The Crime

Dash hasn't found Jax yet, so he stopped at his uncle's place to search for answers on why his uncle targeting Jax. He secretly came to his uncle's room and open his drawers and cabinets. The room was getting messy and Dash was highly strung. He never gives up and keeps on searching until he found a letter underneath his uncle's ashtray. He opened the letter, and he was surprised by what's written on it.

He immediately crumpled the paper, and he was getting anxious. The letter was an agreement paper from a man named Noah. It says, if he couldn't kill Jax at the end of the night, and failed his mission, a bomb on his neck will explode that kills him.

Dash's fear was running through his body. He loves his uncle even though sometimes he is a bad person, and he doesn't want his uncle to die. Not now. His uncle became like that right after his daughter, dash's cousin committed suicide from depression. And Dash's always thought that his uncle will change soon and go back to his true self. Dash didn't know what to do, and he was thinking twice to help Jax or help his uncle. It was a tough decision to make. Dash left the apartment with an unsure decision.

They left Athena behind, feeling uneasy. She couldn't just sit and relax, she becomes a very pessimistic person. The night is getting deep, and there is still no news from Dash. Suddenly her phone vibrates, and she thought it was Dash, instead it was her professor reminding her about their research. She sighed heavily and lay on her bed, feeling bothered by thinking of him.

Benj's glare was full of wrath. He holds his grip on the gun tightly and aims for Jax "I've been waiting for this moment" he said with his eyes filled with tears and anger. Jax didn't react to any of his words, because he was too tired to escape, Jax thought of giving up and just die at that moment.

A sound of a gun blast all over the place, that makes Jax came back to his senses. He saw his arm bleeding, getting shot by Benj. He tried to stand up and fight him back in bare hands. Benj quivered after he shot him in his arm. He was trembling from anger. He runs towards Jax and punches him in the face, Jax fell from the impact and accidentally bit his lips.

Benj sat in front of Jax's chest, continued to punch him. blood was spitting from Jax's mouth and his knuckles were bleeding. Benj shouted in anger as he continues to punch him. He was out of breath, needing more air to breathe. He took the gun on his side. He aims the gun at Jax's forehead "any last words young man?" he said in a weary tone of his voice

"Uncle Benj!"

Benj turns around and saw his nephew looking so worried. "You don't have to do that!" Dash shouted as he was trying to get his uncle's attention to distract him from killing Jax. "Don't involve yourself from this matter Dash!" Benj shouted back at him and turn his gaze on Jax. Benj was about to pull the trigger but Jax was able to hold his arm and the bullet blasts on the other side.

Dash looks at his wristwatch to check the time. and it's currently 11:49 in the evening, it has only 11 minutes until the bomb explodes on his neck. Dash tried to tell his uncle about this but Benj never listens to him. He was full of resentment and couldn't control himself anymore.

Their battle continued. Benj loses his grip on the gun when Jax hit him on his arm. The ground was stained by blood. Both Jax and Benj are now on their limits. But they never gave up, they keep on pushing themselves, hitting and punching each other until it fills their satisfaction.

Dash was out of his mind and couldn't think properly, he was just there standing looking so frightened and nervous at the same time. The two continued fighting, both of them exchange fists, from the impact they both fell on the ground exhausted.

Benj eyes were cornered from tears "this will be the last day, and finally, I'll meet my daughter once again" he whispered to himself, he stood up and took the gun. Jax's eyes widened from fear, thinking Benj will surely finish him off at that moment. But he was surprised when he aimed the gun at himself.

"UNCLE BENJ DON'T!" dash shouted, as he runs towards him but he was too late to stop his uncle before he could reach him, Benj pulled the trigger and blood were spitting on Jax and Dash's face. Dash's senses stopped for a minute. He fell on his knees very worn out. He cried in silence and bit his lower lip to force his tears not to fall. Jax was surprised by what happens and can't process his mind properly. All he could think was to run away, and so he did. Police sirens are now appearing, Dash was left there weeping for his uncle's demise.

Athena falls asleep from so much distress. When morning came, she woke up very early. She rubs her eyes and looked all over her room. She stood up as she faces herself in the mirror looking so weary. Then she remembers what happened last night.

She immediately turned the television on and it welcomed her, a very terrifying news. "Todays latest news, 6 men were found dead on a nearby abandoned building, from a mile away, 1 body was found dead, it turns out the victim was Benjamin Wilson, a drug dealer and he is one of the people on the wanted list. The crime scene happened last night around 10 to 11 in the evening. The suspect was identified as "Jax Griffin Lombardi" a 20-year-old student from Monarch College, the authorities are still searching for the suspect and investigated the whole scene-----" Athena turned the television off and she was speechless. After hearing what happened, she wanted to call Dash but she was thinking twice, she was embarrassed that the guy she thought was good, is now a criminal.

She went to school after that day and everyone was talking about Jax. She entered their room and saw how students messed with Jax's table, vandalizing and writing hurtful and cursed words. Athena doesn't want to think the same way other people think about him. She forces herself to look in another perspective on Jax so she would understand why Jax did that.

After class, professor Brown called Athena to see him in his office. As she arrives at the office, she apologizes to her professor for not passing the activity on time. "Athena, it's okay, I understand, I'll extend the submission of this project but I'll be expecting a more interesting and catchy topic," Mr. Brown said, Athena nodded as a response, she was about to leave but then Mr. Brown spoke "I'm sorry to hear everything about your friend" Athena stunned on her place, instead of answering him, she responds him on hand gestures and finally left the room.

A week has passed. Dash and Athena never spoke to each other, Athena didn't get any news and information about Jax. And she was left all alone again. She felt useless and slowly losing hope day by day, school was always, as usual, she was bullied by Jane and Tristan, and she just let them be, she doesn't care at all anyway. A month has passed, what happened was, all the same, it all repeats day after day. She committed suicide again but failed, she was thinking twice, remembering what Jax told her about that, she will never go to heaven but in hell. And once again she suffered from loneliness and sadness.

-End of chapter 6-