Not like most girls

"Not to sound rude or anything but you need to step on it," Ryder said as I sat by his feet and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"You are rude. As a matter of fact, you're really beginning to cross me as bossy," I deadpanned and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Diana!?" He scolded and I rolled my eyes.

"In my defense, you came to me at an unfortunate time. Seriously!? I'm tapping on the fact that you're a perv," I said pointing to the robe barely covering my naked self and he gave me a toothy grin.

"In my defense, you told me to come to your bedroom at 5.45pm. I did just that, but seriously you better not be..."

"And done," I cut him off looking at him smugly when the small red light turned green and he muttered something I did not catch under his breath and I grinned.

How did we get to this? Let me take you back to 4 hours ago. He was being a jerk once more at least in my books but I'll just leave it on the fact that he was blatantly ignoring me and I wondered what on earth I'd done wrong and it didn't sit well with me, no matter how many times I told myself it shouldn't bother me but then  I couldn't keep the charade up when we had an assignment together and he didn't say a word to me as he headed out of the class after the bell signaling school was over, rang.

"Still up for movie night at Jordan's tonight?" Tess asked when she approached me.

"Well, it is the general idea," I said and she smiled. "Unless of course, I get much better plans."

"So, you got paired up with Ryder?" I knew she wasn't here for pleasantries. "That's quite a..match."

"What's your problem, Tess? No offense but you're starting to sound obnoxious. It really isn't your best look," I said and she pursed her lips in annoyance. She might be my host sister or something but I didn't like this new side to her. Or maybe I didn't like how distasteful she was towards Ryder but I won't be caught admitting to that.

"Just be careful about and around him. He isn't the greatest of company."

"I know I know. I shouldn't be involved with him. You've told me that though I figure you're merely dramatic," I said and she gave me a nervous smile.

"I just hope you're not being too naive," she said and I had the feeling there was a deeper meaning to her words as she walked away but I didn't dwell on it long as my phone rang.

"Hey, doll."

"How did you get my number?"

"Don't be like that. I just thought I'd check on you."

"And everytime you do, I'm always alright," I said and I could picture him pouting at what I'd said.

"So? Did you think about it?"

"Jaime, we're not getting an apartment together."

"But it would be so fun," he said and I rolled my eyes.

Jaime has been my best friend ever since we were 8. I remember because we'd met at a carnival. The crazy kid had been feeling squeamish as we rode the rollercoaster and somehow I'd been able to distract him from it. Though from different worlds we'd been able to hit it off. But I'm pretty sure my father let us be friends only so I wouldn't turn out wrong or defiant since he didn't let me get out more. I wonder how that turned out.

"Come on."

"Jaime, I doubt anyone in their right mind would let two teenagers get an apartment," I said walking out of school as I rolled my eyes and inadvertently they landed on a familiar figure and I started making my way towards him.

"You do remember we have IDs, right?"

"Hold that thought, Ryder wait up. Hey," I called out and he stopped turning to me with a blank expression that read cold more than ever. "I.."

"I'm not sure what or why you're so invested in getting close but I don't remember giving you the idea we were friends or anything," he said coldly and I frowned crossing my arms as I stared up at him questioning what exactly I'd done to deserve this cold treatment.

"Well, if you'd bothered to let me speak, or even to get your head out of your butthole for a moment, you'd know I'm here because of the assignment we merely got a few moments ago, not whatever you think is going on here," I said and he honestly looked taken aback, making me mentally applaud myself, as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Whatever," he said seeming unaffected as he turned his back.

"If you think I'm going to tell you walk all over me because of whatever dumb reputation you have in the school you have it coming for you," I said and he tensed before continuing forward. "I'm gonna be one huge pain if you walk away."

"Look, even if you wanted me to do whatever it is you want to do, I can't. So leave me the fuck alone."

"Make me," I said and he turned to me staring at me strangely, almost as if I'd grown another head.


"I know you heard me. And unless you have a good reason stop messing with me," I said making him let out a sigh.

"I can't. I can't get into trouble again more so because I have this fucking whatchamacallit," he said pointing to his leg as a frown came over his face.


"More like parole but who's asking," he said with a shrug passing it off as no big deal but even I knew it was a lie and I let out a sigh.

"If you need help all you have to do is ask. There are brains up there. It's not just a pretty face," I said with a shrug and I could feel his curious gaze on me.


"If you haven't already noticed, I'm not one for jokes, or to mess with you like that. Just come before it goes off," I explained turning away from him.

"What!? What are you going to do?" He asked but all I did was smile before waving goodbye as I remembered Jaime.

He wasn't all that thrilled about my suggestion but I wasn't asking for his opinion. Being homeschooled over the years and having parents who weren't your normal bunch, I had honed some skills that I was proud of. They'd bring suspicion to the wrong kind of person but I thought working with computers was mainly cool. But I'll blame it on the fact I'm a nerd at heart. But anyway, I hang up only because he was beginning to sound like my patronizing strict mother and I was going into a small cafe/bookshop I'd found on my first weekend here. Obviously I'd scoped the place first before I realized it was a cute cafe. I had been pretty sure I would be a regular customer till I thought about getting a job. Though it's mostly just for fun and given school, gym and all I had to do was work three days a week counting in Saturdays but only for a half day.

Two hours later, I was jumping into my shower exhausted and ready to jump into bed since I was already done with my assignment in the cafe. Ryder was barely in sight and I had ultimately decided I wasn't going to let him off easy,I had thought giving up on the fact that he would show up. So you can imagine how shocked I was when I found him seated nervously on my bed that I almost dropped my towel as I lost my footing. I just thank the heavens for the fast reflexes and for the robe I had on the sink handy. Also for my brains, figuring out that it wasn't time to make a fool out of myself. Though I doubt it would have turned out better, since it was naturally an embarrassing situation, but it being merely ten minutes before his 'curfew' I didn't have time to get dressed and I got straight to work.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded and I thought he seemed generally relieved.

