for a minute, then kind of scared. Right after I treat him, he stood up and thank me, he was about to leave again when I called his name "Jax Lombardi" he stopped and look at me. "Will you please let me in, in your life?" The chilly wind passed, and his hoodie fell, showing his face, his crystal eyes stand out, my hands were getting cold, and I nervously waited for his answer.

-End of chapter 1-