Unrequited Love

"Hey, are you okay?" Chris asked nudging my elbow and inadvertently snapping me from my thoughts and I could swear everyone's attention was on us, as much as they pretended to they weren't listening into our conversation.

They? Let me explain. There was Alice. The cheerleader who in one word was the people person. The nice and kind one who was sweet to everyone unless you messed with her in one way or another. Then there was Christian, a jock, your average boy next door and also known as Alice's boyfriend, who could have sat anywhere else but still had a puppy love thing going on. As it turned out it was a summer fling turned relationship, but who was I to judge. Then there was Adelaide, Addie, your average know it all, at least when it comes to latest gossip. If you wanted to find out who shagged who at the last party she was your girl. And it says a lot, nothing went on in this school without her knowing. PS: it's not as creepy as it sounds.

Then there was Chris, the nice quiet kid I'd bumped into on my first day. You can imagine my shock when I realized I was told he was Christian's twin. I mean it was pretty obvious since they were identical and all, with just different hair colors to differentiate them, but let's just stick with my mind was too sluggish or rather stressed with the big changes in my life to make the connection, which is pretty weird since I'm pretty good at remembering faces.

Along with the twins, was Ashton. I'm guessing he's Christian's best friend but if I was to describe him with a label, I'd say class clown. As a matter of fact, a five year old in a 17year olds body, but that's just my opinion. Then there was Kyle, Addie's best boy who was a friend or so something along those lines. Blonde, green eyes, cute was an understatement had a pretty obvious crush on me, that I'm pretty sure Alice had caught on to, but hadn't made a move yet which let's just say was a big relief for me. I wasn't exactly sure how to deal with that and I wasn't looking forward to feeding into something that might as well backfire on either of us.

One problem at a time I concluded when my mind came back to the elusive mysterious bad boy of the school who had been avoiding and ignoring me all day. I mean I wasn't bothered as I should be since the only time we'd conversed in school ended up being due to the untimely bad luck but after everything, shouldn't a greeting however small suffice.

"I'm fine," I answered forcing a smile as I turned to look at him.

"Are you sure? You've barely touched your food," he said and I glanced at the barely touched tray and I let out a sigh.

"I guess I'm not that hungry," I answered before excusing myself from the table.

I was so done with this Friday. Maybe I should have just stayed at home for the weekend but I had been feeling way much better than I had been yesterday, I thought as just as the thought of him taking care of me last evening. Not sure why but everytime it feels like my body was avenging something. I mean why else would I get such massive cramps? I mean I know it's way worse for some people but still.. Though I'll probably never tell him this, I would take him up any time at that time of the month. For sure, I'd thought he might jump ship like some 'so called friends' back home. He gave me some pain relievers, stayed with me, not sure though how we ended up entangled in my sheets and with his head laying on my chest and an arm on my bare waist after my shirt rode up.. But that's beside the point. I chose not to think much of it. Why kill myself with the stress?

"Hey, Diana!? Wait," I heard Kyle call behind me and I cussed in my head.

Alice, I'm so gonna kill you, I thought mildly aware that she'd said something. I haven't known her for long but she was an open book.


"Hey, I was hoping to ask you something. Got a sec?" he asked hopefully and I could just about see the hint of a blush on his cheeks.


"I know it's kinda sudden but I was hoping maybe we'd catch a movie some time," he said and I winced inwardly not letting my smile falter as I looked up at him.

"Yeah, sure," I said and he looked genuinely relieved as he smiled at me.

"Really? Umm, how about tomorrow?"

"I'm babysitting in the afternoon, but I'm down for a movie later," I said with a shrug before his smile faltered and the explanation came barely moments later.

"Oh movie what are we watching?" Ethan asked slinging an arm around my shoulder and I couldn't help but notice how Kyle tensed. "Can we watch something with guns and lots of blood? Those are your favorite aren't they?"

He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Who invited you?" I said through gritted teeth and he let out a mock gasp of horror.

"Babe, how can you say that?" He teased making me pinch his side and he released me but only for a few moments. "You know the pain makes it worthwhile."

He said and I rolled my eyes turning to Kyle.

"Don't mind him. You can text me the details," I said and it seemed like he couldn't leave fast enough.

"Really him? He's a wuss," he said and I rolled my eyes pushing his arm off as I greeted Cody who had been quiet all this time.

"And you're a pain. Now shoo, you're giving me a headache."

"Aww come on babe. I haven't even told you the great news I have."

"That you need a favor. Is that supposed to be news?" I asked making Cody laugh.

"What kind of favor did he ask for?" He asked as we got to my locker and I gritted my teeth remembering that favor.

"He asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend?"


"What can I say? The girl is obsessed with me. Soon she'll be asking to have my kid," Ethan said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

"I've met the girl. It's more a case of unrequited love than obsession," I said and I could feel their gazes on me. "What? I'm a girl. I understand, at least I think I do."

"I don't care. She still freaks me out," he said cringing and I smiled, shaking my head before turning to them. "And besides isn't it the same thing going on with you and Montgomery?"

"Please don't tell me you're breaking another heart," I said ignoring the statement about me and Kyle. Not that it was his business anyway.

"I'll have you know all those who go with the E-train are well taken care of," he said and I tried not to facepalm. "But that's not why I'm here. I need you to babysit tomorrow and before you decline, it won't mess with your date."

He said and I watched him curiously before I shrugged.


"Really?" He asked surprised.

"I already know it's nothing good. I doubt I can evade it even if I tried, so sure and before I change my mind."

"Okay, then I'll call," he said before they left leaving me to my own thoughts before it hit me nothing good was going to come out of forcing myself to go to class and I picked up my stuff making a beeline for the entrance.

I was so done with this day and for now, I had two things on my agenda. Getting a latte from Starbucks and hitting the gym right after. I couldn't think of a better way to start my weekend.