Since when is tutoring hard?

Ever had that feeling, where you feel like you're in the top of the world. The blood's rushing through your veins and ears and every once in a while you feel rejuvenated by the rythmic pumping of your blood because you're doing what you love. That's how I feel when I'm fighting. Don't get me wrong, I'm the most non-violent person you'll ever meet but there are times where the frustration gets to you and you need to release some steam. You could say fighting was more of therapeutic than machosist for me. Of course when I can't, the gym does it for me but it isn't as satisfying. I love the ring. I loved being in the ring. It felt like I was someone else, someone in control. Of course this has been as of the past year and you might wonder where I'm going with this. Major highlight of the year and this story, the two 18 year olds were beginning to get on my nerves. Sure they were entrusted to be my keepers but I had a strong belief that it didn't mean they were to become my self appointed parents. And you could guess how I feel at the moment when I'm told I can't join the wrestling team. It's crazy I tell you. Just yesterday they'd agreed and now I'm suddenly off.

"Why?" I asked angry as I storm towards them and Jessica jumps startled as she dropped her book.

"I think we both agree with the level of your skill, it's dangerous for the others."

Jason is the one who answers this time and I turn to him with a cold stare but he doesn't seem swayed even a little bit and it irritates me. His father is my father's right hand's son which means he'll probably be the right hand of the next Lucan Mafia leader. So maybe it has made his ego way too big for his head and it enrages me farther. I don't know what he's trying to do but I want to strangle him at the moment.

"Just join cheerleading or something. You're pretty good at gymnastics," he suggests and I can feel myself shaking in anger as I let out a deep breath calming myself instantly but I know my blood is boiling.

"I'm just going to pretend you didn't just say that. Just don't meddle in my business and I won't with yours," I let out grimly turning away from both of them as I went to change out of my gym clothes before going to deal with the last part of cleaning up the mess Henley made. Tuition center.

"I'll admit I'm glad you are applying for this," the Dean said and I beamed up at him. "We've been running short on tutors lately and to see someone with your skill applying to help other students is refreshing."

He said and I smiled once more. Believe it or not, stereotypes in this school were harsher than normal. The school is pretty much against bullying but what they don't know won't hurt them right? I thought distastefully thinking to the few people I've met. And I thought my life revolved around a library and with good books. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little but in here being a nerd means you're either a teacher's pet or the popular jocks' carpet. Neither of which sound alluring, but they sure as hell as can try.

"One more thing, would you be willing to take on just anyone or any subject in particular?"

"I can be flexible."

"Good. I'll send your student to you say.." he said looking to me for a specific date but I shook my head clutching my books to my chest.

"I can start as soon as possible sir. I don't mind."

"Well then come with me," he said as he re-entered his office and behind his desk. "As a matter of fact, someone did apply for tutoring you probably know him around the school."

He said looking through his files before a knock came on the door and we both turned towards it and I could feel my jaw drop slack.

"Ah, Mr Stone just the guy I was looking for," the Dean said sounding quite excited as he walked in.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

His scent and the boyish grin on his face jumpstarted the heart racing and I could feel my lunch threatening to come up as he stood beside me.

"Close your mouth princess. I like that you're drooling over me but I don't want any flies to come in there," he said and I slapped his hand away narrowing my eyes at him before turning to the Dean who was still watching us and a file on his previously empty hand.

"Mr Stone, I'm glad you showed up. Your teacher told me about your request and I just found you a tutor and since you two seem well acquainted, I believe you can make it work," he said and I found myself blurting out a blunt no and both males turned to me. One suspicious, the other merely amused.


"No?" The dean asked looking confused and for a moment I was conflicted as I looked at both men.

