Chapter 35 The capital falls

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested



Targaryen camp (outside)

Jon/Aegon pov

We have surrounded the city from all sides, there is no getting out of this other than killing their way out but the lannisters just don't have to numbers to do that

They did what they could to defend the city, they barricaded the gates, all their men are on the wall because they don't even have the numbers to have a proper line of defence on the ground

Most of the people inside the city understand that they can't win this and want to surrender but the king and Queen Regent is not going to let that happen

So Robb and uncle Ned have made plans if it comes to fighting head on but Robb and I also have a different plan that no one knows, today at midnight my men on the inside would split in two groups, one group of 200 men will enter the red keep through the secret tunnels with Varys and rest will go and kill any men gaurding the doors and open them at dawn so the armies can get in without a problem

While the 200 men get in red keep from down,I and Arthur will get in from the upside by slowly gliding in one of the balconies in the red keep, the key is to get control of the red keep before dawn and take the queen regent and the king before the battle even starts

Clearly 200 men are not going to be enough to take the red keep but I and Arthur are the main force, we will go in and kill anyone that stands in our way while the men sneak their way in, so now I have to use my fire magic

I don't like to use my fire magic against humans becomes even when I am fighting in battle the men fighting against me can defend or run away, they have a chance to make it out alive, but when I use fire magic they have no chance, my fire is like Nightfury's red fire, it is insanely hot and spreads very fast,they won't even understand what happened before they are already burning on the ground

Of course there are weakness to my fire magic, I am not a dragon so I don't have huge almost continuous pool of fire magic, I still have a huge amount but no where near a dragon's, so I can't just keep spewing out torrents of fire at my enemies

So I have to use my fire efficiently,but with perfect fire control that is easy,I might be only person to have such perfect control over fire magic, human life is too short just to achieve this level of control


Red keep

Nightfury drops us at the highest balcony without anyone realising he is there,I swear he is more chameleon than dragon in the night

we make are way through the red keep and kill any gaurds that found us, arthur with his quick swords and me throwing small fireballs right at their faces, as these are just gaurds doing their duty my fire burns their brains before they even realize what happened, it is the least I can do for them but that also leaves bodies with burned heads on the ground but you can't have it all your way, I am not wasting my fire just to burn bodies for propriety

We quickly move through the red keep killing without raising alarm so my men can take control of the red keep

So as we are done, arthur has the queen and the boy king on his shoulders while I talk Aurane Waters the man that led the two hundred men in the red keep, most of my men in kingslanding were from the regions under Dragonstone, I make sure that they will be able to keep the castle under their control till all the fighting is over

The remaining gaurds and men were put in the dungeons with anyone who can create trouble in the red keep

It was easy to get the queen and her son, the boy was sleeping like there aren't 90 thousands men outside waiting to kill him,but still we knocked him out before we took him ,the queen was even worse she was soo drunk we didn't even have to knock her out, if I was not here then how are these two going run the seven kingdoms is beyond me

Before dawn we were back in camp with our prisoners, as if they were welcoming us at dawn the gates flung open and the army marched in, the men on the walls tried to stop us but a few blasts of fire from Nightfury quickly made them understand the situation and they surrendered

My armies took control of the city but didn't harm any innocents, I specifically order them if any one tried to sack the city they would personally meet my dragons

By the morning when people were awake the city was already taken,and the war was over, Targaryen banners were flying all across the kingslanding and my dragons were roaring and flying above the city

Tyrion pov

He and tommen made their way to the harbour, he used a one of the secret tunnels of the red keep with the help of Varys to get the boy out of the city and escape

The plan is to get to a merchant ship that is owned by Varys's friend and hide in it with tommen until they lift the blockage on the sea, for once he was happy for his small size so he and tommen can hide in the ships for days without anyone finding out

As they got to the ship a man was waiting for them, he helped them get in the ship and led them to a small room arranged for them

While the little boy slept he thought what to do now, his sister and joffrey will lose their heads soon, maybe if they can get out of the city safely then they can go to dorne to get Myrcella he can't trust the martells not to give up myrcella to the new king, then they can maybe go to west,someone might help them there or they can just go to Esso and leave all this mess behind

As he went to get wine he realised that the mostly empty ships was filled with men, men dressed in Targaryen colours, that's when he realised he got screwed over, he knew he shouldn't trust the spider but he was desperate

He goes to back to the room and waits for whatever fate awaits them under the reign of dragons