Chapter 37 A new king

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested



Tyrion pov

It happened, city was taken by Aegon Targaryen and he will be the king of the seven kingdoms now, he and everyone knew this was coming but when it actually happened it still shocked him

The whole city was taken in just few hours in the night and a little fighting on the wall at dawn,most people didn't even realize that it happened until later

Aegon Targaryen took the city cleanly and efficiently like he has been doing this entire war, there were almost no lives lost but city and the seven kingdoms was taken by the Targaryen boy

He and tommen are still stuck in this ship, they are provided everything here just not allowed to leave, according to what he heard his sister and joffrey are put in the black cells waiting for their trail and Jaime and his uncle are still prisoners but they are kept in red keep now

The way things are going Cersei and Joffrey are going to lose their heads soon and he still doesn't know what will happen to him or tommen, what are they going to do with Jaime and his uncle

He is craving for some good wine right now but seeing what happened to Cersei after father died has put things in perspective, he can't depend on wine just to get through the day and he also has to take care of tommen now and he can't do that while he is drunk

The spider comes in while he was rethinking his whole life, what could he have done differently so that most of his family was not dead or about to die or taken prisoners, but till now he couldn't think of anything

"Ah the spider is here to meet the imp, tell me Varys you always say that you serve the realm but I didn't know the realm was a 15 nameday Targaryen boy, was it funny watching me have a little hope to at least save my innocent nephew from this mess only to have us captured by the dragons,is the imp and this sweet boy are going to lose our heads just like my father, is this you present for the great dragon king"

"I never lied lord tyrion I only serve the realm, and the realm needs a worthy king to run properly,even you realise that joffrey or your father or your sister would have destroyed the realm with their rule, realm already had a mad king once it can't survive to suffer under three more"

"So the Targaryen boy is worthy of the seven kingdoms, just because he has dragons ? "

"He is worthy not because he has dragons but how he used those dragons, he could have burned the entire lannister army at harrenhal and your father with the castle but he didn't, what do you think your father would have done if he had dragons, he could have sacked this city like your father with his men and dragons but he didn't, he instead just took 200 men and sneaked in the red keep the enemy camp just to take this city without much bloodshed, that's why Aegon Targaryen is worthy king of the seven kingdoms, he has the birthright, a powerful army, giants and dragons, he is reason you and the tommen are still alive,that your brother and uncle still take breath, he is not your father he won't kill innocent children just because they are in the way ,you might have a hard time seeing this because he went against your family but tell me Lord tyrion does this not seem like a worthy king to you "

I had nothing to say against Varys because the spider was right even if it meant that he respected the enemy he was supposed to hate

"My lord you and little tommen would not be harmed but him and Myrcella would be officially announced as bastards and would be named waters to the seven kingdoms, your sister and joffrey would die after their trails, but Jaime Lannister won't lose his head but he will punished by the crown, your uncle and relatives will be hostages for a while but you my lord are the lord paramount of the west now and his grace would like to meet you and discuss how to proceed forward, you can return to the red keep with tommen,I have the king's word that you both will treated with respect and hospitality"

I could only nod at that

"I am sorry I had to trick you my lord but I would rather have your head on your shoulders than on the wall, I believe you can help his grace properly rule the seven kingdoms and serve the realm" and with that he left

But I was still stuck in a torrent of emotions on what just happened,his sister and eldest nephew would die but Jaime and tommen could live, he was the new warden of the west and new king wanted him as a advisor,he didn't know what to feel, there was just soo much going on in his head


Olenna pov

Aegon Targaryen wouldn't let her have even a moment of peace these days, the boy just did one thing after the other with no sign of stopping

He just took Renly just a while ago and now he has already taken the capital, every time she thinks this will give the boy a pause and she can plan what to do with the Targaryens,but no the boy just took the city like picking a flower from the garden

The boy was the new king now there is no denying it anymore, when Robert died suddenly so many kings came to claim the Iron Throne but no even saw the boy coming

The boy's rule will be strong one, he already has the north on his side no matter what, and with north comes the trident and the vale, the Crownland is already filled with Targaryen loyalist and he has a huge royal fleet already with the Velaryons and we haven't even mentioned the dragons, the same dragons that helped the first Aegon to bend the seven kingdoms to his will

No one can stand a chance against the Targaryen king now, the reach like the rest of the kingdoms will once again bow down to the dragons