Chapter 46 The wall

The wall

Jon/Aegon pov

As I saw the wall nearing Nightfury started flying downwards,he and I landed on top of the wall, the men standing watch on top were shocked by the giant black dragon suddenly coming down on the wall

As I got down a few men came to greet me, it seems that marwyn told them that I was coming, as I went with the men that came to escort me Nightfury flew away, with his strong fire he doesn't like to stay on the wall for long

The men of the Night's Watch led me to the lord Commander's chamber where the lord Commander Joer Mormont, Maester Marwyn and a fat lad who seemed to be a man of the nights watch was waiting for me

As I came in the lord Commander came forward " Welcome to Castle Black your grace, when Maester Marwyn said you were coming on your dragon I didn't believe it but here you are, as the lord Commander of the nights watch I shouldn't say this but it is an honour to have the white wolf ,a Northerner as the king"

"I might be a Targaryen but north is and always will be my home, and I understand how important the wall is for the north and the seven kingdoms lord Commander, Maester Marwyn sent to me that the nights watch found two wights and you wanted to go investigate beyond the wall,so I will be blunt, there is nothing out there to investigate, I and my dragon have been flying beyond the wall for years to see how the white walkers are moving, what are their numbers etc, Marwyn here is helping me find everything about the long night, the weakness of white walkers, and he also regularly checking how long the magic on the wall will last, so you see lord Commander going beyond the wall will do nothing but getting your men and you killed" as the lord Commander digesting what I said, I turn to Marwyn and nodded at him

With that marwyn brought out a big chest made of white weirdwood and as soon as he opened the box the room turned even colder, even the fire in the room is having a hard time staying lit

During my trips beyond the wall I have tried to kill any single white walkers I find but it hasn't been easy as all the white walkers are connected to one who made them and runaway if they are alone and sense Nightfury getting near them, but sometimes I was able to kill them before they could get away,I tried to get their armour and weapons but I had to kill them quickly so their armour or weapons mostly got destroyed by my fire or Nightfury's

But inside the chest is the only weapon I was able to bring back and few broken pieces of their armour, even though the white walkers are dead but their weapons still have strong ice magic that if anyone tries to touch them they will lose a limb to frostbite, Marwyn has been studying them by using Weirdwood bark and leaves which somehow block the ice magic

I took out the biggest piece the sword out of the chest, my fire magic helps me hold the weapon without being affected, I showed the sword to the lord Commander and I took the small knife that was on the table and brought it to the sword, as soon as the knife touched the word it broke into countless pieces

"This is milkglass the white walkers weapons are made of this, as you can see our weapons can't stand a single blow from them, and when the white walkers come they come with the harshest winter storm you have ever seen,it becomes hard to breathe let alone fight them, their ice magic has filled the lands beyond the wall over the last 8,000 years because the wall doesn't let it cross over to the south, going beyond the wall to face them is suicide, the only reason they haven't attacked the wall yet is because they are gathering all the dead that they can to add to their armies, thats why the wildlings are coming together to cross the wall,I plan to bring them south before the walkers get to them "

Lord Commander just nods clearly overwhelmed by what I told him, Marwyn was fine as he knew all this but the fat lad with him was sweating buckets and shivering with fear instead of cold, as I was looking over the lad Marwyn introduced him

"Your grace this young man is Samwell Tarly,he is the reason that the wights couldn't make any trouble when he realised that the bodies weren't rotting, seeing he has a good head on his shoulders I accepted him as my apprentice, Sam you know his grace,you have been going on and on about the white wolf or the dragon king since you came here,King Aegon Targaryen king of the seven kingdoms, lord protector of the realm"

The lad was just nodding his head to Marwyn and then turned to me " it's annn honourrr yourrr to meettt you your grace " was the only thing he could say while stuttering

I just nodded at him and looked to the lord Commander who seemed to found his bearings "So you see lord Commander the wall has become the most important defense point for all of the seven kingdoms now, so I can't just leave it to the nights watch, half your men would run away given the chance so 3,000 wolfgaurds are coming to man the wall with the Night's Watch, the three captains coming here know the situation and will follow your command, I suggest you only keep your most trusted men at important location and spread out the rest,we can't have a blunder now, I am also increasing the supply that comes every moon from Moat Cailin to handle the increased men at the wall, I want you to make sure that I can bring the wildlings south without any problems"

"It will not be easy your grace but I will make sure my men don't do anything stupid and cause a problem"

"Few of my wolfgaurds are specifically coming here to keep you safe, the Night's Watch has too much history of mutinies, so keep them close and if you have any problems consult Maester Marwyn or you can contact me through him"

With the Night's Watch handled I can now to go beyond the wall and contact the freefolk and convince them to come south peacefully