Chapter 18 Runaway Princess

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Moat Cailin

Rhaenys pov

Rhaenys Targaryen lived a very unstable life to say the least, she went from being a royal Princess to a girl who ran for her life with her mother, to a girl everyone thought was dead,to being a daughter of a famous merchant in Volantis

Even in her short life she has seen a lot of things going around essos, she has experienced how unfair things can get ,she herself was alive because a dornish girl gave up her life

Her life finally had some semblance of peace and stability for the last few years in Volantis but even that didn't last long, now she was here in Moat Cailin with her mother and grandmother to meet with her supposed little brother

When she saw him for the first time she thought he was most beautiful man she has ever seen, he was tall with beautiful grey eyes that seem to swallow you whole, she had heard the tales of her father's beauty from her mother and grandmother but she never expected her little brother to be this beautiful, the Valariyans were known for their otherworldly beauty and her little brother personified it

But she was not going to let his looks cloud her judgement, no matter what he is just another man looking for power,he might say that it his birthright or he is taking revenge for our family but she didn't care about all of that, she just wanted to have a peaceful life, she finally had that in Volantis but it was ripped away from her again

Her brother will die for that damn pile of swords that killed so many of her family already or he might win and she will be the King's sister than once again her family will be sucked in that hell hole

Her mother and grandmother are already close with her brother in just a few days they have been here, they say things like he looks soo much like her father,how he would be great king just like her father would have been, but she will not fall for this, she will keep her eyes open and take her mother and grandmother back to volantis even if there is hint of something bad happening no matter what this Jon Snow or Aegon might say

A few moons later

To say she was wrong about her little brother might be understatement,Egg as she started to call him didn't want the Throne just because it was his birthright, he actually cared for people and wanted to help them, anyone can see that the way he handles the people in Moat Cailin

On the surface things might look okay but the the seven kingdoms were in shambles, the fat king has put the crown in an insane amount of debt and shows no signs of stopping,war was inevitable at this point, her brother was making sure that it would be a short one with least amount of casualties

While most men treat women like a tool for bearing children or for pleasure,her brother treated women with respect,when she first came she thought she would be sold like mare to make alliances, but he didn't do that, he treated her, mother and grandmother as his equal, he always included them when making plans and valued that opinions and wasn't above taking advice from woman

This was not all she also met her great great granduncle who was over hundred nameday old but was still wise, he was near death and blind at first but Egg made a potion with dragon blood and magic to help him, uncle Aemon looks younger than ever now ,like 60 nameday old

Moat Cailin is truly magical place with many wondrous things, Egg is also teaching her Valariyan fire magic, she hasn't made any progress yet but according to the books it would take years before she can actually see progress but she is trying her best

As a princesses with dornish blood she practiced the spear since she was a little girl, but even though egg prefers a sword he teaches her the spear,even with all the years of hard work she is not even close to being as good as egg

She also got to meet Nightfury Egg's dragon who is beyond belief, the dragon is nothing she has ever seen or even read in the books,he is emperor dragon according to egg and rules over normal dragons,Egg will soon take her to meet the other two dragons named after his mother and our father

A few moons ago she never would have guessed she could be this happy, but this not the time to be dreaming, if things go according to plan she would the King's sister soon, people from all of the seven kingdoms will try to curry her favour or try to use her for their own purposes

She is learning from her grandmother about the court and the lords, grandmother is also suggesting that she and Egg should get married to keep the bloodline pure, but egg said that he will let her get married to whoever she wants, but being married to egg doesn't sound bad,but all of that is not important right now

Egg might be tall but he is still 14, sometimes she can help but wonder how he has been bearing all the burden of our family name alone, he went from a bastard of a lord in the north to a warrior, Dragonrider, and hopefully the king soon

She can't lose to her little brother, she has to work hard to be worthy of the Targaryen name, it is the name of conquerors, kings,queens and dragonlords

She will be like Visenya, the warrior queen who helped her brother conquer the seven kingdoms, who was killed her enemies both on a dragon or the battlefield