Chapter 12 Nameday Tourney

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


Eddard Stark pov

As we made are way through the castle to the main keep I see a group of wolves running towards the godswoods

Moat Cailin is literally running with wild wolves that follow the direwolves, thieves and trouble makers don't dare enter here because missing a few fingers is the best outcome if they get caught by the wolves

Servants and guards just ignore the wolves in the castle and the hunters are ordered not to go after wolves in lands near Moat Cailin

There are even rumours that these wolves are the eyes of the old gods taken living form, any armies that are foolish enough to attack this castle won't just have to deal with strong walls, archers, ballistas on the towers but also the wolves that attack in the night and disappear in the wild

All the Northern lords are in attendance today not because Jon has the most gold or the biggest host but most of the Northern lords were helped by Jon and the wolfgaurds, either it's supply of food sent to the Karstarks last winter or dealing with the ironborn raids at Bear island, dealing with wildlings raids at the Last hearth etc

All of these lords are housed at Guest tower which is grand and proper to even hold the guests from the great houses or the king but only the Starks are allowed in to stay at the main keep

The outside of the main keep is grand enough but inside is were real magic happens, inside is made with architecture and design that is out of this world, it's has windows lined with crystal clear glass ,the keep is decorated with only the best items gold can buy, the rooms have vents that transfer hot or cold air depending on the weather, the rooms have built in bathtubs that get hot water directly from the hot springs

But all of this can only be seen by few people, only Jon's closest people are allowed in main keep like he heard from Benjen that only the captains of the wolfgaurds are allowed to live in the lower floors of the main keep ,and captain is the highest rank under lord commander and vice commander ,there are only 10 captains in the wolfgaurds who command 1000 members each, even Edmure cat's brother the hier to the Riverrun is sent to Guest tower despite cat's complaints

The last two highest floors are accessible only to Jon, and only Jon and Benjen knows how to even get on those floors,a person can search the main keep for years and never find the top two floors

As we reach the main keep Benjen, Arya and Bran are waiting for us at the door with 'Night' Ben's direwolf

Arya and Bran are basically fostering at Moat Cailin as they haven't been in winterfell for last two years and Robb spends most of the time in Moat Cailin or with wolfgaurds than in winterfell which greatly upsets Cat because no septas are allowed in Moat Cailin or any thing to do with the seven

Cat wanted me to order Jon to build a sept in Moat Cailin but I can't do that it's Jon's own keep which he made with his own efforts , he even paid back double the gold I gave him at the start, he also pays the most taxes which helped me build and repair a lot of things in winterfell

So cat now only takes care of little Rickon and Sansa at Winterfell, I love Cat but when it comes to Jon she can never be reasonable, Jon is not going to take winterfell if he going to take something it's going to be the Iron Throne but that is not going to happen with just 15,000 men but I can't help but remember that last time when a Targaryen landed in Westros with just 8,000 men and shaped the seven kingdoms to what it is now

I didn't see Jon till the next day with him sitting at the main table at the melee,Jon looked the same as when he was 10 nameday old, the boy was over 6ft at 10 thankfully he stopped there or he would have become a giant of a man

Jon might have the stark colouring but his Valariyan features have become more pronounced now , Rheagar's beauty was well know throughout the seven kingdoms and resemblance is uncanny now, it is a good thing that no one who knows Rhaegar comes north and Jon never goes below the neck

As he was thinking the melee was over and the herald announced the champion

"The winner of the melee Ser Brianne of tarth ,captain of the she-wolf squad"

I had heard of this lady the only lady captain of the wolfgaurds, a southern lady that joined wolfgaurds few years ago and Knighted by Jon himself, the woman is tall with full plate black armour and clearly very skilled as she swiftly defeated one opponent after other

As the melee was over a huge man in full armour entered the ring and the men with him came forward

"Lord Snow, we have heard many tales about the white wolf of the north, Ser Gregor clagane, the mountain that rides have come this far north to duel with the white wolf, my lord would please allow Ser clagane to test blades with you"

This was the tallest Man I ever saw, nearly 8 ft tall and with thick tree trunks like arms and blade as tall as Jon himself

"Lord Commander, let me teach this disrespectful fool a lesson on your behalf " Ser Brianne asked with fury clearly angry by such ploy to ask the host to duel in their own tourney

"It's fine captain Brianne" Jon said as he got down to the melee ring , a young boy probably a squire quickly came to Jon with his armour and sword

"It's fine Ned, a wolf is never afraid of a dog no matter how big it gets"

The mountain clearly angered by this said " I will skin a wolf in front of everyone today"

Jon entered the ring just with his clothes

The mountain charged at Jon as soon as the duel started, he was like an enraged bull charging ,when he reached in front of Jon he dropped down his sword like an axe on Jon's head, in that moment it seemed that he would cleave the boy in half, but at the last moment Jon moved like blur and ducked to side and grabbed the right hand of his foe, he then in one single motion twist his arm like it was nothing , the arm was twisted beyond recognition and blood started to spill from the armour

The mountain screamed and tried to use his other arm to attack but Jon punched him at the elbow gap in the armour, and the sound of bone breaking was heard in the entire ground, with both his arms broken the mountain fell to his knees in pain and Jon removed the helm from his head , he then grabbed his head and smashed it against the ground, the head was smashed into a pulp

As everyone was shocked with what happened , Jon went and took the huge sword with one hand that the mountain dropped on the ground and easily threw the huge sword at the men who came with mountain , the men tired to catch the sword but were knocked back to the ground because of the weight

"Tell Tywin that if he wants to kill me than at least have to courage to do it himself, next time he sends his dogs after me I will kill all of them not just one "

The men just nodded and scurried away, I had heard that Jon was strong but I didn't think he was this strong, and why was Tywin sending men to kill Jon, did he know ?, No that's not possible if Tywin knew he would come here with an army not send some men to do his dirty work