Chapter 69 Dragon binder

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested



Red temple

Victorian greyjoy pov

As Victorian looked at the young king who will decide his fate now, Victorian didn't back down, he might die here but he won't beg to this dragon bastard

The dragon king just looked at him then motioned his hand to the others, seeing that the Fiery Hand brought him a chair and made him sit in it, they even removed the chains on him

"Victorian greyjoy I was not expecting to see you here, your niece thinks you dead but here you are in Volantis, after I killed your brother I thought you would take his place but you ran away, but that's good your niece is much better at keeping you squids in line, you sure have a good niece it is because of her I didn't kill you right away, you would be a good present for her loyalty don't you think"

This bastard, Victorian wanted nothing more than to swept aside the table between them and just strangle the life out of this bastard but he knew he would lose his head before he even got close to the bastard let alone kill him

"You can do whatever you want to me I don't give a fuck but your days are numbered too Aegon Targaryen, you want know why I am hiding here, it's is because of that bastard brother of mine Euron, the crow's eye somehow went to Valyria brought back the dragon binder, he already tamed a giant green dragon at least as big as the black dread, you can kill me if you want but that crazy bastard will come after you can take your dragons and destroy you, then you will know what it is like to watch as your people die under dragon fire and you can't do anything"

Even though Victorian tried to stay calm but by the time he was he done is was screaming at the top of his lungs, but the dragon bastard was still the same as ever from start of finish, Victorian felt like a monkey jumping for the crowd

The dragon bastard just smiled as his threats "Dragon binder good, so where is the crow's eye, where is my doom now "

Seeing this calm behaviour even Victorian can't help but calm down " I don't know where he is now but he is gathering pirates under him and with that giant beast with him it will be easy for him, he was heading for basilisk isles before I ran away he might be on his way there now, after gathering all the pirates he plans to go to the dragon queen to marry her or take her as his salt wife and tame her dragons before going back to the seven kingdoms"

"Good to know,now tell me have you seen the crow's eye actually ride the dragon"

"No I didn't see him fly on that beast but what does that have to do with anything" Victorian asked but the dragon king just turned to the red priest instead

"Take him and his men and put them on a ship back to Westros, make sure they reach the iron islands but if they don't behave take their heads so they understand where they are "

"Yes my prince" the black skinned red priest answered and then the Fiery Hand took Victorian away

King's landing

Red keep

Tyrion Lannister pov

As the small council meeting ended he watched as the both queens and the Stark men went with the grand maester to discuss matters in private

As tyrion grew close to this new crown he has talked to the king and queen regent about all kinds of matters but what is this that the royal family needs to talk privately about

As he looked to the spider to see if the spider knew something, he saw that even if the spider appeared the same his eyes betrayed the seriousness of the matter, this means two things, one that his friend spider knew what was going on and two it was very important something that can affect the seven kingdoms

As he made is way towards Varys who seemed to watching as the royal family made it's way to the grand Maester's quarters

"It must be quite something that even you look so serious lord varys, is the grand Maester hiding your balls in there"

Tyrion tried to break the ice with their usual banter but Varys didn't seem to be in the mood for japes

"Yes it is, sometime I think it would have been better if i didn't knew about it, don't worry you would know about it soon enough my friend, but until then keep your peace, to think I made so many plans to put a worthy king on that Throne but I was just a frog in a well who didn't know how big this world really is"

"You are many things my friend but you were never one for riddles and cryptic talks,so what is this really about"

Varys just sighed "it might be hypocritical coming for me but sometimes it is better if you don't know something until the time is right, it won't do you any good my stunned friend but what I can tell you is this, that the world we know is going to change, what we think as real will change but take comfort in the fact we made the right choice and that our king is the only hope for the realm if we are going to get through what is coming for us all" and the spider just left after saying that

Tyrion was now even more confused as to what it was that made even the spider tight lipped about it, he just stood there deciding whether to dig deeper or let this go