Chapter 29 Beheading a lion

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


Tywin pov

It was like the battle of Green Fork all over again, he thought he was prepared for everything the boy could throw at him and still come out on top, but here he is in chains, a prisoner to a Targaryen no less

The boy was Rhaegar's there is no doubt, anyone who had seen the silver prince could see that, when he first heard of the boy being named the king, a Targaryen no less, he thought they were crazy, as if anyone will believe such outlandish story

But there is no doubt the boy is Rhaegar's son,bastard or trueborn doesn't matter the boy has a big army, giants and three god damn dragons,the first Aegon didn't have any claim but he still became king with three dragons

And boy's army will only grow bigger now, his Bannermen are sheep ,now that the lions are taken they will bow down to dragons to keep their heads

He looks at the land where Harrenhal used to be, the only thing left there is burnt land,not even rubble or rocks are left there, not a single thing to show the fact that a castle stood there few days ago

Even when he closed his eyes he can clearly see that black beast raining down fire and destruction on once mighty castle

He thought that seeing giants breaking down his army was going to haunt him for the rest of his days but compared to this he would gladly fight hundred battles against giants

The boy could have burned him with his men to ashes with that castle anytime he wanted

All his life he worked for the legacy of his house, he finally had a lannister on the Iron Throne but all of this was for nothing, without him every thing will fall apart, the capital won't last against the army much less dragons

Jon/Aegon pov

With tywin's capture the lannisters quickly fell apart and the dragons didn't help their cause, the western Bannermen bent the knee one after the other

And the ones that were refusing to bend the knee had a change of mind after I beheaded Tywin right in front of the whole camp, I didn't do it for revenge he joined the rebellion but so did my uncle, I killed him for sacking the city

If he wanted he could have rebel by fighting against the royal host but he attacked and sacked a defenceless city like a coward, I didn't hold a unnecessary trial because everyone knows that he sacked the city

The lannisters loyalist still had hope when Tywin was still alive but now they have nothing, Tywin ruled the west with fear and now that he is gone they have no interest in fighting this war

I executed Tywin like a comman criminal with out any fanfare or importance to show that no one can escape the dragon's rage not even the great lion

Now the armies would march straight to Kingslanding to take the city,I am also sending tywin's head to the lannisters in the capital to make them understand who they are dealing with

While the armies march to the capital I will fly to Dragonstone to properly reclaim my house's ancient seat and I also have to deal with Stannis there


Dragonstone the home of my ancestors, I have seen this keep many times in my dreams, I have seen my father grow up here, I have seen Rhaenys chasing her cat balerion in those hallways and I have also seen my family forced out and running for their life here

Now once again the Targaryen banners fly in Dragonstone, even though I knew this but seeing the Targaryen red on these walls once again tears came to my eyes, but a king doesn't show weakness

Nightfury and I land in the big balcony, as I get down all the lords are waiting for me, as I enter all the lords take the knee but I walk to the center to Lord Monford "Dragonstone is yours, your grace"

I motion them to get up, "my lords thank you for the loyalty you have shown me and my house, I will not forget this "

"It is our honour to serve you your grace, we have longed for the days for dragons to come back and take what is theirs by right" lord Monford quickly replied and it's seems that all the other lords agree

While I met the major lords over the last few years, there are lot of lords who had not seen me till today, they were shocked by me coming on Nightfury and were whispering things like the sliver prince come again and things like that

"What's the situation her lord Velaryon? "

"We easily took the castle without much difficulty when lord Stannis called his banners just like you ordered,Lord Stannis and his family are prisoners with rest of the his loyal lords,and as you can see all are ships are here and ready to be deployed,we can provide naval assistance against the lannisters forces for you your grace"

"That will not be necessary the lannisters are defeated, I beheaded Tywin just a while ago, his head is making its way to Kingslanding as we speak, my armies are marching for the capital, I want you to take the ships and completely block the sea of kingslanding, I want them to feel the dread as my armies march towards them and they have no way to escape"

"As you command your grace"

Outside the castle I can see the ships,the men on the ships were changing the sails of the ships from white to the one with Targaryen sigil and banners

With my ships coming and blocking out the sea and the destruction of harrenhal, people will see who actually rules the seven kingdoms, they will remember who they bowed to, it was not to lions or stags or even the wolves , they bowed to the dragons and it's time everyone remembers that