Chapter 64 A new hand

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Red keep

Davos Seaworth pov

Davos never thought he would ever step a foot in red keep but here he is staying here as a part of the small council, a small insignificant part but still

He came here just to aid Stannis but the king just made him a part of his small council out of nowhere, everyday he sits with lords of great houses, heirs, princes and royal family,back in his smuggler days he thought the only way he would come before the king was to be beheaded for his smuggling activities

Now he is going to meet Tyrion Lannister the current lord paramount of the west, as he enters the chambers he sees the lord tyrion talking with Bronn, the sellsword is currently right hand man of the new warden of the west

"Lord Davos thank you for coming, please have a seat" as he sat in chair opposite lord tyrion, tyrion poured him a glass of wine,seeing the transparent red he knew this was the famous Dracarys red wine, this is an insanely expensive wine and no lord world use this to entertain guests,this is a great honour only meant for most distinguished guests

This wine has been in the market for ten years but Davos has only able to buy it a few times and he was also able to drink a few glasses with lord stannis, now he can't help but wonder what he did to receive such treatment from lord Tyrion, even if the west is rich no one would waste this wine without reason

As he takes a sip Davos remembers why even with such high cost this wine is still worth it," In my old smuggling days if this wine existed I would have made a fortune with just bringing in a few barrels of this"

"If it weren't for the dragons I would have joined you in this adventure ,but the pirates and thieves were not so wise at least now they learned to go the opposite direction with they see the red three headed dragon sigil, but this is good news for us the Stepstones were a problem for the crown and now they are not" lord tyrion said with a smile

Davos is very familiar with what happened at Stepstones, while the tales talk about the silver dragon that burned any pirate ship it saw but the truth is Queen Regent only burned the pirates that were involved in the attack on Targaryen ships, according to his old friend nearly 90% the pirates were burned from the Stepstones but those had nothing to do with the attack were left untouched

"While I do have a lot of stories about wine and pirates m'lord I don't think you called me here to hear stories" he directly asked

The small man just smiled at my question "I have called you here to get to know you lord Davos, the current lord hand Eddard Stark is only a temporary solution and the king is looking for a proper candidate to fill this position, while everyone thinks that the new Hand might be Robb Stark or one of the Starks that is not the case, and you my lord are the most promising candidate among the people the king is considering, so you can understand my interest in you my lord because counting lord stannis two kings want you to be their hand"

Davos was shocked, this has to be a jape right, but he know when a man is being serious and lord tyrion doesn't look like he was lying to him

"Why me, I am sure there are a lot of people with noble birth that the king can select why choose a former smuggler and a small lord"

"Yes but his grace is more interested in ability than birth, there are other people who can be a proper hand to the king like Willas Tyrell but king will not give the Tyrrells any more power or position in the court, Robb stark is more suitable for master of war than the hand, lord Stannis is not flexible enough for such a position, I could be a proper hand but given the history of our two houses king won't give me a proper position in the small council for a while, that makes you the most likely candidate and more importantly the king actually likes you, and as for why I am telling you all of this lord Davos, because while on the surface I only handle small issues like the reconstruction of the city sewers but in reality I am the man that handles the political matters for the king, so after you become the new hand we are going to be working very closely so I would like to have a good relationship between us"

"I don't know what to say, I never would have dreamed that his grace would give me such honour, but I don't think the lords will be happy with me being the hand, they have a hard time already with me be being in the small council"

"Don't worry about them they have no choice but to accept but you my lord have to be ready, because being the hand doesn't just mean following the king's orders you will represent the crown's authority and power in many matters, after the wedding in winterfell you will likely be the new hand"

Davos just nodded, he is still not over this entire situation, when he came to the red keep with lord Stannis he thought this was the highest he was going to go but now he might actually be the new Hand of the king, he can't even being to understand this situation, but now all he could do is accept this great honour and try his best to be worthy of such position and hope to serve the crown and the seven kingdoms properly

As he was leaving the chambers Lord Tyrion said "lord Davos there is one more thing, the king has sent you a large barrel of Dracarys wine for handling the fleebottom people,be sure to enjoy it because there is much more to come"