"How did you do that?"

"Lessons. Don't even ask. What's up with the whole curfew thing anyway?" I asked getting to my feet to put back my laptop on my desk as he fell back on my bed.

"It's complicated," he said and I glanced at him briefly as I let my damp hair fall on my shoulder not at all bothered that I was practically half naked in front of him until I thought about it and I ducked my head trying to hide my blush as I turned away from him. But despite all this, I didn't push it.

"What made you come anyway?" I asked feeling a little smug but he didn't once look at me and I smiled watching him on the bed. "Well no matter what the reason is I'm going to get dressed. You've perved on me long enough."

I said and I could hear his low chuckle behind me and I'm not sure why it made me smile but now I was sure his gaze followed me right into my closet. Then again, not sure why this was a thing, it felt like my dressing would actually matter, but deciding I wasn't aiming to looking desperate, I decided on some leggings and a turtleneck and he whistled looking up from the book in his hands but I didn't give a hoot.

"Wow, most girls would be prancing around in barely-there lingerie and you, on the other hand, cover yourself," he said and I smiled sitting at my dresser.

"What gave you the idea I was like most girls?" I asked and he laughed sitting up and I could feel his gaze on me.

"That's mostly true," he said chuckling and I could feel myself blush.

"Is this your cousin?" He asked still looking at the huge photo album.

"Yeah, she's making a good career for herself and makes an effort to send me every new brand and collection she can get her hands on," I muttered under my breath and he laughed.

"Sounds like she's really loves you."

"It's always been me and her since I was 13 or so," I said and looking at him as I leant against my hand.

"So ever going into the business?" He asked and I looked at him confused as he smiled.

"No, why?"

"No reason," he said cheekily and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before it hit me and I stood up.

"Give it back."

"No," he said standing on the bed obviously playing keep away with me.

It was just two years ago I think. Eve had gotten the flu around the period of getting out of the house and the three hours in between before her shoot. Her eyes had been puffy and nose blotchy and they could barely hide it with the make up not that she had to have much, it being a natural shoot and all, they asked me to step in but only because there was no one available for at least an hour and the photographer was one impatient male. And obviously, the pictures in that book were embarrassing enough to leave me a blubbering buffoon but maybe it's just because he was him.

"Please," I let out with a whine as a last resort and he laughed taking out his phone and before I could register what he was doing he'd already clicked a picture.

"Fuck!? This is one picture I'll treasure," he said holding his phone to his chest and I grumbled annoyed under my breath. I'd been chasing him around the room for at least five minutes now and we were back where we started.

"Okay fine you win," I let out resigned making to move away and I waited for the right moment before tackling him and he fell back on my bed with an oomph.

"Take that," I let out sticking out my tongue at him and grabbing the album from his hands but he didn't look as disappointed as I thought he would be and he grinned at me.

"Babe, if you just wanted to get me in bed, you could have just asked," he said and I narrowed my eyes at him the book long forgotten, and so was the fact I had straddled him.

"Why, you..." I tried looking for a comeback but without much luck, I found myself pinned on my back and my breath hitch at my throat, mostly as I caught the darkened look in his eye and he pressed against me.

"Diana," he breathed out huskily as his fingers brushed the hairs dropping on my face and suddenly my mind pushed me back to the first night we met on the beach.


" know you should come over some time," he said and I looked at him confused shrugging off the fact that he reconsidered his words. "Well, I think Kaylee has a lady crush on you."

"Really?" I asked more amused than anything. Oh well, if it was meant to happen, it would.

"Considering you're all she's talking about I'd say yes," he said sitting up and helping me sit up and I tried not to show the disappointment on my face. What were you waiting for Diana? For him to suddenly confess he was madly in love with you and kiss you like his life depended on it, of course not.

"It's been tough, since her lousy boyfriend went to the army," he said distastefully and I laughed.

"He isn't lousy if he's doing a good cause."

"Maybe, but leaving a pregnant girlfriend behind is pretty lousy, no matter how you look at it," he said and I patted his head before getting up to do my hair and I could feel his gaze on me.


"I'm just wondering. What is it about you that makes everyone like you?"

"Oh my God," I gasped turning to him amused. "Are you implying you like me?"

I asked and he rolled his eyes standing up to stand behind me as I began to tie my hair into a braid and he put his hands over mine and I froze.

"I don't like you. I simply tolerate you. Everyone I know is taken with you," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, because they asked you to kiss me barely 24 hours after we met," I said sarcastically under my breath but obviously I didn't know how to use my inside voice and he tensed meeting my gaze in the mirror but all he did was grin.

"Okay you caught me, fact I still don't regret it," he said and for a moment I felt like there was something there as he patted down my hair and I realized he'd done a pretty good job of it. "Come on, let's get you out of the house."

"I was actually going to watch movies with Tess and Jordan."

"And miss time with me and Kaylee and the boys," he said and I felt my heart skip a beat. Okay that sounds much better than having a girls night. "You can even invite Alice. That one I can tolerate. The rest not really. Especially that host sister of yours."

"What is it with you and Tess?"

"She creeps me out. She looks at me as if she wants to pulverize me," he said shivering and having the nerve to look disgusted.

"I know I shouldn't but I never really promised so what the heck," I said and he grinned widely pulling me over his shoulder and taking me out the door and for a moment I wanted to punch him really hard before I remembered he was still hurt. This kid. What am I going to do with him!?