Traitorous mushy brain

"I thought I might find you here," a voice came from behind me and I snapped my head towards him so fast that for a moment I thought I'd snapped it.

"And I think you're stalking me," I said as he plopped down beside me.

"Of course you'd think that."

"I couldn't sleep what's your excuse," I asked and he shrugged running a hand through his hair.

"No reason," he said and I looked at him confused yet curious before looking back out into the water as we sat back in comfortable silence.

"What's going on up here?" He said suddenly pulling me towards him making me let out a low shriek and he laughed at my reaction as I pouted and I couldn't describe the look in his eyes as he moved his hand and started to prod my cheek.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"What about?" He prodded and I gave him a blank look knowing he wouldn't let this go.

"Slapping, kicking, strangling know the usual," I said and he let out a wistful chuckle letting me lay my head on his shoulder and I closed my eyes for a moment letting his intoxicating scent swirl around me hypnotisingly.

"I was worried about you," he whispered so quietly that I would have passed it off as just a figment of my imagination.

"What!?" I asked sitting up and he watched me silently and apprehensively as if he was waiting for some storm to brew as I turned to him. "Uh, have no reason to."

"I... just promise me that if you really need to be out here you'll call somebody to go out with you. Be it Cody or Ethan or even me," he said and I watched him intently and I could feel a slight flutter deep in my chest or was it my stomach? I don't know. It was strange and new. And I'm not sure I've had someone show that much concern, given that I barely knew the guy and him me.

"Okay," I said and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm serious Diana. I'd hate for anything to happen you. I don't doubt you can take care of yourself but.." he said but before he could continue I shifted pecking his cheek before I went back to my position and I could feel his confused and worried gaze on me.


"Really? Just like that?" I could hear him ask unsure over my closed eyes.

"If it really means that much to you, then sure," I said and he looked like he wanted to say but seemed to reconsider before releasing my waist and pulling me to my feet.

"Come on, I'll take you home. We can even get ice cream on the way back," he said and I frowned trying to push down the strange feelings bubbling up within me.

"I have no home," I whispered but his reaction told me well enough he'd heard me.

"You always have me, Peters," he murmured in my hair and I took a sharp breath feeling my hands bunch up on his shirt.

"Go soft on me and I'll kick your sorry butt," I muttered under my breath and I could hear his laugh rumble from deep in his chest but I didn't make a move to pull away.

"I'm already shaking in my boots, Peters," he teased and I could feel myself puff up in anger as I pushed him away and met him with a glare.

"You.." I said before storming off and I could hear him laugh behind me, but at least he wasn't calling princess anymore.

"Princess, are you really mad at me?" Spoke too soon. "Come on babe, you know I can't last without your beautiful voice."

The nerve!! This guy was really starting to get on my nerves, I thought clenching my fists as he stopped right in front of me and I frowned bringing out the big guns. My poker face, which was pretty good *just saying*.

"Will a kiss make it all better?" He said rubbing my arms and I looked at him shocked.

You know that feeling someone gets where it feels like the ground has been taken from beneath their feet, or rather when it feels like for a moment you can't really breath, well, it was what I was feeling right now. Literally.

"Stop trying to seduce me, idiot," I said pushing him away and he chuckled darkly.

"Of course, you're the only person who would think a friendly kiss on the cheek is me trying to seduce you," he muttered darkly and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Sure," I said and he grinned at me.

"At least you're talking to me," he said and I punched his arm but his grin didn't waver.

"And besides Princess, if anyone was doing the seducing here, it would be you," he said dropping his gaze down to my chest not even making the slightest of attempts hide the fact that he was practically eyeraping me and I drew my arms around myself, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

In my defense, it wasn't as cold here as it was back in New York, not that I was complaining. And so my stupid self left the house just as I slept. Sweatpants and singlet, not such a great idea when I think about it now.

"You're still a creep," I said bluntly and he chuckled removing his jacket and I looked at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"I'm worried now. Do you even care about yourself? You're shivering," he chastised me like I was a little child and I could do nothing but pout as he slid his shirt off in one slick move and pulled it over my head.

Okay, now I have the slightest idea that he just loves getting naked around me. How else could I explain why I've seen him half naked almost as many times as I've hang out with him? Okay it's only twice now but still.. Baseline, he was making it hard to focus on basic stuff and it made me uncomfortable which was strange given how comfortable and safe I felt around him. What am I even saying? Damn you, traitorous mushy brain.

"Will you forgive me now?" He asked making me snap out of it and I flushed coming to terms with how close we were as I felt his hand cup around the back of my neck and I frowned.

"No," I let out dragging out the word and he frowned.


"No," I repeated stepping back and he groaned in frustration.

"Okay, let's see. I'm bringing out the big guns. Double scoop and all you can eat toppings," he said and I stared at him blankly before letting out a sigh. He honestly looked at the end of his wits. It was time to cut him some slack, I guess.

"Make it triple or nothing," I said and he let out a sigh pinching his brow.

"Of course. She picks ice cream over me. The best kisser in the world. What has this world come to?" He said dramatically and I looked at him strangely.

"I'm curious? Between you and Ethan, who rubbed off on whom?" I said and he glared at me before pulling me to his car where he retrieved another shirt and I tried not to show my disappointment.

What can I say? He's really attractive, I can admit that even though there are times I'm really tempted to punch his stupid yet really handsome face.

For someone declared so aloof and mean, I had to say I wasn't so sure I'd met that side yet. Sure there were times where he was grumpy and looking pretty intimidating but that was just about it. So when he insisted he would only leave after I fell asleep you could imagine the shock that struck me at that moment.

"W..what!? No," I whispered looking at him strangely as he kicked his shoes off and plopped down on my bed.

"Come on, princess. Let me warm your bed tonight," he said his voice dropping down an octave making me shiver visibly before I let my gaze harden as I crossed my arms.

"And you're still wondering why I'm against it?"

"Come on Didi, I don't bite unless you want me to," he added with a wink and I rolled my eyes before shrugging off the leather jacket.

"You are impossible."

"You love me. I promise to keep my hands to myself," he called out as I entered the bathroom and I shook my head. I couldn't exactly kick him out, my only hope at the moment was that I'd sleep the moment my head touched the pillow. Especially when I found him sitting shirtless on my bed and I figured he wasn't exactly mine to worry about.

"Aww, I like it better when your hair is down," he said putting his phone away and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Stop it," I scolded and he grinned sitting up.

"I'm just complimenting you Didi," he said and I rolled my eyes pulling the covers away.

"Don't call me that. What?" I asked finding his intense gaze on me.

"My clothes look much better on you," he said and I let out a small yawn climbing into bed and he pulled me under the covers with him. I was way too exhausted to deal with this and that's what I told him making him laugh.

"Do you ever stop?" I murmured drowsily finding myself drawing even closer to him.

"Not sure what you mean, Princess," he said prodding my cheek and I tried to keep my focus on him.

"Why do you flirt with me, Ryder?"

"Because it annoys you or at least that's what you try to pass off despite you loving it."

"I see someone going out the window in the next ten seconds," I said eyes closed relishing the comforting feeling I had around him. Call me crazy but this felt almost therupautic as the smell of soap and musky cologne soothed me to sleep.

"Try again," I asked and he seemed to muse as I felt his hand wrap around my messy bun.

"Honestly, you have to be the most intriguing person I've ever met."

"Intriguing, really?" I asked looking up at him and he smiled before his long fingers undid the updo and he leant forward kissing my forehead.

"Sleep, princess." And that's just what I did.