Refusing would just make him suspicious, after all it would contradict my words from a few moments ago and I needed this to clear my name. But I didn't want to work with him. Not after what happened yesterday and when I'm still feeling murderous. And besides it seemed so suspicious that the guy who gave most people a run for their money in the classes we shared needed tutoring. It had to be  one of the worst moments of my life. This is the meaning of being between a rock and a hard place, though probably the thought that it could have been worse made it all better, I thought before a beaming a confident smile that even I myself wouldn't have thought I'd just been conflicted. Since when is tutoring hard?

"We will make it work?" I said almost sheepishly making it sound like a question but if he heard he didn't give it much thought.

"Excellent, I'll leave you right to it. Here you go. I'm sure me Stone would be willing to share what's wrong," he said and I nodded taking the file before heading out of the office without as much as a glance at the male behind me.

Of course if he thought this would make it pretty easy he had it coming for him but even if I could not take his words to heart, it still hurt given that he was the same guy who stole my first kiss. Of course, I didn't tell him that. And I doubt that I would ever get the chance to tell him but you don't actually say that. Just when I was thinking I would easily break my ties with him. I mean, I could always call Kaylee anytime. There is no rule saying that I had to be close to him to still be friends with Ethan.

"Diana, wait?"

Diana, I thought depressingly having the decency to slow down as I got beared the lot where I could see Alice seated in her car and who was more than happy to drive me around today and for the rest of the week till I could have my turn at the DMV. Which reminds me, no one tell Ryder I drove him without a license, I thought knowing something had changed between us despite the teasing in the Dean's office.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night..."

"Forget it," I said and he looked surprised. I'll admit I surprised myself. I mean I had already spent most of my time mentally preparing the speech I had if he ever confronted me about it.

"Really?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Whatever happened, happened. Even if it wasn't supposed to we can't really change it and I might have overreacted just a little bit," I said scratching the back of my head nervously and he looked at me not looking quite convinced as he unconsciously rubbed his cheek.

"You think? I can still feel it," he said with a pout and I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from laughing.

"You should see those who get the punches," I let out with a snort and he watched me curiously.

"Diana? About what happened back at my house..."

"Yeah, yeah you have trouble keeping your hands to yourself. Believe me I've noticed," I said in nonchalance and his eyes widened in shock for a brief moment before he frowned.

"So you know I'm not really sorry that I kissed you right?"

"I figure I'm already aware you're uncouth, cocky, arrogant...need me to continue?"

"Uncouth? Now, you're just being rude," he said his jaw ticking as he stared me down. "I thought we were good?"

"I said forget it. Meaning I'm already past denial, if you could even call it that. Never said we were good," I said glaring daggers at him and he let out a sigh.

"Diana..?" He called out once more stepping towards me and I backed away from him and he had the nerve to look hurt.

"No, you don't get to do this to me. I won't let you play with my emotions," I said and he looked shocked managing a myriad of confusion on his face and I felt more agitated. "Don't you dare play dumb with me. Do you even realize how much your mood shifts as much as Ethan changes his shoes ( believe me when I tell you that kid is obsessed with shoes) and you don't even consider what I feel? Doing one thing and then the other do you know how that's frustrating? It might have worked for Heather or one of your other girls but it won't on me. Until you figure it out and fix it, don't call me, don't text me , don't even talk to me and as sure as hell don't come near me," I let out harshly and he looked shocked.

I know what you're thinking. I'm acting like a total nicompoop. But between you and me, it was safe to say that the sooner he saw me as a maniac the sooner he'd get away from me and I'm saying it with much concern. Honestly, it's because of the other two nicompoops in my life and when I think about it, the last thing I want is for him to get mixed in my messed up life. And I know better than to assume, they'll let me stay here in peace, I think walking away from him and refraining from looking back at him I enter Alice's car, who may have been eavesdropping or us and she gives me a concerned look.

"Ice cream?" She suggests and I give her a small smile.

"Lots of it."

And yet as we pull out I can't help but glance at him through the rear view mirror and he's still standing there and all I can think is that that distraught look on his face would haunt me forever. And the small nagging voice at the back of my head reminding me that I turned him to that couldn't have made it even worse.